Source code for syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld
import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
import time
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Iterable, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
import pickle as pkl

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
from scipy import spatial

from . import super_segmentation_helper as ssh
from .rep_helper import knossos_ml_from_sso, colorcode_vertices, knossos_ml_from_svixs, subfold_from_ix_SSO, \
from .segmentation import SegmentationObject, SegmentationDataset
from .segmentation_helper import load_so_attr_bulk
from .. import global_params
from import CompressedStorage, MeshStorage
from ..handler.basics import write_txt2kzip, get_filepaths_from_dir, safe_copy, coordpath2anno, load_pkl2obj, \
    write_obj2pkl, flatten_list, chunkify, data2kzip
from ..handler.config import DynConfig
from ..handler.prediction import certainty_estimate
from import batchjob_utils as qu
from import mp_utils as sm
from ..proc.graphs import split_glia, split_subcc_join, create_graph_from_coords
from ..proc.meshes import write_mesh2kzip, merge_someshes, compartmentalize_mesh, mesh2obj_file, write_meshes2kzip, \
from ..proc.rendering import render_sampled_sso, load_rendering_func, render_sso_coords, render_sso_coords_index_views
from ..proc.image import normalize_img
from ..proc.sd_proc import predict_sos_views
from ..reps import log_reps

    from .super_segmentation_dataset import SuperSegmentationDataset
from knossos_utils import skeleton
from knossos_utils.skeleton_utils import load_skeleton as load_skeleton_kzip
from knossos_utils.skeleton_utils import write_skeleton as write_skeleton_kzip

    from knossos_utils import mergelist_tools
except ImportError:
    from knossos_utils import mergelist_tools_fallback as mergelist_tools
from syconn.proc.graphs import stitch_skel_nx

MeshType = Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray],
                 Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]

[docs]class SuperSegmentationObject(SegmentationBase): """ Class instances represent individual neuron reconstructions, defined by a list of agglomerated supervoxels (see :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`). Examples: This class can be used to create a cell reconstruction object after successful executing :func:`~syconn.exec.exec_inference.run_create_neuron_ssd` as follows:: from syconn import global_params # import SuperSegmentationObject and SuperSegmentationDataset from syconn.reps.super_segmentation import * # set the current working directory SyConn-wide global_params.wd = '~/SyConn/example_cube1/' ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset() cell_reconstr_ids = ssd.ssv_ids # call constructor explicitly ... cell = SuperSegmentationObject(cell_reconstr_ids[0]) # ... or via the SuperSegmentationDataset - both contain the same data cell = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(cell_reconstr_ids[0]) # inspect existing attributes cell.load_attr_dict() print(cell.attr_dict.keys()) To cache SegmentationObject attributes use the ``cache_properties`` argument during initialization of the :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationDataset` and pass it on to the ``SuperSegmentationDataset`` instantiation: sd_mi = SegmentationDataset(obj_type='mi', cache_properties=['rep_coord']) ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(sd_lookup=dict(mi=sd_mi)) ssv = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(ssd.ssv_ids[0]) # :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` from ``mis`` don't require loading ``rep_coord`` # from its storage file. for mi in ssv.mis: rc = mi.rep_coord # normally this requires to load the attribute dict storage file. Subsequent analysis steps (see the ``SyConn/scripts/example_run/``) augment the cell reconstruction with more properties:: # to iterate over all cell reconstructions use the generator: for cell in ssd.ssvs: # e.g. collect some analysis results cell.load_attr_dict() n_synapses = len(cell.syn_ssv) celltype = cell.attr_dict["celltype_cnn_e3"] ... # write out cell mesh cell.mesh2kzip('~/cell{}'.format( # write out cell mesh and meshes of all existing cell organelles cell.meshes2kzip('~/cell{}'.format( # color the cell mesh according to a semantic prediction cell.semseg2mesh(semseg_key='spiness', dest_path='~/cell{}'.format( See also ``SyConn/docs/`` (WIP). Attributes: attr_dict: Attribute dictionary which serves as a general-purpose container. Accessed via the :class:`` interface. After successfully executing :func:`syconn.exec.exec_init.run_create_neuron_ssd` and subsequent analysis steps (see the ``SyConn/scripts/example_run/``) the following keys are present in :attr:`~attr_dict`: * 'id': ID array, identical to :py:attr:`~ssv_ids`. All other properties have the same ordering as this array, i.e. if SSV with ID 1234 has index 42 in the 'id'-array you will find its properties at index 42 in all other cache-arrays. * 'bounding_box': Bounding box of every SSV. * 'size': Number voxels of each SSV. * 'rep_coord': Representative coordinates for each SSV. * 'sv': Supervoxel IDs for every SSV. * 'sample_locations': Lists of rendering locations for each SSV. Each entry is a list (length corresponds to the number of supervoxels) of coordinate arrays for the corresponding SSV. * 'celltype_cnn_e3': Celltype classifications based on the elektronn3 CMN. * 'celltype_cnn_e3_probas': Celltype logits for the different types as an array of shape (M, C; M: Number of predicted random multi-view sets, C: Number of classes). In the example run there are currently 9 predicted classes: STN=0, DA=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, GP=5, FS=6, TAN=7, INT=8. * 'syn_ssv': Synapse IDs assigned to each SSV. * 'syn_sign_ratio': Area-weighted atio of symmetric synapses, see :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject.syn_sign_ratio`. * 'sj': Synaptic junction object IDs which were mapped to each SSV. These are used for view rendering and also to generate the 'syn_ssv' objects in combination with contact sites (see corresponding section in the documentation). * 'mapping_sj_ids': Synaptic junction objects which overlap with the respective SSVs. * 'mapping_sj_ratios': Overlap ratio of the synaptic junctions. * 'vc': Vesicle clouds mapped to each SSV. * 'mapping_vc_ids': Vesicle cloud objects which overlap with the respective SSVs. * 'mapping_vc_ratios': Overlap ratio of the vesicle clouds. * 'mi': Mitochondria mapped to each SSV. * 'mapping_mi_ids': Mitochondria objects which overlap with the respective SSVs. * 'mapping_mi_ratios': Overlap ratio of the mitochondria. skeleton: The skeleton representation of this super-supervoxel. Keys which are currently in use: * 'nodes': Array of the node coordinates (in nanometers). * 'edges': Edges between nodes. * 'diameters': Estimated cell diameter at every node. * various node properties, e.g. 'axoness' and 'axoness_avg10000'. Check the available keys ``sso.skeleton.keys()`` of an initialized :class:`~SuperSegmentationObject` object ``sso`` after loading the skeleton (``sso.load_skeleton()``). enable_locking_so: Locking flag for all :class:`syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` assigned to this object (e.g. SV, mitochondria, vesicle clouds, ...) nb_cpus: Number of cpus for parallel jobs. will only be used in some processing steps. view_dict: A dictionary for caching 2D projection views. Those are stored as a numpy array of shape (M, N, CH, x, y). M: Length of :py:attr:`~sample_locations` and has the same ordering; N: Number of views per location; CH: Number of channels (1 for glia prediction containing only the cell shape and 4 for neuron analysis containing cell and cell organelle shapes. Stored at :py:attr:`~view_path` and accessed via the :class:`` interface. version_dict: A dictionary which contains the versions of other dataset types which share the same working directory. Defaults to the `Versions` entry in the `config.yml` file. """ def __init__(self, ssv_id: int, version: Optional[str] = None, version_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, create: bool = False, sv_ids: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[int]]] = None, scaling: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, object_caching: bool = True, voxel_caching: bool = True, mesh_caching: bool = True, view_caching: bool = False, config: Optional[DynConfig] = None, nb_cpus: int = 1, enable_locking: bool = False, enable_locking_so: bool = False, ssd_type: Optional[str] = None, ssd: Optional['SuperSegmentationDataset'] = None, sv_graph: Optional[nx.Graph] = None): """ Args: ssv_id: unique SSV ID. version: Version string identifier. if 'tmp' is used, no data will be saved to disk. version_dict: Dictionary which contains the versions of other dataset types which share the same working directory. Defaults to the `versions` entry in the `config.yml`file. working_dir (): Path to the working directory. create: If True, the folder to its storage location :py:attr:`~ssv_dir` will be created. sv_ids: List of agglomerated supervoxels which define the neuron reconstruction. scaling: Array defining the voxel size in nanometers (XYZ). object_caching: :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` retrieved by :func:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject.get_seg_objects` will be cached in a dictionary. voxel_caching: Voxel array will be cached at :py:attr:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject._voxels`. mesh_caching: Meshes (cell fragments, mitos, vesicles, ..) will be cached at :py:attr:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject._meshes`. view_caching: Views can be cached at :py:attr:`~view_dict`. config: Retrieved from :py:attr:`~syconn.global_params.config`, otherwise must be initialized with a :class:`~syconn.handler.config.DynConfig` nb_cpus: Number of cpus for parallel jobs. will only be used in some processing steps. enable_locking: Enable posix locking for IO operations. enable_locking_so: Locking flag for all :class:`syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` assigned. to this object (e.g. SV, mitochondria, vesicle clouds, ...) ssd_type: Type of cell reconstruction. Default: 'ssv'. If speficied and `ssd` is given, types must match. ssd: :py:class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset`; if given it will be used to check if property caching can be used in `:py:class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationDataset``. Property caching can be used by passing the datasets (attributes for caching have to be specified in init. via ``cache_properties``) of interest via the kwarg ``sd_lookup`` during :py:attr:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset` initialization. sv_graph: Sueprvoxel graph. Nodes must be uint SV IDs. """ if version == 'temp': version = 'tmp' self._allow_skeleton_calc = False if version == "tmp": self.enable_locking = False create = False self._allow_skeleton_calc = True else: self.enable_locking = enable_locking self._object_caching = object_caching self._voxel_caching = voxel_caching self._mesh_caching = mesh_caching self._view_caching = view_caching self.enable_locking_so = enable_locking_so self.nb_cpus = nb_cpus self._id = ssv_id self.attr_dict = {} self._ssd = ssd if self._ssd is not None: if ssd_type is not None and self._ssd.type != ssd_type: raise TypeError(f'Mis-match between given "ssd_type"={ssd_type} and type of "ssd"={ssd}.') else: ssd_type = self._ssd.type elif ssd_type is None: ssd_type = 'ssv' self._type = ssd_type self._rep_coord = None self._size = None self._bounding_box = None self._objects = {} self.skeleton = None self._voxels = None self._voxels_xy_downsampled = None self._voxels_downsampled = None self._rag = None self._sv_graph_uint = sv_graph # init mesh dicts self._meshes = {"sv": None, "vc": None, "mi": None, "sj": None, "syn_ssv": None, "syn_ssv_sym": None, "syn_ssv_asym": None, "er": None, "golgi": None} self._views = None self._weighted_graph = None self._sample_locations = None self._rot_mat = None self._label_dict = {} self.view_dict = {} if sv_ids is not None: self.attr_dict["sv"] = sv_ids self._setup_working_dir(working_dir, config, version, scaling) if version is None: try: self._version = self.config["versions"][self.type] except KeyError: raise Exception(f"Unclear version '{version}' during initialization of {self}.") elif version == "new": other_datasets = glob.glob(self.working_dir + "/%s_*" % self.type) max_version = -1 for other_dataset in other_datasets: other_version = int(re.findall(r"[\d]+", os.path.basename(other_dataset))[-1]) if max_version < other_version: max_version = other_version self._version = max_version + 1 else: self._version = version if version_dict is None: try: self.version_dict = self.config["versions"] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Unclear version '{version}' during initialization of {self}.") else: if isinstance(version_dict, dict): self.version_dict = version_dict else: raise ValueError("No version dict specified in config.") if create: os.makedirs(self.ssv_dir, exist_ok=True) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((, self.type, frozenset(self.sv_ids))) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return == and self.type == other.type and frozenset(self.sv_ids) == frozenset(other.sv_ids) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f'{type(self).__name__}(ssv_id={}, ssd_type="{self.type}", ' f'version="{self.version}", working_dir="{self.working_dir}")') def __getitem__(self, item): return self.attr_dict[item] # IMMEDIATE PARAMETERS @property def type(self) -> str: """ The type of this super-sueprvoxel. Default: 'ssv'. Returns: String identifier of the object type. """ return self._type @property def id(self) -> int: """ Default value is the smalles SV ID which is part of this cell reconstruction. Returns: Globally unique identifier of this object. """ return self._id @property def version(self) -> str: """ Version of the `~SuperSegmentationDataset` this object belongs to. Can be any character or string like '0' or 'axongroundtruth'. Returns: String identifier of the object's version. """ return str(self._version) @property def object_caching(self) -> bool: """If True, :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`s which are part of this cell reconstruction are cached.""" return self._object_caching @property def voxel_caching(self) -> bool: """If True, voxel data is cached.""" return self._voxel_caching @property def mesh_caching(self) -> bool: """If True, mesh data is cached.""" return self._mesh_caching @property def view_caching(self) -> bool: """If True, view data is cached.""" return self._view_caching @property def scaling(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Voxel size in nanometers (XYZ). Default is taken from the `config.yml` file and accessible via :py:attr:`~config`. """ return self._scaling # PATHS @property def working_dir(self) -> str: """ Working directory. """ return self._working_dir @property def identifier(self) -> str: """ Identifier used to create the folder name of the :class: `~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset` this object belongs to. """ return "%s_%s" % (self.type, self.version.lstrip("_")) @property def ssd_dir(self) -> str: """ Path to the :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset` directory this object belongs to. """ return "%s/%s/" % (self.working_dir, self.identifier) @property def ssd_kwargs(self) -> dict: return dict(working_dir=self.working_dir, version=self.version, config=self._config, ssd_type=self.type, sso_locking=self.enable_locking) @property def ssv_kwargs(self) -> dict: kw = dict(, working_dir=self.working_dir, version=self.version, config=self._config, ssd_type=self.type, enable_locking=self.enable_locking) if self.version == 'tmp': kw.update(sv_ids=self.sv_ids) return kw @property def ssv_dir(self) -> str: """ Path to the folder where the data of this super-supervoxel is stored. """ return "%s/so_storage/%s/" % (self.ssd_dir, subfold_from_ix_SSO( @property def attr_dict_path(self) -> str: """ Path to the attribute storage. :py:attr:`~attr_dict` can be loaded from here. """ # Kept for backwards compatibility, remove if not needed anymore if os.path.isfile(self.ssv_dir + "atrr_dict.pkl"): return self.ssv_dir + "atrr_dict.pkl" return self.ssv_dir + "attr_dict.pkl" @property def skeleton_kzip_path(self) -> str: """ Path to the skeleton storage. """ return self.ssv_dir + "" @property def skeleton_kzip_path_views(self) -> str: """ Path to the skeleton storage. Todo: * probably deprecated. """ return self.ssv_dir + "" @property def objects_dense_kzip_path(self) -> str: """Identifier of cell organell overlays""" return self.ssv_dir + "" @property def skeleton_path(self) -> str: """Identifier of SSV skeleton""" return self.ssv_dir + "skeleton.pkl" @property def edgelist_path(self) -> str: """Identifier of SSV graph""" return self.ssv_dir + "edge_list.bz2" @property def view_path(self) -> str: """Identifier of view storage""" return self.ssv_dir + "views.pkl" @property def mesh_dc_path(self) -> str: """Identifier of mesh storage""" return self.ssv_dir + "mesh_dc.pkl" @property def vlabel_dc_path(self) -> str: """Identifier of vertex label storage""" return self.ssv_dir + "vlabel_dc.pkl" # IDS @property def sv_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """ All cell supervoxel IDs which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. """ return np.array(self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("sv"), dtype=np.uint64) @property def sj_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """ All synaptic junction (sj) supervoxel IDs which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. """ return np.array(self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("sj"), dtype=np.uint64) @property def mi_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """ All mitochondria (mi) supervoxel IDs which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. """ return np.array(self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("mi"), dtype=np.uint64) @property def vc_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """ All vesicle cloud (vc) supervoxel IDs which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. """ return np.array(self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("vc"), dtype=np.uint64) @property def dense_kzip_ids(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ ? """ return dict([("mi", 1), ("vc", 2), ("sj", 3)]) # SegmentationObjects @property def svs(self) -> List[SegmentationObject]: """ All cell :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObjects` objects which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. """ return self.get_seg_objects("sv") @property def sjs(self) -> List[SegmentationObject]: """ All synaptic junction (sj) :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObjects` objects which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. These objects are based on the initial synapse predictions and may contain synapse-synapse merger. See :py:attr:`~syn_ssv` for merger-free inter-neuron synapses. """ return self.get_seg_objects("sj") @property def mis(self) -> List[SegmentationObject]: """ All mitochondria (mi) :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObjects` objects which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. """ return self.get_seg_objects("mi") @property def vcs(self) -> List[SegmentationObject]: """ All vesicle cloud (vc) :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObjects` objects which are assigned to this cell reconstruction. """ return self.get_seg_objects("vc") @property def syn_ssv(self) -> List[SegmentationObject]: """ All synaptic junctions :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` objects which are between super-supervoxels (syn_ssv) and assigned to this cell reconstruction. These objects are generated as an agglomeration of 'syn' objects, which themselves have been generation as a combination of synaptic junction (sj) and contact site (cs) objects to remove merges in the sj objects. """ return self.get_seg_objects("syn_ssv") # MESHES
[docs] def load_mesh(self, mesh_type) -> Optional[MeshType]: """ Load mesh of a specific type, e.g. 'mi', 'sv' (cell supervoxel), 'sj' (connected components of the original synaptic junction predictions), 'syn_ssv' (overlap of 'sj' with cell contact sites), 'syn_ssv_sym' and 'syn_ssv_asym' (only if syn-type predictions are available). Args: mesh_type: Type of :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` used for mesh retrieval. Returns: Three flat arrays: indices, vertices, normals Raises ValueError: If `mesh_type` does not exist in :py:attr:`~_meshes`. """ if mesh_type in ('syn_ssv_sym', 'syn_ssv_asym'): self.typedsyns2mesh() if mesh_type not in self._meshes: raise ValueError(f'Unknown mesh type for objects "{mesh_type}" in {self}."') if self._meshes[mesh_type] is None: if not self.mesh_caching: return self._load_obj_mesh(mesh_type) self._meshes[mesh_type] = self._load_obj_mesh(mesh_type) return self._meshes[mesh_type]
@property def mesh(self) -> Optional[MeshType]: """ Mesh of all cell supervoxels. """ return self.load_mesh("sv") @property def sj_mesh(self) -> Optional[MeshType]: """ Mesh of all synaptic junction (sj) supervoxels. These objects are based on the original synapse prediction and might contain merger. """ return self.load_mesh("sj") @property def vc_mesh(self) -> Optional[MeshType]: """ Mesh of all vesicle clouds (vc) supervoxels. """ return self.load_mesh("vc") @property def mi_mesh(self) -> Optional[MeshType]: """ Mesh of all mitochondria (mi) supervoxels. """ return self.load_mesh("mi") @property def syn_ssv_mesh(self) -> Optional[MeshType]: """ Mesh of all inter-neuron synapses junction (syn_ssv) supervoxels. These objects are generated as a combination of contact sites and synaptic junctions (sj). """ return self.load_mesh("syn_ssv")
[docs] def label_dict(self, data_type='vertex') -> CompressedStorage: """ Dictionary which stores various predictions. Currently used keys: * 'vertex': Labels associated with the mesh vertices. The ordering is the same as the vertex order in ``self.mesh[1]``. Uses the :class:`` interface. Args: data_type: Key for the stored labels. Returns: The stored array. """ if data_type == 'vertex': if data_type in self._label_dict: pass else: self._label_dict[data_type] = CompressedStorage( None if self.version == 'tmp' else self.vlabel_dc_path) return self._label_dict[data_type] else: raise ValueError('Label dict for data type "{}" not supported.' ''.format(data_type))
# PROPERTIES @property def config(self) -> DynConfig: """ The configuration object which contain all dataset-specific parameters. See :class:`~syconn.handler.config.DynConfig`. Returns: The configuration object. """ if self._config is None: self._config = global_params.config return self._config @property def size(self) -> int: """ Returns: The number of voxels associated with this SSV object. """ if self._size is None: self._size = self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("size") if self._size is None: self.calculate_size() return self._size @property def bounding_box(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: if self._bounding_box is None: self._bounding_box = self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("bounding_box") if self._bounding_box is None: self.calculate_bounding_box() return self._bounding_box @property def shape(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The XYZ extent of this SSV object in voxels. Returns: The shape/extent of thiss SSV object in voxels (XYZ). """ return self.bounding_box[1] - self.bounding_box[0] @property def rep_coord(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Representative coordinate of this SSV object. Will be the representative coordinate of the first supervoxel in :py:attr:`~svs`. Returns: 1D array of the coordinate (XYZ). """ if self._rep_coord is None: self._rep_coord = self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("rep_coord") if self._rep_coord is None: self._rep_coord = self.svs[0].rep_coord return self._rep_coord @property def attr_dict_exists(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a attribute dictionary file exists at :py:attr:`~attr_dict_path`. Returns: True if the attribute dictionary file exists. """ return os.path.isfile(self.attr_dict_path)
[docs] def mesh_exists(self, obj_type: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the mesh of :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`s of type `obj_type` exists in the :class:`` located at :py:attr:`~mesh_dc_path`. Args: obj_type: Type of requested :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`s. Returns: True if the mesh exists. """ mesh_dc = MeshStorage(self.mesh_dc_path, disable_locking=True) return obj_type in mesh_dc
@property def voxels(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Voxels associated with this SSV object. Returns: 3D binary array indicating voxel locations. """ if len(self.sv_ids) == 0: return None if self._voxels is None: voxels = np.zeros(self.bounding_box[1] - self.bounding_box[0], dtype=np.bool) for sv in self.svs: sv._voxel_caching = False if sv.voxels_exist: log_reps.debug(np.sum(sv.voxels), sv.size) box = [sv.bounding_box[0] - self.bounding_box[0], sv.bounding_box[1] - self.bounding_box[0]] voxels[box[0][0]: box[1][0], box[0][1]: box[1][1], box[0][2]: box[1][2]][sv.voxels] = True else: log_reps.warning("missing voxels from %d" % if self.voxel_caching: self._voxels = voxels else: return voxels return self._voxels @property def voxels_xy_downsampled(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: if self._voxels_xy_downsampled is None: if self.voxel_caching: self._voxels_xy_downsampled = \ self.load_voxels_downsampled((2, 2, 1)) else: return self.load_voxels_downsampled((2, 2, 1)) return self._voxels_xy_downsampled @property def rag(self) -> nx.Graph: """ The region adjacency graph (defining the supervoxel graph) of this SSV object. Returns: Supervoxel graph with nodes of type :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`. """ if self._rag is None: self._rag = self.load_sv_graph() return self._rag @property def compartment_meshes(self) -> dict: """ Compartment mesh storage. Returns: A dictionary which contains the meshes of each compartment. """ if "axon" not in self._meshes: self._load_compartment_meshes() return {k: self._meshes[k] for k in ["axon", "dendrite", "soma"]} def _load_compartment_meshes(self, overwrite: bool = False): """ Loading compartment meshes in-place as 'axon', 'dendrite', 'soma' to :py:attr:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject._meshes`. Args: overwrite: Overwrites existing compartment meshes """ mesh_dc = MeshStorage(self.mesh_dc_path, disable_locking=not self.enable_locking) if "axon" not in mesh_dc or overwrite: mesh_compartments = compartmentalize_mesh(self) mesh_dc["axon"] = mesh_compartments["axon"] mesh_dc["dendrite"] = mesh_compartments["dendrite"] mesh_dc["soma"] = mesh_compartments["soma"] mesh_dc.push() comp_meshes = {k: mesh_dc[k] for k in ["axon", "dendrite", "soma"]} self._meshes.update(comp_meshes)
[docs] def load_voxels_downsampled(self, downsampling: tuple = (2, 2, 1), nb_threads: int = 10) -> np.ndarray: """ Load all voxels of this SSV object. Args: downsampling: The downsampling of the returned voxels. nb_threads: Number of threads. Returns: List of downsampled voxel coordinates. """ return ssh.load_voxels_downsampled(self, downsampling=downsampling, nb_threads=nb_threads)
[docs] def get_seg_objects(self, obj_type: str) -> List[SegmentationObject]: """ Factory method for :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`s of type `obj_type`. Args: obj_type: Type of requested :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`s. Returns: The :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`s of type `obj_type` sharing the same working directory as this SSV object. """ if obj_type not in self._objects: objs = [] for obj_id in self.lookup_in_attribute_dict(obj_type): objs.append(self.get_seg_obj(obj_type, obj_id)) if self.object_caching: self._objects[obj_type] = objs else: return objs return self._objects[obj_type]
[docs] def get_seg_obj(self, obj_type: str, obj_id: int) -> SegmentationObject: """ Factory method for :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` of type `obj_type`. Args: obj_type: Type of requested :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`. obj_id: ID of the requested object. Returns: The :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` of type `obj_type` sharing the same working directory as this SSV object. """ kwargs = dict(enable_locking=self.enable_locking_so, mesh_caching=self.mesh_caching, voxel_caching=self.voxel_caching) if self._ssd is not None and obj_type in self._ssd.sd_lookup and self._ssd.sd_lookup[obj_type] is not None: sd_obj = self._ssd.sd_lookup[obj_type] if str(sd_obj.version) != str(self.version_dict[obj_type]) or sd_obj.working_dir != self.working_dir: msg = (f'Inconsistent working directory or version for {obj_type} stored in {self} and look up ' f'dataset {sd_obj}.') log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return sd_obj.get_segmentation_object(obj_id, **kwargs) return SegmentationObject(obj_id=obj_id, obj_type=obj_type, version=self.version_dict[obj_type], working_dir=self.working_dir, create=False, scaling=self.scaling, config=self.config)
[docs] def get_seg_dataset(self, obj_type: str) -> SegmentationDataset: """ Factory method for :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationDataset` of type `obj_type`. Args: obj_type: Type of requested :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationDataset`. Returns: The :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationDataset` of type `obj_type` sharing the same working directory as this SSV object. """ return SegmentationDataset(obj_type, version_dict=self.version_dict, version=self.version_dict[obj_type], scaling=self.scaling, working_dir=self.working_dir)
[docs] def load_attr_dict(self) -> int: """ Load the attribute dictionary of this SSV object stored at :py:attr:`~ssv_dir`. """ try: self.attr_dict = load_pkl2obj(self.attr_dict_path) return 0 except (IOError, EOFError, pkl.UnpicklingError) as e: if '[Errno 2] No such file or' not in str(e): log_reps.critical(f"Could not load SSO attributes from {self.attr_dict_path} due to '{e}'.") return -1
@property def sv_graph_uint(self) -> nx.Graph: if self._sv_graph_uint is None: if os.path.isfile(self.edgelist_path): self._sv_graph_uint = nx.read_edgelist(self.edgelist_path, nodetype=np.uint64) else: raise ValueError("Could not find graph data for SSV {}.".format( return self._sv_graph_uint
[docs] def load_sv_graph(self) -> nx.Graph: """ Load the supervoxel graph (node objects will be of type :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`) of this SSV object. It is generated from the supervoxel ID graph stored in :py:attr:`_sv_graph` or the edge list stored at :py:attr:`edgelist_path`. Returns: The supervoxel graph with :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` nodes. """ G = self.sv_graph_uint # # Might be useful as soon as global graph path is available # else: # if os.path.isfile(global_params.config.neuron_svgraph_path): # G_glob = nx.read_edgelist(global_params.config.neuron_svgraph_path, # nodetype=np.uint64) # G = nx.Graph() # cc = nx.node_connected_component(G_glob, self.sv_ids[0]) # assert len(set(cc).difference(set(self.sv_ids))) == 0, \ # "SV IDs in graph differ from SSV SVs." # for e in G_glob.edges(cc): # G.add_edge(*e) if len(set(list(G.nodes())).difference(set(self.sv_ids))) != 0: msg = "SV IDs in graph differ from SSV SVs." log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # create graph with SV nodes new_G = nx.Graph() for e in G.edges(): new_G.add_edge(self.get_seg_obj("sv", e[0]), self.get_seg_obj("sv", e[1])) return new_G
[docs] def load_sv_edgelist(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Load the edges within the supervoxel graph. Returns: Edge list representing the supervoxel graph. """ g = self.load_sv_graph() return list(g.edges())
def _load_obj_mesh(self, obj_type: str = "sv", rewrite: bool = False) -> MeshType: """ Load the mesh of a given `obj_type`. If :func:`~mesh_exists` is False, loads the meshes from the underlying sueprvoxel objects. TODO: Currently does not support color array! TODO: add support for sym. asym synapse type Args: obj_type (str): rewrite (bool): Returns: np.array, np.array, np.array: ind, vert, normals """ if not rewrite and self.mesh_exists(obj_type) and not \ self.version == "tmp": mesh_dc = MeshStorage(self.mesh_dc_path, disable_locking=not self.enable_locking) if len(mesh_dc[obj_type]) == 3: ind, vert, normals = mesh_dc[obj_type] else: ind, vert = mesh_dc[obj_type] normals = np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.float32) else: ind, vert, normals = merge_someshes(self.get_seg_objects(obj_type), nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus, use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) if not self.version == "tmp": mesh_dc = MeshStorage(self.mesh_dc_path, read_only=False, disable_locking=not self.enable_locking) mesh_dc[obj_type] = [ind, vert, normals] mesh_dc.push() return np.array(ind, dtype=np.int32), np.array(vert, dtype=np.float32), np.array(normals, dtype=np.float32) def _load_obj_mesh_compr(self, obj_type: str = "sv") -> MeshType: """ Load meshes of all objects of type `obj_type` assigned to this SSV. Args: obj_type: Type of requested objects. Returns: A single mesh of all objects. """ mesh_dc = MeshStorage(self.mesh_dc_path, disable_locking=not self.enable_locking) return mesh_dc._dc_intern[obj_type]
[docs] def save_attr_dict(self): """ Save the SSV's attribute dictionary. """ if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.warning('"save_attr_dict" called but this SSV has version "tmp", attribute dict will' ' not be saved to disk.') return try: orig_dc = load_pkl2obj(self.attr_dict_path) except (IOError, EOFError, FileNotFoundError, pkl.UnpicklingError) as e: if '[Errno 2] No such file or' not in str(e): log_reps.critical(f"Could not load SSO attributes from {self.attr_dict_path} due to '{e}'. Overwriting") orig_dc = {} orig_dc.update(self.attr_dict) write_obj2pkl(self.attr_dict_path, orig_dc)
[docs] def save_attributes(self, attr_keys: List[str], attr_values: List[Any]): """ Writes attributes to attribute dict on file system. Does not care about self.attr_dict. Args: attr_keys (tuple): tuple of str attr_values (tuple): tuple of items """ if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.warning('"save_attributes" called but this SSV has version "tmp", attributes will' ' not be saved to disk.') return if not hasattr(attr_keys, "__len__"): attr_keys = [attr_keys] if not hasattr(attr_values, "__len__"): attr_values = [attr_values] try: attr_dict = load_pkl2obj(self.attr_dict_path) except (IOError, EOFError, FileNotFoundError) as e: if not "[Errno 13] Permission denied" in str(e): pass else: log_reps.critical(f"Could not load SSO attributes at {self.attr_dict_path} due to {e}.") attr_dict = {} for k, v in zip(attr_keys, attr_values): attr_dict[k] = v try: write_obj2pkl(self.attr_dict_path, attr_dict) except IOError as e: if not "[Errno 13] Permission denied" in str(e): raise (IOError, e) else: log_reps.warn("Could not save SSO attributes to %s due to missing permissions." % self.attr_dict_path, RuntimeWarning)
[docs] def attr_exists(self, attr_key: str) -> bool: """ Checks if an attribute exists for this SSV object. Args: attr_key: Attribute key. Returns: True if the key exists in :py:attr:`~attr_dict`. """ return attr_key in self.attr_dict
[docs] def lookup_in_attribute_dict(self, attr_key: str) -> Optional[Any]: """ Returns the value to `attr_key` stored in :py:attr:`~attr_dict` or None if the key is not existent. Args: attr_key: Attribute key. Returns: Value to the key ``attr_key``. """ if attr_key in self.attr_dict: return self.attr_dict[attr_key] # TODO: this is somehow arbitrary elif len(self.attr_dict) <= 4: if self.load_attr_dict() == -1: return None if attr_key in self.attr_dict: return self.attr_dict[attr_key] else: return None
[docs] def load_so_attributes(self, obj_type: str, attr_keys: List[str]): """ Collect attributes from :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` of type `obj_type`. The attribute value ordering for each key is the same as :py:attr:`~svs`. Args: obj_type: Type of :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`. attr_keys: Keys of desired properties. Must exist for the requested `obj_type`. Returns: Attribute values for each key in `attr_keys`. """ attr_values = [[] for _ in range(len(attr_keys))] for obj in self.get_seg_objects(obj_type): for ii, attr_key in enumerate(attr_keys): # lookup_in_attribute_dict uses attribute caching of the obj itself or, if enabled, # the SegmentationDataset cache in the SSD of this SSO. attr = obj.lookup_in_attribute_dict(attr_key) attr_values[ii].append(attr) return attr_values
[docs] def calculate_size(self): """ Calculates :py:attr:`size`. """ self._size = np.sum(self.load_so_attributes('sv', ['size']))
[docs] def calculate_bounding_box(self): """ Calculates :py:attr:`~bounding_box` (and :py:attr:`size`). """ if len(self.sv_ids) == 0: self._bounding_box = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=np.int32) self._size = 0 return self._bounding_box = np.ones((2, 3), dtype=np.int32) * np.inf self._size = np.inf bounding_boxes, sizes = self.load_so_attributes('sv', ['bounding_box', 'size']) self._size = np.sum(sizes) self._bounding_box[0] = np.min(bounding_boxes, axis=0)[0] self._bounding_box[1] = np.max(bounding_boxes, axis=0)[1] self._bounding_box = self._bounding_box.astype(np.int32)
[docs] def calculate_skeleton(self, force: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Merges existing supervoxel skeletons (``allow_ssv_skel_gen=False``) or calculates them from scratch using :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_helper .create_sso_skeletons_wrapper` otherwise (requires ``allow_ssv_skel_gen=True``). Skeleton will be saved at :py:attr:`~skeleton_path`. Args: force: Skips :func:`~load_skeleton` if ``force=True``. """ if force or self._allow_skeleton_calc: return ssh.create_sso_skeletons_wrapper([self], **kwargs) if self.skeleton is not None and len(self.skeleton["nodes"]) != 0 \ and not force: return ssh.create_sso_skeletons_wrapper([self], **kwargs)
[docs] def save_skeleton_to_kzip(self, dest_path: Optional[str] = None, name: str = 'skeleton', additional_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, comments: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[str]]] = None): """ Args: dest_path: Destination path for file. name: identifier / name of saved skeleton which appears in KNOSSOS additional_keys: Additional skeleton keys which are converted into KNOSSOS skeleton node properties. Will always attempt to write out the keys 'axoness', 'cell_type' and 'meta'. comments: np.ndarray of strings or list of strings of length N where N equals the number of skeleton nodes. Comments will be converted into KNOSSOS skeleton node comments. Returns: Saves KNOSSOS compatible file containing the SSV skeleton and its node properties. """ if type(additional_keys) == str: additional_keys = [additional_keys] try: if self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() if additional_keys is not None: for k in additional_keys: assert k in self.skeleton, "Additional key %s is not " \ "part of SSV %d self.skeleton.\nAvailable keys: %s" % \ (k,, repr(self.skeleton.keys())) a = skeleton.SkeletonAnnotation() a.scaling = self.scaling a.comment = name skel_nodes = [] for i_node in range(len(self.skeleton["nodes"])): c = self.skeleton["nodes"][i_node] r = self.skeleton["diameters"][i_node] / 2 skel_nodes.append(skeleton.SkeletonNode(). from_scratch(a, c[0], c[1], c[2], radius=r)) pred_key_ax = "{}_avg{}".format(self.config['compartments'][ 'view_properties_semsegax']['semseg_key'], self.config['compartments'][ 'dist_axoness_averaging']) if pred_key_ax in self.skeleton: skel_nodes[-1].data[pred_key_ax] = self.skeleton[pred_key_ax][ i_node] if "meta" in self.skeleton: skel_nodes[-1].data["meta"] = self.skeleton["meta"][i_node] if additional_keys is not None: for k in additional_keys: skel_nodes[-1].data[k] = self.skeleton[k][i_node] if comments is not None: skel_nodes[-1].setComment(str(comments[i_node])) a.addNode(skel_nodes[-1]) for edge in self.skeleton["edges"]: a.addEdge(skel_nodes[edge[0]], skel_nodes[edge[1]]) if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path elif not dest_path.endswith(''): dest_path += '' write_skeleton_kzip(dest_path, [a]) except Exception as e: log_reps.warning("[SSO: %d] Could not load/save skeleton:\n%s" % (, repr(e)))
[docs] def save_objects_to_kzip_sparse(self, obj_types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, dest_path: Optional[str] = None): """ Export cellular organelles as coordinates with size, shape and overlap properties in a KNOSSOS compatible format. Args: obj_types: Type identifiers of the supervoxel objects which are exported. dest_path: Path to the destination file. If None, results will be stored at :py:attr:`~skeleton_kzip_path`: """ if obj_types is None: obj_types = self.config['process_cell_organelles'] annotations = [] for obj_type in obj_types: assert obj_type in self.attr_dict map_ratio_key = "mapping_%s_ratios" % obj_type if not map_ratio_key in self.attr_dict.keys(): log_reps.warning("%s not yet mapped. Object nodes are not " "written to" % obj_type) continue overlap_ratios = np.array(self.attr_dict[map_ratio_key]) overlap_ids = np.array(self.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type]) a = skeleton.SkeletonAnnotation() a.scaling = self.scaling a.comment = obj_type so_objs = self.get_seg_objects(obj_type) for so_obj in so_objs: c = so_obj.rep_coord # somewhat approximated from sphere volume: r = np.power(so_obj.size / 3., 1 / 3.) skel_node = skeleton.SkeletonNode(). \ from_scratch(a, c[0], c[1], c[2], radius=r)["overlap"] = \ overlap_ratios[overlap_ids ==][0]["size"] = so_obj.size["shape"] = so_obj.shape a.addNode(skel_node) annotations.append(a) if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path elif not dest_path.endswith(''): dest_path += '' write_skeleton_kzip(dest_path, annotations)
[docs] def save_objects_to_kzip_dense(self, obj_types: List[str], dest_path: Optional[str] = None): """ Export cellular organelles as coordinates with size, shape and overlap properties in a KNOSSOS compatible format. Args: obj_types: Type identifiers of the supervoxel objects which are exported. dest_path: Path to the destination file. If None, result will be stored at :py:attr:`~objects_dense_kzip_path`: """ if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.objects_dense_kzip_path if os.path.exists(self.objects_dense_kzip_path[:-6]): shutil.rmtree(self.objects_dense_kzip_path[:-6]) if os.path.exists(self.objects_dense_kzip_path): os.remove(self.objects_dense_kzip_path) for obj_type in obj_types: so_objs = self.get_seg_objects(obj_type) for so_obj in so_objs: so_obj.save_kzip(path=dest_path, write_id=self.dense_kzip_ids[obj_type])
[docs] def total_edge_length(self, compartments_of_interest: Optional[List[int]] = None, ax_pred_key: str = 'axoness_avg10000') -> Union[np.ndarray, float]: """ Total edge length of the super-supervoxel :py:attr:`~skeleton` in nanometers. Args: compartments_of_interest: Which compartments to take into account for calculation. axon: 1, dendrite: 0, soma: 2. ax_pred_key: Key of compartment prediction stored in :attr:`~skeleton`, only used if `compartments_of_interest` was set. Returns: Sum of all edge lengths (L2 norm) in :py:attr:`~skeleton`. """ if self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() nodes = self.skeleton["nodes"] edges = self.skeleton["edges"] if compartments_of_interest is None: return np.sum([np.linalg.norm( self.scaling * (nodes[e[0]] - nodes[e[1]])) for e in edges]) else: node_labels = self.skeleton[ax_pred_key] edge_length = 0 for e in edges: if (node_labels[e[0]] in compartments_of_interest) and (node_labels[e[1]] in compartments_of_interest): edge_length += np.linalg.norm(self.scaling * (nodes[e[0]] - nodes[e[1]])) return edge_length
[docs] def save_skeleton(self, to_kzip=False, to_object=True): """ Saves skeleton to default locations as `.pkl` and optionally as ``. Args: to_kzip: Stores skeleton as a KNOSSOS compatible xml inside a file. to_object: Stores skeleton as a dictionary in a pickle file. """ if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.debug('"save_skeleton" called but this SSV ' 'has version "tmp", skeleton will' ' not be saved to disk.') return if to_object: write_obj2pkl(self.skeleton_path, self.skeleton) if to_kzip: self.save_skeleton_to_kzip()
[docs] def load_skeleton(self) -> bool: """ Loads skeleton and will compute it if it does not exist yet (requires ``allow_ssv_skel_gen=True``). Returns: True if successfully loaded/generated skeleton, else False. """ if self.skeleton is not None: return True try: self.skeleton = load_pkl2obj(self.skeleton_path) self.skeleton["nodes"] = self.skeleton["nodes"].astype(np.float32) return True except: if global_params.config.allow_ssv_skel_gen: if global_params.config.use_kimimaro: # add per ssv skeleton generation for kimimaro raise NotImplementedError('Individual cells cannot be processed with kimimaro.') else: self.calculate_skeleton() return True return False
[docs] def celltype(self, key: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """ Returns the cell type classification result. Default: CMN model, if `key` is specified returns the corresponding value loaded by :func:`~lookup_in_attribute_dict`. Args: key: Key where classification result is stored. Returns: Cell type classification. """ if key is None: key = 'celltype_cnn_e3' return self.lookup_in_attribute_dict(key)
[docs] def weighted_graph(self, add_node_attr: Iterable[str] = ()) -> nx.Graph: """ Creates a Euclidean distance (in nanometers) weighted graph representation of the skeleton of this SSV object. The node IDs represent the index in the ``'node'`` array part of :py:attr:`~skeleton`. Weights are stored as 'weight' in the graph, this allows to use e.g. ``nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(..)``. Args: add_node_attr: To-be-added node attributes. Must exist in :py:attr`~skeleton`. Returns: The skeleton of this SSV object as a networkx graph. """ if self._weighted_graph is None or np.any([len(nx.get_node_attributes( self._weighted_graph, k)) == 0 for k in add_node_attr]): if self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() node_scaled = self.skeleton["nodes"] * self.scaling edges = np.array(self.skeleton["edges"], dtype=np.int64) edge_coords = node_scaled[edges] weights = np.linalg.norm(edge_coords[:, 0] - edge_coords[:, 1], axis=1) self._weighted_graph = nx.Graph() self._weighted_graph.add_nodes_from( [(ix, dict(position=coord)) for ix, coord in enumerate(self.skeleton['nodes'])]) self._weighted_graph.add_weighted_edges_from( [(edges[ii][0], edges[ii][1], weights[ii]) for ii in range(len(weights))]) for k in add_node_attr: dc = {} for n in self._weighted_graph.nodes(): dc[n] = self.skeleton[k][n] nx.set_node_attributes(self._weighted_graph, dc, k) return self._weighted_graph
[docs] def syn_sign_ratio(self, weighted: bool = True, recompute: bool = True, comp_types: Optional[List[int]] = None, comp_types_partner: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> float: """ Ratio of symmetric synapses (between 0 and 1; -1 if no synapse objects) between functional compartments specified via `comp_types` and `comp_types_partner`. Todo: * Check default of synapse type if synapse type predictions are not available -> propagate to this method and return -1. Notes: Bouton predictions are converted into axon label, i.e. 3 (en-passant) -> 1 and 4 (terminal) -> 1. Args: weighted: Compute synapse-area weighted ratio. recompute: Ignore existing value. comp_types: All synapses that are formed on any of the functional compartment types given in `comp_types` are used for computing the ratio (0: dendrite, 1: axon, 2: soma). Default: [1, ]. comp_types_partner: Compartment type of the partner cell. Default: [0, ]. Returns: (Area-weighted) ratio of symmetric synapses or -1 if no synapses. """ if comp_types is None: comp_types = [1, ] if comp_types_partner is None: comp_types_partner = [0, ] ratio = self.lookup_in_attribute_dict("syn_sign_ratio") if not recompute and ratio is not None: return ratio syn_signs = [] syn_sizes = [] props = load_so_attr_bulk(self.syn_ssv, ('partner_axoness', 'syn_sign', 'mesh_area', 'neuron_partners'), use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) for syn in self.syn_ssv: ax = np.array(props['partner_axoness'][]) # convert boutons to axon class ax[ax == 3] = 1 ax[ax == 4] = 1 partners = props['neuron_partners'][] this_cell_ix = list(partners).index( other_cell_ix = 1 - this_cell_ix if ax[this_cell_ix] not in comp_types: continue if ax[other_cell_ix] not in comp_types_partner: continue syn_signs.append(props['syn_sign'][]) syn_sizes.append(props['mesh_area'][] / 2) log_reps.debug(f'Used {len(syn_signs)} synapses with a total size of {np.sum(syn_sizes)} um^2 between {comp_types} ' f'(this cell) and {comp_types_partner} (other cells).') if len(syn_signs) == 0 or np.sum(syn_sizes) == 0: return -1 syn_signs = np.array(syn_signs) syn_sizes = np.array(syn_sizes) if weighted: ratio = np.sum(syn_sizes[syn_signs == -1]) / float(np.sum(syn_sizes)) else: ratio = np.sum(syn_signs == -1) / float(len(syn_signs)) return ratio
[docs] def aggregate_segmentation_object_mappings(self, obj_types: List[str], save: bool = False): """ Aggregates mapping information of cellular organelles from the SSV's supervoxels. After this step, :func:`~apply_mapping_decision` can be called to apply final assignments. Examples: A mitochondrion can extend over multiple supervoxels, so it will overlap with all of them partially. Here, the overlap information of all supervoxels assigned to this SSV will be aggregated. Args: obj_types: Cell organelles types to process. save: Save :yp:attr:`~attribute_dict` at the end. """ assert isinstance(obj_types, list) mappings = dict((obj_type, Counter()) for obj_type in obj_types) for sv in self.svs: sv.load_attr_dict() for obj_type in obj_types: if "mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type in sv.attr_dict: keys = sv.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type] values = sv.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ratios" % obj_type] mappings[obj_type] += Counter(dict(zip(keys, values))) for obj_type in obj_types: if obj_type in mappings: self.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type] = list(mappings[obj_type].keys()) self.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ratios" % obj_type] = list(mappings[obj_type].values()) if save: self.save_attr_dict()
[docs] def apply_mapping_decision(self, obj_type: str, correct_for_background: bool = True, lower_ratio: Optional[float] = None, upper_ratio: Optional[float] = None, sizethreshold: Optional[float] = None, save: bool = True): """ Applies mapping decision of cellular organelles to this SSV object. A :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` in question is assigned to this :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject` if they share the highest overlap. For more details see ``SyConn/docs/``. Default parameters for the mapping will be taken from the `config.yml` file. Args: obj_type: Type of :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` which are to be mapped. correct_for_background: Ignore background ID during mapping lower_ratio: Minimum overlap s.t. objects are mapped. upper_ratio: Maximum ratio s.t. objects are mapped. sizethreshold: Minimum voxel size of an object, objects below will be ignored. save: If True, :py:attr:`~attr_dict` will be saved. Todo: * check what ``correct_for_background`` was for. Any usecase for ``correct_for_background=False``? * duplicate of ssd_proc._apply_mapping_decisions_thread, implement common-use method Returns: """ assert obj_type in self.version_dict self.load_attr_dict() if not "mapping_%s_ratios" % obj_type in self.attr_dict: log_reps.error("No mapping ratios found") return if not "mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type in self.attr_dict: log_reps.error("no mapping ids found") return if lower_ratio is None: try: lower_ratio = self.config['cell_objects']["lower_mapping_ratios"][ obj_type] except KeyError: msg = "Lower ratio undefined" log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if upper_ratio is None: try: upper_ratio = self.config['cell_objects']["upper_mapping_ratios"][ obj_type] except: log_reps.critical("Upper ratio undefined - 1. assumed") upper_ratio = 1. if sizethreshold is None: try: sizethreshold = self.config['cell_objects']["sizethresholds"][obj_type] except KeyError: msg = "Size threshold undefined" log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) obj_ratios = np.array(self.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ratios" % obj_type]) if correct_for_background: for i_so_id in range( len(self.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type])): so_id = self.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type][i_so_id] obj_version = self.config["versions"][obj_type] this_so = SegmentationObject(so_id, obj_type, version=obj_version, scaling=self.scaling, working_dir=self.working_dir) this_so.load_attr_dict() if 0 in this_so.attr_dict["mapping_ids"]: ratio_0 = this_so.attr_dict["mapping_ratios"][ this_so.attr_dict["mapping_ids"] == 0][0] obj_ratios[i_so_id] /= (1 - ratio_0) id_mask = obj_ratios > lower_ratio if upper_ratio < 1.: id_mask[obj_ratios > upper_ratio] = False candidate_ids = \ np.array(self.attr_dict["mapping_%s_ids" % obj_type])[id_mask] self.attr_dict[obj_type] = [] for candidate_id in candidate_ids: obj = SegmentationObject(candidate_id, obj_type=obj_type, version=self.version_dict[obj_type], working_dir=self.working_dir, config=self.config) if obj.size > sizethreshold: self.attr_dict[obj_type].append(candidate_id) if save: self.save_attr_dict()
def _map_cellobjects(self, obj_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, save: bool = True): """ Wrapper function for mapping all existing cell organelles (as defined in :py:attr:`~config['process_cell_organelles']`). Args: obj_types: Type of :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object .SuperSegmentationObject` which should be mapped. save: Saves the attribute dict of this SSV object afterwards. """ if obj_types is None: obj_types = self.config['process_cell_organelles'] self.aggregate_segmentation_object_mappings(obj_types, save=save) for obj_type in obj_types: # TODO: remove handling of sj? self.apply_mapping_decision(obj_type, save=save, correct_for_background=obj_type == "sj")
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clears the following, cached data: * :py:attr:`~voxels` * :py:attr:`~voxels_xy_downsampled` * :py:attr:`~sample_locations` * :py:attr:`~_objects` * :py:attr:`~_views` * :py:attr:`~skeleton` * :py:attr:`~_meshes` """ self._objects = {} self._voxels = None self._voxels_xy_downsampled = None self._views = None self._sample_locations = None self._meshes = {"sv": None, "sj": None, "syn_ssv": None, "vc": None, "mi": None, "conn": None, "syn_ssv_sym": None, "syn_ssv_asym": None} self.skeleton = None
[docs] def preprocess(self): """ Process object mapping (requires the prior assignment of object candidates), cache object meshes and calculate the SSV skeleton. """ self.load_attr_dict() self._map_cellobjects() for sv_type in self.config['process_cell_organelles'] + ["sv", "syn_ssv"]: _ = self._load_obj_mesh(obj_type=sv_type, rewrite=False) self.calculate_skeleton()
[docs] def copy2dir(self, dest_dir: str, safe: bool = True): """ Copies the content at :py:attr:`~ssv_dir` to another directory. Examples: To copy the data of this SSV object (``ssv_orig``) to another yet not existing SSV (``ssv_target``). call ``ssv_orig.copy2dir(ssv_target.ssv_dir)``. All files contained in the directory py:attr:`~ssv_dir` of ``ssv_orig`` will be copied to ``ssv_target.ssv_dir``. Args: dest_dir: Destination directory where all files contained in py:attr:`~ssv_dir` will be copied to. safe: If True, will not overwrite existing data. """ # get all files in home directory fps = get_filepaths_from_dir(self.ssv_dir, ending=["pkl", ""]) fnames = [os.path.split(fname)[1] for fname in fps] # Open the file and raise an exception if it exists if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) for i in range(len(fps)): src_filename = fps[i] dest_filename = dest_dir + "/" + fnames[i] try: safe_copy(src_filename, dest_filename, safe=safe) log_reps.debug("Copied %s to %s." % (src_filename, dest_filename)) except Exception as e: log_reps.error("Skipped '{}', due to the following error: '{}'" "".format(fnames[i], str(e))) pass self.load_attr_dict() if os.path.isfile(dest_dir + "/attr_dict.pkl"): dest_attr_dc = load_pkl2obj(dest_dir + "/attr_dict.pkl") else: dest_attr_dc = {} dest_attr_dc.update(self.attr_dict) write_obj2pkl(dest_dir + "/attr_dict.pkl", dest_attr_dc)
[docs] def partition_cc(self, max_nb_sv: Optional[int] = None, lo_first_n: Optional[int] = None) -> List[List[Any]]: """ Splits the supervoxel graph of this SSV into subgraphs. Default values are generated from :py:attr:`~.config`. Args: max_nb_sv: Number of supervoxels per sub-graph. This defines the sub-graph context. lo_first_n: Do not use first n traversed nodes for new bfs traversals. This allows to partition the original supervoxel graph of size `N` into ``N//lo_first_n`` sub-graphs. Returns: """ if lo_first_n is None: lo_first_n = self.config['glia']['subcc_chunk_size_big_ssv'] if max_nb_sv is None: max_nb_sv = self.config['glia']['subcc_size_big_ssv'] + 2 * (lo_first_n - 1) init_g = self.rag partitions = split_subcc_join(init_g, max_nb_sv, lo_first_n=lo_first_n) return partitions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- VIEWS
[docs] def save_views(self, views: np.ndarray, view_key: str = "views"): """ This will only save views on SSV level and not for each individual SV! Args: views: The view array. view_key: The key used for the look-up. Returns: """ if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.warning('"save_views" called but this SSV ' 'has version "tmp", views will' ' not be saved to disk.') return view_dc = CompressedStorage(self.view_path, read_only=False, disable_locking=not self.enable_locking) view_dc[view_key] = views view_dc.push()
[docs] def load_views(self, view_key: Optional[str] = None, woglia: bool = True, raw_only: bool = False, force_reload: bool = False, nb_cpus: Optional[int] = None, ignore_missing: bool = False, index_views: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Load views which are stored in :py:attr:`~view_dict` or if not present attempts to retrieve data from :py:attr:`view_path` given the key `view_key`, i.e. this operates on SSV level. If the given key does not exist on :class:`~SuperSegmentationObject` level or is None, attempts to load the views from the underlying :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`s. Args: view_key: The key used for the look-up. woglia: If True, will load the views render from the glia-free agglomeration. raw_only: If True, will only return the cell shape channel in the views. force_reload: If True will force reloading the SV views. nb_cpus: Number of CPUs. ignore_missing: If True, it will not raise KeyError if SV does not exist. index_views: Views which contain the indices of the vertices at the respective pixels. Used as look-up to map the predicted semantic labels onto the mesh vertices. Returns: Concatenated views for each SV in self.svs with shape [N_LOCS, N_CH, N_VIEWS, X, Y]. """ if self.view_caching and view_key in self.view_dict: # self.view_dict stores list of views with length of sample_locations return self.view_dict[view_key] view_dc = CompressedStorage(self.view_path, read_only=True, disable_locking=not self.enable_locking) if view_key in view_dc and not force_reload: if self.view_caching: self.view_dict[view_key] = view_dc[view_key] return self.view_dict[view_key] return view_dc[view_key] del view_dc # delete previous initialized view dictionary params = [[sv, {'woglia': woglia, 'raw_only': raw_only, 'index_views': index_views, 'ignore_missing': ignore_missing, 'view_key': view_key}] for sv in self.svs] # load views from underlying SVs views = sm.start_multiprocess_obj("load_views", params, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus if nb_cpus is None else nb_cpus) views = np.concatenate(views) # stores list of views with length of sample_locations if self.view_caching and view_key is not None: self.view_dict[view_key] = views return views
[docs] def view_existence(self, woglia: bool = True, index_views: bool = False, view_key: Optional[str] = None) -> List[bool]: """ Checks whether a specific set of views exists for this object. Args: woglia: If True, will load the views render from the glia-free agglomeration. index_views: Views which contain the indices of the vertices at the respective pixels. Used as look-up to map the predicted semantic labels onto the mesh vertices. view_key: The key used for the look-up. Returns: True if the specified views exist. """ view_paths = set([sv.view_path(woglia=woglia, index_views=index_views, view_key=view_key) for sv in self.svs]) cached_ids = [] for vp in view_paths: cached_ids += list(CompressedStorage(vp, disable_locking=True).keys()) cached_ids = set(cached_ids).intersection(self.sv_ids) so_views_exist = [svid in cached_ids for svid in self.sv_ids] return so_views_exist
[docs] def render_views(self, add_cellobjects: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True, cellobjects_only: bool = False, woglia: bool = True, skip_indexviews: bool = False): """ Renders views for each SV based on SSV context and stores them on SV level. Usually only used once: for initial glia or axoness prediction. The results will be saved distributed at each class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject` of this object. It is not cached in :py:attr:`view_dict` nor :py:attr:`view_path`. Used during initial glia, compartment and cell type predictions. See :func:`~_render_rawviews` for how to store views in the SSV storage, which is e.g. used during GT generation. Args: add_cellobjects: Add cellular organelle channels in the 2D projection views. verbose: Log additional information. overwrite: Re-render at all rendering locations. cellobjects_only: Render only cellular organelle channels. Currently not in use. woglia: If True, will load the views render from the glia-free agglomeration. skip_indexviews: Index views will not be generated, used for initial SSV glia-removal rendering. """ # TODO: partial rendering currently does not support index view generation (-> vertex # indices will be different for each partial mesh) if len(self.sv_ids) > self.config['glia']['rendering_max_nb_sv'] and not woglia: if not skip_indexviews: raise ValueError('Index view rendering is currently not supported with partial ' 'cell rendering.') part = self.partition_cc()'Partitioned huge SSV into {} subgraphs with each {}' ' SVs.'.format(len(part), len(part[0])))"Rendering SSO. {} SVs left to process" ".".format(len(self.sv_ids))) params = [[ for so in el] for el in part] params = chunkify(params, self.config.ngpu_total * 2) so_kwargs = {'version': self.svs[0].version, 'working_dir': self.working_dir, 'obj_type': self.svs[0].type} render_kwargs = {"overwrite": overwrite, 'woglia': woglia, "render_first_only": self.config['glia']['subcc_chunk_size_big_ssv'], 'add_cellobjects': add_cellobjects, "cellobjects_only": cellobjects_only, 'skip_indexviews': skip_indexviews} params = [[par, so_kwargs, render_kwargs] for par in params] qu.batchjob_script( params, "render_views_partial", suffix="_SSV{}".format(, n_cores=self.config['ncores_per_node'] // self.config['ngpus_per_node'], remove_jobfolder=True, additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1") else: # render raw data rot_mat = render_sampled_sso( self, add_cellobjects=add_cellobjects, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite, return_rot_mat=True, cellobjects_only=cellobjects_only, woglia=woglia) if skip_indexviews: return # render index views render_sampled_sso(self, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite, index_views=True, rot_mat=rot_mat)
[docs] def render_indexviews(self, nb_views=2, save=True, force_recompute=False, verbose=False, view_key=None, ws=None, comp_window=None): """ Render SSV raw views in case non-default number of views is required. Will be stored in SSV view dict. Default raw/index/prediction views are stored decentralized in corresponding SVs. Args: nb_views: int save: bool force_recompute: bool verbose: bool view_key: Optional[str] key used for storing view array. Default: 'index{}'.format(nb_views) ws: Tuple[int] Window size in pixels [y, x] comp_window: float Physical extent in nm of the view-window along y (see `ws` to infer pixel size) Returns: np.array """ if view_key is None: view_key = 'index{}'.format(nb_views) if not force_recompute: try: views = self.load_views(view_key) if not save: return views else: return except KeyError: pass locs = np.concatenate(self.sample_locations(cache=False)) if self._rot_mat is None: index_views, rot_mat = render_sso_coords_index_views( self, locs, nb_views=nb_views, verbose=verbose, return_rot_matrices=True, ws=ws, comp_window=comp_window) self._rot_mat = rot_mat else: index_views = render_sso_coords_index_views(self, locs, nb_views=nb_views, verbose=verbose, rot_mat=self._rot_mat, ws=ws, comp_window=comp_window) if self.view_caching: self.view_dict[view_key] = index_views if not save: return index_views self.save_views(index_views, view_key)
def _render_rawviews(self, nb_views=2, save=True, force_recompute=False, add_cellobjects=True, verbose=False, view_key=None, ws=None, comp_window=None): """ Render SSV raw views in case non-default number of views is required. Will be stored in SSV view dict. Default raw/index/prediction views are stored decentralized in corresponding SVs. Args: nb_views: int save: bool force_recompute: bool add_cellobjects: bool verbose: bool view_key: Optional[str] key used for storing view array. Default: 'raw{}'.format(nb_views) ws: Tuple[int] Window size in pixels [y, x] comp_window: float Physical extent in nm of the view-window along y (see `ws` to infer pixel size) Returns: np.array """ if view_key is None: view_key = 'raw{}'.format(nb_views) if not force_recompute: try: views = self.load_views(view_key) if not save: return views return except KeyError: pass locs = np.concatenate(self.sample_locations(cache=False)) if self._rot_mat is None: views, rot_mat = render_sso_coords(self, locs, verbose=verbose, ws=ws, add_cellobjects=add_cellobjects, comp_window=comp_window, nb_views=nb_views, return_rot_mat=True) self._rot_mat = rot_mat else: views = render_sso_coords(self, locs, verbose=verbose, ws=ws, add_cellobjects=add_cellobjects, comp_window=comp_window, nb_views=nb_views, rot_mat=self._rot_mat) if self.view_caching: self.view_dict[view_key] = views if save: self.save_views(views, view_key) else: return views
[docs] def predict_semseg(self, m, semseg_key, nb_views=None, verbose=False, raw_view_key=None, save=False, ws=None, comp_window=None, add_cellobjects: Union[bool, Iterable] = True, bs: int = 10): """ Generates label views based on input model and stores it under the key 'semseg_key', either within the SSV's SVs or in an extra view-storage according to input parameters: Default situation (nb_views and raw_view_key is None): semseg_key = 'spiness', nb_views=None This will load the raw views stored at the SSV's SVs. Non-default (nb_views or raw_view_key is not None): semseg_key = 'spiness4', nb_views=4 This requires to run 'self._render_rawviews(nb_views=4)' This method then has to be called like: 'self.predict_semseg(m, 'spiness4', nb_views=4)' Args: semseg_key (str): nb_views (Optional[int]): k (int): verbose (bool): raw_view_key (str): Key used for storing view array within SSO directory. Default: 'raw{}'.format(nb_views) If key does not exist, views will be re-rendered with properties defined in :py:attr:`~config` or as given in the kwargs `ws`, `nb_views` and `comp_window`. save (bool): If True, views will be saved. ws (tuple[int]): Window size in pixels [y, x] comp_window (float): Physical extent in nm of the view-window along y (see `ws` to infer pixel size) add_cellobjects: Add cell objects. Either bool or list of structures used to render. Only used when `raw_view_key` or `nb_views` is None - then views are rendered on-the-fly. bs: Batch size during inference. """ view_props_default = self.config['views']['view_properties'] if (nb_views is not None) or (raw_view_key is not None): # treat as special view rendering if nb_views is None: nb_views = view_props_default['nb_views'] if raw_view_key is None: raw_view_key = 'raw{}'.format(nb_views) if raw_view_key in self.view_dict: views = self.load_views(raw_view_key) else: self._render_rawviews(nb_views, ws=ws, comp_window=comp_window, save=save, view_key=raw_view_key, verbose=verbose, force_recompute=True, add_cellobjects=add_cellobjects) views = self.load_views(raw_view_key) if len(views) != len(np.concatenate(self.sample_locations(cache=False))): raise ValueError("Unequal number of views and redering locations.") labeled_views = ssh.predict_views_semseg(views, m, verbose=verbose, batch_size=bs) assert labeled_views.shape[2] == nb_views, \ "Predictions have wrong shape." if self.view_caching: self.view_dict[semseg_key] = labeled_views if save: self.save_views(labeled_views, semseg_key) else: # treat as default view rendering views = self.load_views() locs = self.sample_locations(cache=False) assert len(views) == len(np.concatenate(locs)), \ "Unequal number of views and rendering locations." # re-order number of views according to SV rendering locations # TODO: move view reordering to 'pred_svs_semseg', check other usages before! reordered_views = [] cumsum = np.cumsum([0] + [len(el) for el in locs]) for ii in range(len(locs)): sv_views = views[cumsum[ii]:cumsum[ii + 1]] reordered_views.append(sv_views) if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.warning('"predict_semseg" called but this SSV ' 'has version "tmp", results will' ' not be saved to disk.') ssh.pred_svs_semseg(m, reordered_views, semseg_key, self.svs, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus, verbose=verbose, return_pred=self.version == 'tmp', bs=bs) # do not write to disk
[docs] def semseg2mesh(self, semseg_key: str, dest_path: Optional[str] = None, nb_views: Optional[int] = None, k: int = 1, force_recompute: bool = False, index_view_key: Optional[str] = None): """ Generates vertex labels and stores it in the SSV's label storage under the key `semseg_key`. Examples: Default situation: ``semseg_key = 'spiness'``, ``nb_views=None`` This will load the index and label views stored at the SSV's SVs. Non-default: ``semseg_key = 'spiness4'``, ``nb_views=4`` This requires to run ``self._render_rawviews(nb_views=4)``, ``self.render_indexviews(nb_views=4)`` and ``predict_semseg(MODEL, 'spiness4', nb_views=4)``. This method then has to be called like: ``self.semseg2mesh('spiness4', nb_views=4)`` Args: semseg_key: Key used to retrieve the semantic segmentation results. dest_path: Path where the mesh will be stored as .ply in a nb_views: Number of views used k: Number of nearest vertices to average over. If k=0 unpredicted vertices will be treated as 'unpredicted' class. force_recompute: Force recompute. index_view_key: Key usedc to retrieve the index views. Returns: """ # colors are only needed if dest_path is given # (last two colors correspond to background and undpredicted vertices (k=0)) cols = None if dest_path is not None: if 'spiness' in semseg_key or 'dnho' in semseg_key or 'do' in semseg_key: cols = np.array([[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.05, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1]]) elif 'axon' in semseg_key: # cols = np.array([[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], # [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1], # [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1]]) # dendrite, axon, soma, bouton, terminal, background, unpredicted cols = np.array([[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.05, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.1, 1], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1]]) elif 'ads' in semseg_key: # dendrite, axon, soma, unpredicted cols = np.array([[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1]]) elif 'abt' in semseg_key: # axon, bouton, terminal, unpredicted cols = np.array([[0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], [0.05, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.1, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1]]) elif 'dnh' in semseg_key: # dendrite, neck, head, unpredicted cols = np.array([[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1]]) elif '3models' in semseg_key or 'dasbt' in semseg_key: # dendrite, axon, soma, bouton, terminal, neck, head, unpredicted cols = np.array([[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.05, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 0.1, 1], [0.9, 0.4, 0.4, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 1]]) else: raise ValueError('Semantic segmentation of "{}" is not supported.' ''.format(semseg_key)) cols = (cols * 255).astype(np.uint8) return ssh.semseg2mesh(self, semseg_key, nb_views, dest_path, k, cols, force_recompute=force_recompute, index_view_key=index_view_key)
[docs] def semseg_for_coords(self, coords: np.ndarray, semseg_key: str, k: int = 5, ds_vertices: int = 20, ignore_labels: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None): """ Get the semantic segmentation with key `semseg_key` from the `k` nearest vertices at every coordinate in `coords`. Args: coords: np.array Voxel coordinates, unscaled! [N, 3] semseg_key: str k: int Number of nearest neighbors (NN) during k-NN classification ds_vertices: int striding factor for vertices, uses ``max(1, ds_vertices // 10)`` if ``len(vertices) < 5e6``. ignore_labels: List[int] Vertices with labels in `ignore_labels` will be ignored during majority vote, e.g. used to exclude unpredicted vertices. Returns: np.array Same length as `coords`. For every coordinate in `coords` returns the majority label based on its k-nearest neighbors. """ # TODO: Allow multiple keys as in self.attr_for_coords, e.g. to # include semseg axoness in a single query if ignore_labels is None: ignore_labels = [] coords = np.array(coords) * self.scaling vertices = self.mesh[1].reshape((-1, 3)) if len(vertices) == 0: return np.zeros((0, ), dtype=np.int32) if len(vertices) < 5e6: ds_vertices = max(1, ds_vertices // 10) vertex_labels = self.label_dict('vertex')[semseg_key][::ds_vertices] if np.ndim(vertex_labels) == 2: vertex_labels = vertex_labels.squeeze(1) vertices = vertices[::ds_vertices] for ign_l in ignore_labels: vertices = vertices[vertex_labels != ign_l] vertex_labels = vertex_labels[vertex_labels != ign_l] if len(vertex_labels) != len(vertices): raise ValueError('Size of vertices and their labels does not match!') if len(vertices) < k: log_reps.warning(f'Number of vertices ({len(vertices)}) is less than the given ' f'value of k ({k}). Setting k to lower value.') k = len(vertices) maj_vote = colorcode_vertices(coords, vertices, vertex_labels, k=k, return_color=False, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus) return maj_vote
[docs] def get_spine_compartments(self, semseg_key: str = 'spiness', k: int = 1, min_spine_cc_size: Optional[int] = None, dest_folder: Optional[str] = None) \ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Retrieve connected components of vertex spine predictions. Args: semseg_key: Key of the used semantic segmentation. k: Number of nearest neighbors for majority label vote (smoothing of classification results). min_spine_cc_size: Minimum number of vertices to consider a connected component a valid object. dest_folder: Default is None, else provide a path (str) to a folder. The mean location and size of the head and neck connected components will be stored as numpy array file (npy). Returns: Neck locations, neck sizes, head locations, head sizes. Location and size arrays have the same ordering. """ if min_spine_cc_size is None: min_spine_cc_size = self.config['spines']['min_spine_cc_size'] vertex_labels = self.label_dict('vertex')[semseg_key] vertices = self.mesh[1].reshape((-1, 3)) max_dist = self.config['spines']['min_edge_dist_spine_graph'] g = create_graph_from_coords(vertices, force_single_cc=True, max_dist=max_dist) g_orig = g.copy() for e in g_orig.edges(): l0 = vertex_labels[e[0]] l1 = vertex_labels[e[1]] if l0 != l1: g.remove_edge(e[0], e[1])"Starting connected components for SSV {}." "".format( all_ccs = list(sorted(nx.connected_components(g), key=len, reverse=True))"Finished connected components for SSV {}." "".format( sizes = np.array([len(c) for c in all_ccs]) thresh_ix = np.argmax(sizes < min_spine_cc_size) all_ccs = all_ccs[:thresh_ix] sizes = sizes[:thresh_ix] cc_labels = [] cc_coords = [] for c in all_ccs: curr_v_ixs = list(c) curr_v_l = vertex_labels[curr_v_ixs] curr_v_c = vertices[curr_v_ixs] if len(np.unique(curr_v_l)) != 1: msg = '"get_spine_compartments": Connected component ' \ 'contains multiple labels.' log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) cc_labels.append(curr_v_l[0]) cc_coords.append(np.mean(curr_v_c, axis=0)) cc_labels = np.array(cc_labels) cc_coords = np.array(cc_coords) np.random.seed(0) neck_c = (cc_coords[cc_labels == 0] / self.scaling).astype(np.uint64) neck_s = sizes[cc_labels == 0] head_c = (cc_coords[cc_labels == 1] / self.scaling).astype(np.uint64) head_s = sizes[cc_labels == 1] if dest_folder is not None:"{}/neck_coords_ssv{}_k{}_{}_ccsize{}.npy".format( dest_folder,, k, semseg_key, min_spine_cc_size), neck_c)"{}/head_coords_ssv{}_k{}_{}_ccsize{}.npy".format( dest_folder,, k, semseg_key, min_spine_cc_size), head_c) return neck_c, neck_s, head_c, head_s
[docs] def sample_locations(self, force=False, cache=True, verbose=False, ds_factor=None): """ Args: force: bool force resampling of locations cache: bool save sample location in SSO attribute dict verbose: bool ds_factor: float Downscaling factor to generate locations Returns: list of array Sample coordinates for each SV in self.svs. """ if self.version == 'tmp' and cache: cache = False if not force and self._sample_locations is not None: return self._sample_locations if not force: if self.attr_exists("sample_locations"): return self.attr_dict["sample_locations"] if verbose: start = time.time() params = [[sv, {"force": force, 'save': cache, 'ds_factor': ds_factor}] for sv in self.svs] # list of arrays # TODO: currently does not support multiprocessing locs = sm.start_multiprocess_obj("sample_locations", params, nb_cpus=1) # self.nb_cpus) if cache: self.save_attributes(["sample_locations"], [locs]) if verbose: dur = time.time() - start log_reps.debug("Sampling locations from {} SVs took {:.2f}s." " {.4f}s/SV (incl. read/write)".format( len(self.sv_ids), dur, dur / len(self.sv_ids))) return locs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPORTS
[docs] def pklskel2kzip(self): self.load_skeleton() es = self.skeleton["edges"] ns = self.skeleton["nodes"] a = skeleton.SkeletonAnnotation() a.scaling = self.scaling a.comment = "skeleton" for e in es: n0 = skeleton.SkeletonNode().from_scratch(a, ns[e[0]][0], ns[e[0]][1], ns[e[0]][2]) n1 = skeleton.SkeletonNode().from_scratch(a, ns[e[1]][0], ns[e[1]][1], ns[e[1]][2]) a.addNode(n0) a.addNode(n1) a.addEdge(n0, n1) write_skeleton_kzip(self.skeleton_kzip_path, a)
[docs] def write_locations2kzip(self, dest_path: Optional[str] = None): if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path_views elif not dest_path.endswith(''): dest_path += '' loc = np.concatenate(self.sample_locations()) new_anno = coordpath2anno(loc, add_edges=False) new_anno.setComment("sample_locations") write_skeleton_kzip(dest_path, [new_anno])
[docs] def mergelist2kzip(self, dest_path: Optional[str] = None): if len(self.attr_dict) == 0: self.load_attr_dict() kml = knossos_ml_from_sso(self) if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path write_txt2kzip(dest_path, kml, "mergelist.txt")
[docs] def mesh2kzip(self, dest_path: Optional[str] = None, obj_type: str = "sv", ext_color: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs): """ Writes mesh of SSV to kzip as .ply file. Args: dest_path: obj_type: str 'sv' for cell surface, 'mi': mitochondria, 'vc': vesicle clouds, 'sj': synaptic junctions ext_color: np.array of scalar If scalar, it has to be an integer between 0 and 255. If array, it has to be of type uint/int and of shape (N, 4) while N is the number of vertices of the SSV cell surface mesh: N = len(self.mesh[1].reshape((-1, 3))) Returns: """ color = None if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path # TODO: revisit re-definition of `obj_type` to 'sj'. if obj_type == "syn_ssv": mesh = self.syn_ssv_mesh # also store it as 'sj' s.t. `init_sso_from_kzip` can use it for rendering. # TODO: add option to rendering code which enables rendering of arbitrary cell organelles obj_type = 'sj' else: mesh = self.load_mesh(obj_type) if ext_color is not None: if type(ext_color) is list: ext_color = np.array(ext_color) if np.isscalar(ext_color) and ext_color == 0: color = None elif np.isscalar(ext_color): color = ext_color elif type(ext_color) is np.ndarray: if ext_color.ndim != 2: msg = "'ext_color' is numpy array of dimension {}." \ " Only 2D arrays are allowed.".format(ext_color.ndim) log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if ext_color.shape[1] == 3: # add alpha channel alpha_sh = (len(ext_color), 1) alpha_arr = (np.ones(alpha_sh) * 255).astype(ext_color.dtype) ext_color = np.concatenate([ext_color, alpha_arr], axis=1) color = ext_color.flatten() write_mesh2kzip(dest_path, mesh[0], mesh[1], mesh[2], color, ply_fname=obj_type + ".ply", **kwargs)
[docs] def meshes2kzip(self, dest_path: Optional[str] = None, sv_color: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, synssv_instead_sj: bool = True, object_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs): """ Writes SV, mito, vesicle cloud and synaptic junction meshes to Args: dest_path: str sv_color: np.array array with RGBA values or None to use default values (see :func:`~mesh2kzip`). synssv_instead_sj: bool object_types: List[str] Objects to export. Returns: """ if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path if object_types is None: object_types = ["sj", "vc", "mi", "sv"] for ot in object_types: # determines rendering order in KNOSSOS if ot == "sj" and synssv_instead_sj: ot = 'syn_ssv' self.mesh2kzip(obj_type=ot, dest_path=dest_path, ext_color=sv_color if ot == "sv" else None, **kwargs)
[docs] def mesh2file(self, dest_path=None, center=None, color=None, scale=None, obj_type='sv'): """ Writes mesh to file (e.g. .ply, .stl, .obj) via the 'openmesh' library. If possible, writes it as binary. Args: dest_path: str center: np.array scaled center coordinates (in nm). color: np.array Either single color (1D; will be applied to all vertices) or per-vertex color array (2D). scale: float Multiplies vertex locations after centering. obj_type: str Defines the object type which is used for loading the mesh via :func:`~load_mesh`. """ mesh2obj_file(dest_path, self.load_mesh(obj_type), center=center, color=color, scale=scale)
[docs] def export2kzip(self, dest_path: str, attr_keys: Iterable[str] = ('skeleton',), rag: Optional[nx.Graph] = None, sv_color: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, individual_sv_meshes: bool = True, object_meshes: Optional[tuple] = None, synssv_instead_sj: bool = True): """ Writes the SSO to a KNOSSOS loadable kzip including the mergelist (:func:`~mergelist2kzip`), its meshes (:func:`~meshes2kzip`), data set specific information and additional data (`attr_keys`). 0 to 255. Saved SSO can also be re-loaded as an SSO instance via :func:`~syconn.proc.ssd_assembly.init_sso_from_kzip`. Todo: * Switch to .json format for storing meta information. Notes: Will not invoke :func:`~load_attr_dict`. Args: dest_path: Path to destination kzip file. attr_keys: Currently allowed: 'sample_locations', 'skeleton', 'attr_dict', 'rag'. rag: SV graph of SSV with uint nodes. sv_color: Cell supervoxel colors. Array with RGBA (0...255) values or None to use default values (see :func:`~mesh2kzip`). individual_sv_meshes: Export meshes of cell supervoxels individually. object_meshes: Defaults to subcellular organelles defined in config.yml ('process_cell_organelles'). synssv_instead_sj: If True, will use 'syn_ssv' objects instead of 'sj'. """ # # The next two calls are deprecated but might be useful at some point # self.save_skeleton_to_kzip(dest_path=dest_path) # self.save_objects_to_kzip_sparse(["mi", "sj", "vc"], # dest_path=dest_path) if not dest_path.endswith(''): dest_path += '' if os.path.isfile(dest_path): raise FileExistsError(f' file already exists at "{dest_path}".') tmp_dest_p = [] target_fnames = [] attr_keys = list(attr_keys) if 'rag' in attr_keys: if rag is None and not os.path.isfile(self.edgelist_path): log_reps.warn("Could not find SV graph of SSV {}. Please" " pass `sv_graph` as kwarg.".format(self)) else: tmp_dest_p.append('{}_rag.bz2'.format(dest_path)) target_fnames.append('rag.bz2') if rag is None: rag = self.sv_graph_uint nx.write_edgelist(rag, tmp_dest_p[-1]) attr_keys.remove('rag') if object_meshes is None: object_meshes = list(self.config['process_cell_organelles']) + ['sv', 'syn_ssv'] else: object_meshes = list(object_meshes) allowed_attributes = ('sample_locations', 'skeleton', 'attr_dict') for attr in attr_keys: if attr not in allowed_attributes: raise ValueError('Invalid attribute specified. Currently suppor' 'ted attributes for export: {}'.format(allowed_attributes)) if attr == 'skeleton' and self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() tmp_dest_p.append('{}_{}.pkl'.format(dest_path, attr)) target_fnames.append('{}.pkl'.format(attr)) sso_attr = getattr(self, attr) if hasattr(sso_attr, '__call__'): sso_attr = sso_attr() write_obj2pkl(tmp_dest_p[-1], sso_attr) # always write meta dict tmp_dest_p.append('{}_{}.pkl'.format(dest_path, 'meta')) target_fnames.append('{}.pkl'.format('meta')) write_obj2pkl(tmp_dest_p[-1], {'version_dict': self.version_dict, 'scaling': self.scaling, 'working_dir': self.working_dir, 'sso_id':}) # write all data data2kzip(dest_path, tmp_dest_p, target_fnames) if individual_sv_meshes and 'sv' in object_meshes: object_meshes.remove('sv') self.write_svmeshes2kzip(dest_path, force_overwrite=False) self.meshes2kzip(dest_path=dest_path, sv_color=sv_color, force_overwrite=False, synssv_instead_sj=synssv_instead_sj, object_types=object_meshes) self.mergelist2kzip(dest_path=dest_path) if 'skeleton' in attr_keys: self.save_skeleton_to_kzip(dest_path=dest_path)
[docs] def typedsyns2mesh(self, dest_path: Optional[str] = None, rewrite: bool = False): """ Generates typed meshes of 'syn_ssv' and stores it at :py:attr:`~mesh_dc_path` (keys: ``'syn_ssv_sym'`` and ``'syn_ssv_asym'``) and writes it to `dest_path` (if given). Accessed with the respective keys via :py:attr:`~load_mesh`. Synapse types are looked up in the 'syn_ssv' AttributeDicts and treated as follows: * excitatory / asymmetric: 1 * inhibitory / symmetric: -1 Args: dest_path: Optional output path for the synapse meshes. rewrite: Ignore existing meshes in :py:attr:`~_meshes` or at :py:attr:`~mesh_dc_path`. """ if not rewrite and self.mesh_exists('syn_ssv_sym') and self.mesh_exists('syn_ssv_asym') \ and not self.version == "tmp": return syn_signs = load_so_attr_bulk(self.syn_ssv, 'syn_sign', use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) sym_syns = [] asym_syns = [] for syn in self.syn_ssv: syn_sign = syn_signs[] if syn_sign == -1: sym_syns.append(syn) elif syn_sign == 1: asym_syns.append(syn) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown synapse sign {syn_sign}.') sym_syn_mesh = list(merge_someshes(sym_syns, use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold)) asym_syn_mesh = list(merge_someshes(asym_syns, use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold)) if self.version is not "tmp": mesh_dc = MeshStorage(self.mesh_dc_path, read_only=False, disable_locking=not self.enable_locking) mesh_dc['syn_ssv_sym'] = sym_syn_mesh mesh_dc['syn_ssv_asym'] = asym_syn_mesh mesh_dc.push() self._meshes['syn_ssv_sym'] = sym_syn_mesh self._meshes['syn_ssv_asym'] = asym_syn_mesh if dest_path is None: return # TODO: add appropriate ply fname and/or comment write_mesh2kzip(dest_path, asym_syn_mesh[0], asym_syn_mesh[1], asym_syn_mesh[2], color=np.array((240, 50, 50, 255)), ply_fname='10.ply') write_mesh2kzip(dest_path, sym_syn_mesh[0], sym_syn_mesh[1], sym_syn_mesh[2], color=np.array((50, 50, 240, 255)), ply_fname='11.ply')
[docs] def write_svmeshes2kzip(self, dest_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ Write individual cell supervoxel ('sv') meshes in ply format to kzip file. Args: dest_path: Target file name. """ if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path inds, verts, norms, cols, ply_fnames = [], [], [], [], [] for sv in self.svs: inds.append(sv.mesh[0]) verts.append(sv.mesh[1]) norms.append(sv.mesh[2]) cols.append(None) ply_fnames.append(f"sv_{}.ply") write_meshes2kzip(dest_path, inds, verts, norms, cols, ply_fnames=ply_fnames, **kwargs)
def _svattr2mesh(self, dest_path, attr_key, cmap, normalize_vals=False): sv_attrs = np.array([sv.lookup_in_attribute_dict(attr_key).squeeze() for sv in self.svs]) if normalize_vals: min_val = sv_attrs.min() sv_attrs -= min_val sv_attrs /= sv_attrs.max() ind, vert, norm, col = merge_someshes(self.svs, color_vals=sv_attrs, cmap=cmap, use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) write_mesh2kzip(dest_path, ind, vert, norm, col, "%s.ply" % attr_key)
[docs] def svprobas2mergelist(self, key="glia_probas", dest_path=None): if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path coords = np.array([sv.rep_coord for sv in self.svs]) sv_comments = ["%s; %s" % (str(np.mean(sv.attr_dict[key], axis=0)), str(sv.attr_dict[key]).replace('\n', '')) for sv in self.svs] kml = knossos_ml_from_svixs([ for sv in self.svs], coords, comments=sv_comments) write_txt2kzip(dest_path, kml, "mergelist.txt")
def _pred2mesh(self, pred_coords: np.ndarray, preds: np.ndarray, ply_fname: Optional[str] = None, dest_path: Optional[str] = None, colors: Optional[Union[tuple, np.ndarray, list]] = None, k: int = 1, **kwargs): """ If dest_path or ply_fname is None then indices, vertices, colors are returned. Else Mesh is written to file as specified. Args: pred_coords: N x 3; scaled to nm preds: Label array (N x 1). ply_fname: str dest_path: str colors: Color for each possible prediction value (range(np.max(preds)) k: Number of nearest neighbors (average prediction) **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `colorcode_vertices`. Returns: None or [np.array, np.array, np.array] """ if ply_fname is not None and not ply_fname.endswith(".ply"): ply_fname += ".ply" if dest_path is not None and ply_fname is None: msg = "Specify 'ply_fanme' in order to save colored " \ "mesh to" log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) mesh = self.mesh col = colorcode_vertices(mesh[1].reshape((-1, 3)), pred_coords, preds, colors=colors, k=k, **kwargs) if dest_path is None: return mesh[0], mesh[1], col else: write_mesh2kzip(dest_path, mesh[0], mesh[1], mesh[2], col, ply_fname=ply_fname) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- GLIA
[docs] def gliaprobas2mesh(self, dest_path=None, pred_key_appendix=""): if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path_views import seaborn as sns mcmp = sns.diverging_palette(250, 15, s=99, l=60, center="dark", as_cmap=True) self._svattr2mesh(dest_path, "glia_probas" + pred_key_appendix, cmap=mcmp)
[docs] def gliapred2mesh(self, dest_path=None, thresh=None, pred_key_appendix=""): if thresh is None: thresh = self.config['glia']['glia_thresh'] astrocyte_svs = [sv for sv in self.svs if sv.glia_pred(thresh, pred_key_appendix) == 1] nonastrocyte_svs = [sv for sv in self.svs if sv.glia_pred(thresh, pred_key_appendix) == 0] if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path_views mesh = merge_someshes(astrocyte_svs, use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) neuron_mesh = merge_someshes(nonastrocyte_svs, use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) write_meshes2kzip(dest_path, [mesh[0], neuron_mesh[0]], [mesh[1], neuron_mesh[1]], [mesh[2], neuron_mesh[2]], [None, None], ["glia_%0.2f.ply" % thresh, "nonglia_%0.2f.ply" % thresh])
[docs] def gliapred2mergelist(self, dest_path=None, thresh=None, pred_key_appendix=""): if thresh is None: thresh = self.config['glia']['glia_thresh'] if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path_views params = [[sv, ] for sv in self.svs] coords = sm.start_multiprocess_obj("rep_coord", params, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus) coords = np.array(coords) params = [[sv, {"thresh": thresh, "pred_key_appendix": pred_key_appendix}] for sv in self.svs] glia_preds = sm.start_multiprocess_obj("glia_pred", params, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus) glia_preds = np.array(glia_preds) glia_comments = ["%0.4f" % gp for gp in glia_preds] kml = knossos_ml_from_svixs([ for sv in self.svs], coords, comments=glia_comments) write_txt2kzip(dest_path, kml, "mergelist.txt")
[docs] def gliasplit(self, recompute=False, thresh=None, verbose=False, pred_key_appendix=""): astrocyte_svs_key = "astrocyte_svs" + pred_key_appendix neuron_svs_key = "neuron_svs" + pred_key_appendix if thresh is None: thresh = self.config['glia']['glia_thresh'] if recompute or not (self.attr_exists(astrocyte_svs_key) and self.attr_exists(neuron_svs_key)): if verbose: log_reps.debug("Splitting glia in SSV {} with {} SV's.".format(, len(self.sv_ids))) start = time.time() nonglia_ccs, astrocyte_ccs = split_glia(self, thresh=thresh, pred_key_appendix=pred_key_appendix) if verbose: log_reps.debug("Splitting glia in SSV %d with %d SV's finished " "after %.4gs." % (, len(self.sv_ids), time.time() - start)) non_glia_ccs_ixs = [[ for so in nonglia] for nonglia in nonglia_ccs] astrocyte_ccs_ixs = [[ for so in glia] for glia in astrocyte_ccs] self.attr_dict[astrocyte_svs_key] = astrocyte_ccs_ixs self.attr_dict[neuron_svs_key] = non_glia_ccs_ixs self.save_attributes([astrocyte_svs_key, neuron_svs_key], [astrocyte_ccs_ixs, non_glia_ccs_ixs]) else: log_reps.critical('Skipping SSO {}, glia splits already exist' '.'.format(
[docs] def gliasplit2mesh(self, dest_path=None, pred_key_appendix=""): """ Args: dest_path: pred_key_appendix: Returns: """ # TODO: adapt writemesh2kzip to work with multiple writes # to same file or use write_meshes2kzip here. astrocyte_svs_key = "astrocyte_svs" + pred_key_appendix neuron_svs_key = "neuron_svs" + pred_key_appendix if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path_views # write meshes of CC's astrocyte_ccs = self.attr_dict[astrocyte_svs_key] for kk, astrocyte in enumerate(astrocyte_ccs): mesh = merge_someshes([self.get_seg_obj("sv", ix) for ix in astrocyte], use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) write_mesh2kzip(dest_path, mesh[0], mesh[1], mesh[2], None, "astrocyte_cc%d.ply" % kk) non_glia_ccs = self.attr_dict[neuron_svs_key] for kk, nonglia in enumerate(non_glia_ccs): mesh = merge_someshes([self.get_seg_obj("sv", ix) for ix in nonglia], use_new_subfold=self.config.use_new_subfold) write_mesh2kzip(dest_path, mesh[0], mesh[1], mesh[2], None, "nonglia_cc%d.ply" % kk)
[docs] def morphembed2mesh(self, dest_path, pred_key='latent_morph', whiten=True): """ Write morphology embedding as RGB to file. Args: dest_path: pred_key: whiten: Returns: """ if self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() d = np.array(self.skeleton[pred_key]) if whiten: d -= d.mean(axis=0) eig = _calc_pca_components(d) d_transf =, eig[:, :3]) d_transf -= d_transf.min(axis=0) d_transf /= d_transf.max(axis=0) vert_col = colorcode_vertices(self.mesh[1].reshape((-1, 3)), self.skeleton['nodes'] * self.scaling, np.arange(len(self.skeleton['nodes'])), normalize_img(d_transf)) self.mesh2kzip(dest_path, ext_color=vert_col)
[docs] def write_gliapred_cnn(self, dest_path=None): if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path_views skel = load_skeleton_kzip(self.skeleton_kzip_path_views)[ "sample_locations"] n_nodes = [n for n in skel.getNodes()] pred_coords = [n.getCoordinate() * np.array(self.scaling) for n in n_nodes] preds = [int(["glia_pred"]) for n in n_nodes] self._pred2mesh(pred_coords, preds, "gliapred.ply", dest_path=dest_path, colors=[[11, 129, 220, 255], [218, 73, 58, 255]])
[docs] def predict_views_gliaSV(self, model, verbose=True, pred_key_appendix=""): if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.warning('"predict_views_gliaSV" called but this SSV ' 'has version "tmp", results will' ' not be saved to disk.') start = time.time() pred_key = "glia_probas" pred_key += pred_key_appendix # 'tmp'-version: do not write to disk predict_sos_views(model, self.svs, pred_key, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus, verbose=verbose, woglia=False, raw_only=True, return_proba=self.version == 'tmp') end = time.time() log_reps.debug("Prediction of %d SV's took %0.2fs (incl. read/write). " "%0.4fs/SV" % (len(self.sv_ids), end - start, float(end - start) / len(self.sv_ids)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ AXONESS def _load_skelfeatures(self, key): if not self.skeleton: self.load_skeleton() assert self.skeleton is not None, "Skeleton does not exist." if key in self.skeleton: assert len(self.skeleton["nodes"]) == len(self.skeleton[key]), \ "Length of skeleton features is not equal to number of nodes." return self.skeleton[key] else: return None def _save_skelfeatures(self, k, features, overwrite=False): if not self.skeleton: self.load_skeleton() assert self.skeleton is not None, "Skeleton does not exist." if k in self.skeleton and not overwrite: raise ValueError("Key {} already exists in skeleton" " feature dict.".format(k)) self.skeleton[k] = features assert len(self.skeleton["nodes"]) == len(self.skeleton[k]), \ "Length of skeleton features is not equal to number of nodes." self.save_skeleton()
[docs] def write_axpred_rfc(self, dest_path=None, k=1): if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path if self.load_skeleton(): if not "axoness" in self.skeleton: return False axoness = self.skeleton["axoness"].copy() axoness[self.skeleton["axoness"] == 1] = 0 axoness[self.skeleton["axoness"] == 0] = 1 self._pred2mesh(self.skeleton["nodes"] * self.scaling, axoness, k=k, dest_path=dest_path)
[docs] def skelproperty2mesh(self, key, dest_path=None, k=1): if self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() if dest_path is None: dest_path = self.skeleton_kzip_path self._pred2mesh(self.skeleton["nodes"] * self.scaling, self.skeleton[key], k=k, dest_path=dest_path, ply_fname=key + ".ply")
[docs] def axoness_for_coords(self, coords, radius_nm=4000, pred_type="axoness"): """ Dies not need to be axoness, it supports any attribut stored in self.skeleton. Args: coords: np.array Voxel coordinates, unscaled! [N, 3] radius_nm: float pred_type: str Returns: np.array Same length as coords. For every coordinate in coords returns the majority label within radius_nm """ return np.array(self.attr_for_coords(coords, [pred_type], radius_nm))
[docs] def attr_for_coords(self, coords, attr_keys, radius_nm=None, k=1): """ TODO: move to Query skeleton node attributes at given coordinates. Supports any attribute stored in self.skeleton. If radius_nm is given, will assign majority attribute value. Args: coords (np.array): Voxel coordinates, unscaled! [N, 3] radius_nm (Optional[float]): If None, will only use attribute of nearest node, otherwise majority attribute value is used. attr_keys (List[str]): Attribute identifier k (int): Number of nearest neighbors, only if `radius_nm` is None. Returns: list: Same length as coords. For every coordinate in coords returns the majority label within radius_nm or [-1] if Key does not exist. """ if type(attr_keys) is str: attr_keys = [attr_keys] coords = np.array(coords) if self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() if self.skeleton is None or len(self.skeleton["nodes"]) == 0: log_reps.warn("Skeleton did not exist for SSV {} (size: {}; rep. coord.: " "{}).".format(, self.size, self.rep_coord)) return -1 * np.ones((len(coords), len(attr_keys))) # get close locations if k > 1 and len(self.skeleton["nodes"]) < k: log_reps.warn(f'Number of skeleton nodes ({len(self.skeleton["nodes"])}) ' f'is smaller than k={k} in SSO {}. Lowering k.') k = len(self.skeleton["nodes"]) kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(self.skeleton["nodes"] * self.scaling) if radius_nm is None: _, close_node_ids = kdtree.query(coords * self.scaling, k=k, n_jobs=self.nb_cpus) else: close_node_ids = kdtree.query_ball_point(coords * self.scaling, radius_nm) attr_dc = defaultdict(list) for i_coord in range(len(coords)): curr_close_node_ids = close_node_ids[i_coord] for attr_key in attr_keys: # e.g. for glia SSV axoness does not exist. if attr_key not in self.skeleton: el = -1 if k == 1 else [-1] * k attr_dc[attr_key].append(el) continue # use nodes within radius_nm, there might be multiple node ids if radius_nm is not None: if len(curr_close_node_ids) == 0: dist, curr_close_node_ids = kdtree.query(coords * self.scaling) "Couldn't find skeleton nodes within {} nm. Using nearest " "one with distance {} nm. SSV ID {}, coordinate at {}." "".format(radius_nm, dist[0],, coords[i_coord])) cls, cnts = np.unique( np.array(self.skeleton[attr_key])[np.array(curr_close_node_ids)], return_counts=True) if len(cls) > 0: attr_dc[attr_key].append(cls[np.argmax(cnts)]) else:"Did not find any skeleton node within {} nm at {}." " SSV {} (size: {}; rep. coord.: {}).".format( radius_nm, i_coord,, self.size, self.rep_coord)) attr_dc[attr_key].append(-1) else: # only nearest node ID attr_dc[attr_key].append(self.skeleton[attr_key][curr_close_node_ids]) # in case latent morphology was not predicted / needed if "latent_morph" in attr_keys: latent_morph = attr_dc["latent_morph"] for i in range(len(latent_morph)): curr_latent = latent_morph[i] if np.isscalar(curr_latent) and curr_latent == -1: curr_latent = np.array([np.inf] * self.config['tcmn']['ndim_embedding']) latent_morph[i] = curr_latent return [np.array(attr_dc[k]) for k in attr_keys]
[docs] def predict_views_axoness(self, model, verbose=False, pred_key_appendix=""): start = time.time() pred_key = "axoness_probas" pred_key += pred_key_appendix if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.warning('"predict_views_axoness" called but this SSV ' 'has version "tmp", results will' ' not be saved to disk.') try: predict_sos_views(model, self.svs, pred_key, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus, verbose=verbose, woglia=True, raw_only=False, return_proba=self.version == 'tmp') # do not write to disk except KeyError: log_reps.error("Re-rendering SSV %d (%d SVs), because views are missing." % (, len(self.sv_ids))) self.render_views(add_cellobjects=True, woglia=True, overwrite=True) predict_sos_views(model, self.svs, pred_key, nb_cpus=self.nb_cpus, verbose=verbose, woglia=True, raw_only=False, return_proba=self.version == 'tmp') # do not write to disk) end = time.time() log_reps.debug("Prediction of %d SV's took %0.2fs (incl. read/write). " "%0.4fs/SV" % (len(self.sv_ids), end - start, float(end - start) / len(self.sv_ids)))
[docs] def predict_views_embedding(self, model, pred_key_appendix="", view_key=None): """ This will save a latent vector which captures a local morphology fingerprint for every skeleton node location as :py:attr:`~skeleton`['latent_morph'] based on the nearest rendering location. Notes: * This method requires existing :py:attr:`~views`. For on the fly view rendering use :py:func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_helper.view_embedding_of_sso_nocache` Todo: * Add option for on the fly rendering and call :py:func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_helper.view_embedding_of_sso_nocache` in here. Args: model: pred_key_appendix: view_key: str View identifier, e.g. if views have been pre-rendered and are stored in `self.view_dict` Returns: """ from ..handler.prediction import naive_view_normalization_new pred_key = "latent_morph" pred_key += pred_key_appendix if self.version == 'tmp': log_reps.warning('"predict_views_embedding" called but this SSV ' 'has version "tmp", results will' ' not be saved to disk.') views = self.load_views(view_key=view_key) # [N, 4, 2, y, x] # TODO: add normalization to model - prevent potentially different normalization! views = naive_view_normalization_new(views) # The inference with TNets can be optimzed, via splititng the views into three equally sized parts. inp = (views[:, :, 0], np.zeros_like(views[:, :, 0]), np.zeros_like(views[:, :, 0])) # return dist1, dist2, inp1, inp2, inp3 latent _, _, latent, _, _ = model.predict_proba(inp) # only use first view for now # map latent vecs at rendering locs to skeleton node locations via nearest neighbor self.load_skeleton() if 'view_ixs' not in self.skeleton: hull_tree = spatial.cKDTree(np.concatenate(self.sample_locations())) dists, ixs = hull_tree.query(self.skeleton["nodes"] * self.scaling, n_jobs=self.nb_cpus, k=1) self.skeleton["view_ixs"] = ixs self.skeleton[pred_key] = latent[self.skeleton["view_ixs"]] self.save_skeleton()
[docs] def cnn_axoness2skel(self, **kwargs): locking_tmp = self.enable_locking self.enable_locking = False # all SV operations are read-only # (enable_locking is inherited by sso.svs); # SSV operations not, but SSO file structure is not chunked res = ssh.cnn_axoness2skel(self, **kwargs) self.enable_locking = locking_tmp return res
[docs] def average_node_axoness_views(self, **kwargs): """ Apply a sliding window averaging along the axon predictions stored at the nodes of the :py:attr:`~skeleton`. See :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_helper._average_node_axoness_views` for details. Will call :func:`~save_skeleton`. Args: **kwargs: Key word arguments used in :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_helper._average_node_axoness_views`. """ locking_tmp = self.enable_locking self.enable_locking = False # all SV operations are read-only # (enable_locking is inherited by sso.svs); # SSV operations not, but SSO file structure is not chunked res = ssh.average_node_axoness_views(self, **kwargs) self.save_skeleton() self.enable_locking = locking_tmp return res
[docs] def axoness2mesh(self, dest_path, k=1, pred_key_appendix=''): """ Deprecated. See :func:`~semseg2mesh`. Write the per-location CMN axon predictions (img2scalar) to a kzip file. Args: dest_path: Path to the kzip file. k: Number of nearest neighbors used for the majority vote. pred_key_appendix: Key to load specific predictions. """ ssh.write_axpred_cnn(self, pred_key_appendix=pred_key_appendix, k=k, dest_path=dest_path)
# --------------------------------------------------------------- CELL TYPES
[docs] def predict_celltype_multiview(self, model, pred_key_appendix, model_tnet=None, view_props=None, onthefly_views=False, overwrite=True, model_props=None, verbose: bool = False, save_to_attr_dict: bool = True): """ Infer celltype classification via `model` (stored as ``celltype_cnn_e3`` and ``celltype_cnn_e3_probas`` in the :py:attr:`~attr_dict`) and an optional cell morphology embedding via `model_tnet` (stored as ``latent_morph_ct``). Args: model: nn.Module pred_key_appendix: str model_tnet: Optional[nn.Module] view_props: Optional[dict] Dictionary which contains view properties. If None, default defined in :py:attr:`~config` will be used. onthefly_views: bool overwrite: model_props: Model properties. See config.yml for an example. verbose: save_to_attr_dict: Save prediction in attr_dict. """ if model_props is None: model_props = {} view_props_def = self.config['views']['view_properties'] if view_props is not None: view_props_def.update(view_props) view_props = view_props_def if not onthefly_views: ssh.predict_sso_celltype(self, model, pred_key_appendix=pred_key_appendix, save_to_attr_dict=save_to_attr_dict, overwrite=overwrite, **model_props) else: ssh.celltype_of_sso_nocache(self, model, pred_key_appendix=pred_key_appendix, save_to_attr_dict=save_to_attr_dict, overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose, **view_props, **model_props) if model_tnet is not None: view_props = dict(view_props) # create copy if 'use_syntype' in view_props: del view_props['use_syntype'] ssh.view_embedding_of_sso_nocache(self, model_tnet, pred_key_appendix=pred_key_appendix, overwrite=True, **view_props)
[docs] def predict_cell_morphology_pts(self, **kwargs): """ Store local cell morphology with key 'latent_morph' (+ `pred_key_appendix`) in the SSV skeleton. Args: **kwargs: """ from syconn.handler.prediction_pts import infere_cell_morphology_ssd ssd_kwargs = dict(working_dir=self.working_dir, config=self.config) ssv_params = [dict(, **ssd_kwargs)] infere_cell_morphology_ssd(ssv_params, **kwargs)
[docs] def render_ortho_views_vis(self, dest_folder=None, colors=None, ws=(2048, 2048), obj_to_render=("sv",)): multi_view_sso = load_rendering_func('multi_view_sso') if colors is None: colors = {"sv": (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), "mi": (0, 0, 1, 1), "vc": (0, 1, 0, 1), "sj": (1, 0, 0, 1)} views = multi_view_sso(self, colors, ws=ws, obj_to_render=obj_to_render) if dest_folder: from scipy.misc import imsave # TODO: use new imageio package for ii, v in enumerate(views): imsave("%s/SSV_%d_%d.png" % (dest_folder,, ii), v) else: return views
[docs] def certainty_celltype(self, pred_key: Optional[str] = None) -> float: """_probas Certainty estimate of the celltype prediction: 1. If `is_logit` is True, Generate pseudo-probabilities from the input using softmax. 2. Sum the evidence per class and (re-)normalize. 3. Compute the entropy, scale it with the maximum entropy (equal probabilities) and subtract it from 1. Notes: See :func:`~syconn.handler.prediction.certainty_estimate` Args: pred_key: Key of classification results (one C-class probability vector for every multi-view sample). ``pred_key + '_probas'`` must exist in :py:attr:`~attr_dict`. Returns: Certainty measure based on the entropy of the cell type logits. """ if pred_key is None: pred_key = 'celltype_cnn_e3' cert = self.lookup_in_attribute_dict(pred_key + '_certainty') if cert is not None: return cert logits = self.lookup_in_attribute_dict(pred_key + '_probas') return certainty_estimate(logits, is_logit=True)
[docs] def majority_vote(self, prop_key: str, max_dist: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Smooths (average using sliding window of 2 times max_dist and majority vote) property prediction in annotation. Args: prop_key: Property to average. max_dist: Maximum distance (in nm) for sliding window used in majority voting. Returns: """ assert prop_key in self.skeleton, "Given key does not exist in self.skeleton" prop_array = self.skeleton[prop_key] assert prop_array.squeeze().ndim == 1, "Property array has to be 1D." maj_votes = np.zeros_like(prop_array) for ii in range(len(self.skeleton["nodes"])): paths = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(self.weighted_graph(), ii, max_dist) neighs = np.array(list(paths.keys()), dtype=np.int64) labels, cnts = np.unique(prop_array[neighs], return_counts=True) maj_label = labels[np.argmax(cnts)] maj_votes[ii] = maj_label return maj_votes
[docs] def shortestpath2soma(self, coordinates: np.ndarray, axoness_key: Optional[str] = None) -> List[float]: """ Computes the shortest path to the soma along :py:attr:`~skeleton`. Cell compartment predictions must exist in ``self.skeleton['axoness_avg10000']``, see :func:`~syconn.exec.exec_inference.run_semsegaxoness_mapping`. Requires a populated :py:attr:`~skeleton`, e.g. via :func:`~load_skeleton`. Args: coordinates: Starting coordinates in voxel coordinates; shape of (N, 3). axoness_key: Key to axon prediction stored in :py:attr:`~skeleton`. Raises: KeyError: If axon prediction does not exist. Examples: To get the shortest paths between all synapses and the soma use:: from syconn.reps.super_segmentation import * from syconn import global_params global_params.wd = '~/SyConn/example_cube1/' ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset() # get any cell reconstruction ssv = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(ssd.ssv_ids[0]) # get synapse coordinates in voxels. syns = np.array([syn.rep_coord for syn in ssv.syn_ssv]) shortest_paths = ssv.shortestpath2soma(syns) Returns: The shortest path in nanometers for each start coordinate. """ if axoness_key is None: axoness_key = 'axoness_avg{}'.format(self.config['compartments'][ 'dist_axoness_averaging']) nodes = self.skeleton['nodes'] soma_ixs = np.nonzero(self.skeleton[axoness_key] == 2)[0] if np.sum(soma_ixs) == 0: return [np.inf] * len(coordinates) graph = self.weighted_graph(add_node_attr=[axoness_key]) kdt = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(nodes) dists, start_ixs = kdt.query(coordinates, n_jobs=self.nb_cpus) log_reps.debug(f'Computing shortest paths to soma for {len(start_ixs)} ' f'starting nodes.') shortest_paths_of_interest = [] for ix in start_ixs: shortest_paths = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(graph, ix) # get the shortest path to a soma curr_path = np.min([shortest_paths[soma_ix] for soma_ix in soma_ixs]) shortest_paths_of_interest.append(curr_path) return shortest_paths_of_interest
[docs] def path_density_seg_obj(self, obj_type: str, compartments_of_interest: Optional[List[int]] = None, ax_pred_key: str = 'axoness_avg10000') -> float: """ Args: obj_type: Key to any available sub-cellular structure. compartments_of_interest: Which compartments to take into account for calculation. axon: 1, dendrite: 0, soma: 2 ax_pred_key: Key of compartment prediction stored in :attr:`~skeleton`, only used if `compartments_of_interest` was set. Returns: Average volume per path length (um^3 / um). """ objs = np.array(self.get_seg_objects(obj_type)) if self.skeleton is None: self.load_skeleton() skel = self.skeleton if compartments_of_interest is not None: node_labels = skel[ax_pred_key] node_labels[node_labels == 3] = 1 node_labels[node_labels == 4] = 1 tree = spatial.cKDTree(skel['nodes'] * self.scaling) _, ixs = tree.query(np.array([obj.rep_coord for obj in objs]) * self.scaling, k=1, n_jobs=self.nb_cpus) obj_labels = node_labels[ixs] mask = np.zeros(len(objs), dtype=np.bool) for comp_label in compartments_of_interest: mask = mask | (obj_labels == comp_label) objs = objs[mask] if len(objs) > 0: vx_count = np.sum([obj.size for obj in objs]) else: vx_count = 0 obj_vol = vx_count * / 1e9 # in um^3 path_length = self.total_edge_length(compartments_of_interest) / 1e3 # in um if path_length == 0: return 0.0 else: return obj_vol / path_length
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SO rendering code
[docs]def render_sampled_sos_cc(sos, ws=(256, 128), verbose=False, woglia=True, render_first_only=0, add_cellobjects=True, overwrite=False, cellobjects_only=False, index_views=False, enable_locking=True): """ Renders for each SV views at sampled locations (number is dependent on SV mesh size with scaling fact) from combined mesh of all SV. Args: sos: list of SegmentationObject ws: tuple verbose: bool woglia: bool without glia components render_first_only: int add_cellobjects: bool overwrite: bool cellobjects_only: bool index_views: bool enable_locking: bool enable system locking when writing views Returns: """ # initilaize temporary SSO if not overwrite: if render_first_only: if np.all([sos[ii].views_exist(woglia=woglia) for ii in range(render_first_only)]): return else: if np.all([sv.views_exist(woglia=woglia) for sv in sos]): return sso = SuperSegmentationObject(sos[0].id, create=False, enable_locking=False, working_dir=sos[0].working_dir, version="tmp", scaling=sos[0].scaling) sso._objects["sv"] = sos if render_first_only: coords = [sos[ii].sample_locations() for ii in range(render_first_only)] else: coords = sso.sample_locations(cache=False) if add_cellobjects: sso._map_cellobjects(save=False) part_views = np.cumsum([0] + [len(c) for c in coords]) if index_views: views = render_sso_coords_index_views(sso, flatten_list(coords), ws=ws, verbose=verbose) else: views = render_sso_coords(sso, flatten_list(coords), add_cellobjects=add_cellobjects, ws=ws, verbose=verbose, cellobjects_only=cellobjects_only) for i in range(len(coords)): # TODO: write chunked v = views[part_views[i]:part_views[i + 1]] if np.sum(v) == 0 or np.sum(v) == log_reps.warn("Empty views detected after rendering.", RuntimeWarning) sv_obj = sos[i] sv_obj.save_views(views=v, woglia=woglia, index_views=index_views, cellobjects_only=cellobjects_only, enable_locking=True)
[docs]def render_so(so, ws=(256, 128), add_cellobjects=True, verbose=False): """ Render super voxel views located at given locations. Does not write views to so.views_path Args: so: SegmentationObject super voxel ID ws: tuple of int Rendering windows size add_cellobjects: bool verbose: bool Returns: np.array views """ # initilaize temporary SSO for cellobject mapping purposes sso = SuperSegmentationObject(, create=False, working_dir=so.working_dir, version="tmp", scaling=so.scaling) sso._objects["sv"] = [so] coords = sso.sample_locations(cache=False)[0] if add_cellobjects: sso._map_cellobjects(save=False) views = render_sso_coords(sso, coords, ws=ws, add_cellobjects=add_cellobjects, verbose=verbose) return views
[docs]def celltype_predictor(args) -> Iterable: """ Args: args: Returns: """ from ..handler.prediction import get_celltype_model_e3 ssv_ids, nb_cpus, model_props = args use_onthefly_views = global_params.config.use_onthefly_views view_props = global_params.config['views']['view_properties'] m = get_celltype_model_e3() missing_ssvs = [] for ix in ssv_ids: ssv = SuperSegmentationObject(ix, working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) ssv.nb_cpus = nb_cpus ssv._view_caching = True try: ssv.predict_celltype_multiview(m, pred_key_appendix="", onthefly_views=use_onthefly_views, overwrite=True, view_props=view_props, model_props=model_props) except RuntimeError as e: missing_ssvs.append( msg = 'ERROR during celltype prediction of SSV {}. {}'.format(, repr(e)) log_reps.error(msg) return missing_ssvs
[docs]def semsegaxoness_predictor(args) -> List[int]: """ Predicts axoness and stores resulting labels at vertex dictionary. Args: args: (ssv_ids, view_props, nb_cpus, map_properties, pred_key, max_dist) Returns: IDs of missing/failed SSVs. """ from ..handler.prediction import get_semseg_axon_model ssv_ids, view_props, nb_cpus, map_properties, pred_key, max_dist, bs = args m = get_semseg_axon_model() missing_ssvs = [] for ix in ssv_ids: ssv = SuperSegmentationObject(ix, working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) ssv.nb_cpus = nb_cpus ssv._view_caching = True try: ssh.semseg_of_sso_nocache(ssv, m, bs=bs, **view_props) semsegaxoness2skel(ssv, map_properties, pred_key, max_dist) except RuntimeError as e: missing_ssvs.append( msg = 'Error during sem. seg. prediction of SSV {}. {}'.format(, repr(e)) log_reps.error(msg) del ssv return missing_ssvs
[docs]def semsegaxoness2skel(sso: SuperSegmentationObject, map_properties: dict, pred_key: str, max_dist: int): """ Populate the following two skeleton keys: * "{}_avg{}".format(pred_key, max_dist) * "{}_avg{}_comp_maj".format(pred_key, max_dist) Args: sso: SuperSegmentationObject. map_properties: Properties used to map the vertex predictions to the skeleton nodes. pred_key: Used for retrieving vertex labels and to store the mapped node labels in the skeleton. max_dist: Distance used for majority vote in ``majorityvote_skeleton_property``. Notes: * Node predictions will be zero if no mesh vertices are available or no nodes exist. Returns: """ if sso.skeleton is None: sso.load_skeleton() if sso.skeleton is None: log_reps.warning(f"Skeleton of {sso} hdoes not exist.") return if len(sso.skeleton["nodes"]) == 0 or len(sso.mesh[1]) == 0: log_reps.warning(f"Skeleton of {sso} has zero nodes or no mesh vertices.") sso.skeleton["{}_avg{}".format(pred_key, max_dist)] = np.zeros((len(sso.skeleton['nodes']), 1)) sso.skeleton["{}_avg{}_comp_maj".format(pred_key, max_dist)] = np.zeros((len(sso.skeleton['nodes']), 1)) sso.save_skeleton() return # vertex predictions node_preds = sso.semseg_for_coords( sso.skeleton['nodes'], semseg_key=pred_key, **map_properties) # perform average only on axon dendrite and soma predictions nodes_ax_den_so = np.array(node_preds, dtype=np.int32) # set en-passant and terminal boutons to axon class for averaging # bouton labels are stored in node_preds nodes_ax_den_so[nodes_ax_den_so == 3] = 1 nodes_ax_den_so[nodes_ax_den_so == 4] = 1 sso.skeleton[pred_key] = nodes_ax_den_so # average along skeleton, stored as: "{}_avg{}".format(pred_key, max_dist) ssh.majorityvote_skeleton_property(sso, prop_key=pred_key, max_dist=max_dist) # suffix '_avg{}' is added by `_average_node_axoness_views` nodes_ax_den_so = sso.skeleton["{}_avg{}".format(pred_key, max_dist)] # recover bouton predictions within axons and store smoothed result nodes_ax_den_so[(node_preds == 3) & (nodes_ax_den_so == 1)] = 3 nodes_ax_den_so[(node_preds == 4) & (nodes_ax_den_so == 1)] = 4 sso.skeleton["{}_avg{}".format(pred_key, max_dist)] = nodes_ax_den_so # will create a compartment majority voting after removing all soma nodes # the restul will be written to: ``ax_pred_key + "_comp_maj"`` ssh.majority_vote_compartments(sso, "{}_avg{}".format(pred_key, max_dist)) nodes_ax_den_so = sso.skeleton["{}_avg{}_comp_maj".format(pred_key, max_dist)] # recover bouton predictions within axons and store majority result nodes_ax_den_so[(node_preds == 3) & (nodes_ax_den_so == 1)] = 3 nodes_ax_den_so[(node_preds == 4) & (nodes_ax_den_so == 1)] = 4 sso.skeleton["{}_avg{}_comp_maj".format(pred_key, max_dist)] = nodes_ax_den_so sso.save_skeleton()
[docs]def semsegspiness_predictor(args) -> List[int]: """ Predicts spiness and stores resulting labels at vertex dictionary. Args: args: (ssv_ids, view_props, nb_cpus, kwargs_semseg2mesh, kwargs_semsegforcoords) Returns: """ from ..handler.prediction import get_semseg_spiness_model m = get_semseg_spiness_model() ssv_ids, view_props, nb_cpus, kwargs_semseg2mesh, kwargs_semsegforcoords = args missing_ssvs = [] for ix in ssv_ids: ssv = SuperSegmentationObject(ix, working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) ssv.nb_cpus = nb_cpus ssv._view_caching = True try: ssh.semseg_of_sso_nocache(ssv, m, **view_props, **kwargs_semseg2mesh) # map to skeleton ssv.load_skeleton() if ssv.skeleton is None or len(ssv.skeleton["nodes"]) == 0: log_reps.warning(f"Skeleton of SSV {} has zero nodes.") node_preds = np.zeros((0, ), dtype=np.int32) else: # vertex predictions node_preds = ssv.semseg_for_coords(ssv.skeleton['nodes'], kwargs_semseg2mesh['semseg_key'], **kwargs_semsegforcoords) ssv.skeleton[kwargs_semseg2mesh['semseg_key']] = node_preds ssv.save_skeleton() except RuntimeError as e: missing_ssvs.append( msg = 'Error during sem. seg. prediction of SSV {}. {}'.format(, repr(e)) log_reps.error(msg) return missing_ssvs