Examples [WIP]

Example scripts (SyConn/examples/) for processing 3D electron microscope (EM) data. Example data are available upon request.

The example data content

The folder contains an exemplary 3D EM data. One dataset can be provided upon request: cube1 of size 400 x 400 x 600

  • data1 contains:

    • h5 files that store raw data (raw.h5) and segmentation information about cells (seg.h5) and other cellular organelles like mitochondria (mi.h5), synaptic junctions (sj.h5), vesicle clouds (vc.h5), symmetric and asymmetric synapses (sym.h5 and asym.h5, respectively). Each cell and cell component has its id greater than zero. The id of the background (membranes and intracellular spaces) is 0.

    • rag.bz2 and neuron_rag.bz2 files contain lists of edges of Resource Allocation Graph (RAG) that describes the neurons structure.

  • models- folder with pretrained Convolutional Neural Network models to detect cell types, glia, myelins, spines, synapses types etc.


The following data should be located in in the current directory when executing start.py, they will be copied to the working_directory if they are not there yet:

  • models

  • data1

Command line arguments

  • --working_dir- can be given as a command line argument or defined by the user inside the script.

  • --example_cube- integer: 1

Basic parameters

  • scale numpy array; voxel size in nano meters

  • prior_astrocyte_removal boolean

  • chunk_size touple; size of a cube that is processed by a single worker

  • n_folders_fs and n_folders_fs_sc number of folders in the folder structure to create a hierarchy for storing information about cells and subcellular elements

  • experiment_name; string

  • Each working directory has its own config.yml file that stores dataset specific parameters (for more detailed information see config). To add further parameters to the config.yml file, they have to be specified in the key_val_pairs_conf list of tuples, here:

    • pyopengl_platform: string, possible ‘egl’ …

    • batch_proc_system: string, possible ‘SLURM’,…

    • prior_astrocyte_removal: boolean

    • ncores_per_node, ngpus_per_node, nnodes_total: intigers

  • bb numpy array; min and max coordinates of the cube of interest will be fetched from the annotation file;

  • offset numpy array

  • bd numpy array; effectively dimensions of the cube of interest


For the example run a convenient system of log files is provided. There is created one main log file for the whole run and other for subsequent steps of the pipeline. All log files are located in log folder inside working directory.

Initialize data

Data in the form of h5 files have to be converted into knossos datasets. For more information about knossos data format check KNOSSOS

Start SyConn

Data processing is divided into nine steps that have to be run subsequently.


The transform functions will be applied when loading the segmentation data of cell organelles in order to convert them into binary fore- and background currently using dill package to support lambda expressions. Make sure all dependencies within the lambda expressions are imported in batchjob_object_segmentation.py (here: numpy).

Prediction examples

This section introduces minimal examples for parts of SyConn. The corresponding python scripts can be found in SyConn/examples/.

Semantic segmentation of spines

  • python script: SyConn/examples/semseg_spine.py

  • requires model folder in working directory

The script needs to be called with at least the `--kzip` argument to specify the location of the file which contains the cell reconstruction. If your SyConn working directory of example cube 1 is not located at the default location (`~/SyConn/example_cube1/`) the path to the parent directory of SyConn's `models` folder has to be specified via the `--working_dir` argument.

To run the script on a k.zip file (filename should contain at least of numeric value, e.g. 1_spineexample.k.zip) execute the following:

python SyConn/examples/semseg_spine.py --kzip=~/1_spineexample.k.zip

The k.zip file must contain mesh files of the cell, its synaptic junctions, mitochondria and vesicle clouds: sv.ply, sj.ply, mi.ply, vc.ply.

After completion you will find a second file which contains the cell mesh colored according to the model’s output.

The following two images show an example of the original data (content of 1_spineexample.k.zip) and the prediction (content of 1_spineexample_spines.k.zip; red: spine head, black: dendritic shaft; grey: spine neck; turquoise: soma/axon)

Semantic segmentation of axons, dendrites and somas

  • python script: SyConn/examples/semseg_axon.py

  • requires model folder in working directory

python SyConn/examples/semseg_axon.py --kzip=~/2_axonexample.k.zip