
Skeletons are a sparse representation of the segmentation underlying a SegmentationObjects (usually cellular SV) or SuperSegmentationObjects (usually cellular SSVs). Currently base-skeleton are stored on SegmentationObject-level and then stitched and pruned when they are combined for a SuperSegmentationObject (see section ‘Skeletonization’). Skeletons can serve as basis for collecting skeleton-node based statistics/features to classifiy spines, cell compartments and cell types (see section ‘Skeleton-based classification’)

Skeletonization of SSVs


  • Initialized SuperSegmentationDataset (SSD of SVs)

  • SV skeletons (TODO: add reskeletonization workflow)

SSVs can be initialized by calling SuperSegmentationObjects with the corresponding working directory (PATH_TO_WORKING_DIR) and their unique ID (SSV_ID)

Based on these and given the skeletons for every SV part of it, one can reskeletonize this SSV by calling:

from syconn.reps.super_segmentation_helper import create_sso_skeleton
from syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object import SuperSegmentationObject
sso = SuperSegmentationObject(SSV_ID, working_dir=PATH_TO_WORKING_DIR)

The object sso then has a attribute sso.skeleton which stores nodes, edges and possible properties in a dictionary.

In order to precompute the skeletons of all SSV, the QSUB script QSUB_export_skeletons_fallback in the batchjob_scripts folder inside syconn is used by calling the script in scripts/skeletons/.

Skeleton-based classification

TODO: add runnable scripts for dataset predictions; elaborate on GT generation


  • SSV skeletons

  • Mapped cellular organelles, see here

  • Task-specific ground truth SuperSegmentationDataset

Skeleton-based features can be extracted by calling sso.skel_features(ctx) of a SuperSegmentationObject instance. Note that this is already precomputed for two context windiws when running the ‘batchjob_export_skeletons_fallback’ script.

Based on these features, supervised models like random forest classifiers (RFCs) can be trained to predict cell type, compartments and spines. The class SkelClassifier was implemented to handle data generation, training and inference. It requires label dicts in the working directory (e.g. PATH_TO_WORKING_DIR + “/axgt_labels.pkl”) which stores the labels of SSVs in the corresponding ground truth SuperSegmentationDataset (e.g. ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir, version=”axgt”). If node-wise labels have to be provided, store them as in the folder of the corresponding SSV and give them node comments as defined in soco.proc.skel_based_classifier, i.e.:

comment_converter = {"axgt": {"soma": 2, "axon": 1, "dendrite": 0},
                     "spgt": {"shaft": 0, "head": 1, "neck": 2},
                     "ctgt": {}}

After the ground truth SuperSegmentationDataset has been set up, one can instantiate sbc = SkelClassifier(target_type="axgt", working=PATH_TO_WORKING_DIR, create=True) and generate ground truth data by calling sbc.generate_data().

To evaluate the models and/or save them for later inference use:

sbc.classifier_production(production=False)  # for evaluating the current model
sbc.classifier_production(production=True)  # for inference models, which are trained on all the data available

Evaluation results are stored atsbc.working_dir + "/skel_clf_%s_%s" % (sbc.target_type, sbc.ssd_version).