Source code for syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld
import copy
import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple, Iterable, Generator
import pickle as pkl

import tqdm
import numpy as np

from . import log_reps
from .rep_helper import SegmentationBase
from .segmentation import SegmentationDataset, SegmentationObject
from .super_segmentation_helper import assemble_from_mergelist
from .super_segmentation_helper import view_embedding_of_sso_nocache
from .super_segmentation_object import SuperSegmentationObject
from .. import global_params
from ..handler.basics import load_pkl2obj, write_obj2pkl, chunkify, kd_factory
from ..handler.config import DynConfig
from ..handler import basics
from import BinarySearchStore, bss_get_attr_helper
from import batchjob_utils as qu
from import mp_utils as sm

    from knossos_utils import mergelist_tools
except ImportError:
    from knossos_utils import mergelist_tools_fallback as mergelist_tools

[docs]class SuperSegmentationDataset(SegmentationBase): """ This class represents a set of agglomerated supervoxels, which themselves are represented by :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`. Examples: After successfully executing :py:func:`syconn.exec.exec_init.run_create_neuron_ssd`, and subsequent analysis steps (see the ``SyConn/scripts/example_run/``) it is possible to load SSV properties via :func:`~load_cached_data` with the following keys (the ordering of the arrays corresponds to :py:attr:`~ssv_ids`): * 'id': ID array, identical to :py:attr:`~ssv_ids`. All other properties have the same ordering as this array, i.e. if SSV with ID 1234 has index 42 in the 'id'-array you will find its properties at index 42 in all other cache-arrays. * 'bounding_box': Bounding box of every SSV. * 'size': Number voxels of each SSV. * 'rep_coord': Representative coordinates for each SSV. * 'sv': Supervoxel IDs for every SSV. * 'sample_locations': Lists of rendering locations for each SSV. Each entry is a list (length corresponds to the number of supervoxels) of coordinate arrays for the corresponding SSV. * 'celltype_cnn_e3': Celltype classifications based on the elektronn3 CMN. * 'celltype_cnn_e3_probas': Celltype logits for the different types as an array of shape (M, C; M: Number of predicted random multi-view sets, C: Number of classes). In the example run there are currently 9 predicted classes: STN=0, DA=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, GP=5, FS=6, TAN=7, INT=8. * 'syn_ssv': Synapse IDs assigned to each SSV. * 'syn_sign_ratio': Area-weighted atio of symmetric synapses, see :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject.syn_sign_ratio`. * 'sj': Synaptic junction object IDs which were mapped to each SSV. These are used for view rendering and also to generate the 'syn_ssv' objects in combination with contact sites (see corresponding section in the documentation). * 'mapping_sj_ids': Synaptic junction objects which overlap with the respective SSVs. * 'mapping_sj_ratios': Overlap ratio of the synaptic junctions. * 'vc': Vesicle clouds mapped to each SSV. * 'mapping_vc_ids': Vesicle cloud objects which overlap with the respective SSVs. * 'mapping_vc_ratios': Overlap ratio of the vesicle clouds. * 'mi': Mitochondria mapped to each SSV. * 'mapping_mi_ids': Mitochondria objects which overlap with the respective SSVs. * 'mapping_mi_ratios': Overlap ratio of the mitochondria. The following lines initialize the :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset` of the example run and explore some of the existing attributes:: import numpy as np from syconn.reps.super_segmentation import * ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir='~/SyConn/example_cube1/') n_synapses = [len(ssv.syn_ssv) for ssv in ssd.ssvs] path_length = [ssv.total_edge_length() for ssv in ssd.ssvs] # in nanometers syn_densities = np.array(n_synapses) / np.array(path_length) print(np.mean(syn_densities), np.std(syn_densities)) We can make use of the cached arrays to obtain the total number of synapses per cell type as follows:: celltypes = ssd.load_numpy_data('celltype_cnn_e3') n_synapses = np.array([len(el) for el in ssd.load_numpy_data('syn_ssv')]) n_synapes_per_type = {ct: np.sum(n_synapses[celltypes==ct]) for ct in range(np.max(celltypes)} print(n_synapes_per_type) Attributes: sso_caching: WIP, enables caching mechanisms in SuperSegmentationObjects returned via `get_super_segmentation_object` sso_locking: If True, locking is enabled for SSV files. """ def __init__(self, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, ssd_type: str = 'ssv', version_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, sv_mapping: Optional[Union[Dict[int, int], str]] = None, scaling: Optional[Union[List, Tuple, np.ndarray]] = None, config: DynConfig = None, sso_caching: bool = False, sso_locking: bool = False, create: bool = False, sd_lookup: Optional[Dict[str, SegmentationDataset]] = None, cache_properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite: bool = False): """ Args: working_dir: Path to the working directory. version: Indicates the version of the dataset, e.g. '0', 'groundtruth' etc. ssd_type: Changes the directory prefix the dataset is stored in. Currently there is no real use-case for this. version_dict: Dictionary which contains the versions of other dataset types which share the same working directory. sv_mapping: Dictionary mapping supervoxel IDs (key) to their super-supervoxel ID. scaling: Array defining the voxel size in XYZ. Default is taken from the `config.yml` file. config: Config. object, see :class:`~syconn.handler.config.DynConfig`. Will be copied and then fixed by setting :py:attr:`~syconn.handler.config.DynConfig.fix_config` to True. sso_caching: WIP, enables caching mechanism in SuperSegmentationObjects returned via `get_super_segmentation_object` sso_locking: If True, locking is enabled for SSV files. sd_lookup: Lookup dict for :py:class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationDataset`, this will enable usage of property cache arrays for all attributes which have been specified in `property_cache` during init. of `SegmentationDataset` (see :class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`). cache_properties: Use numpy cache arrays to populate the specified object properties when initializing :py:class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject` via :py:func:`~get_super_segmentation_object`. create: Create folder. """ self.ssv_dict = {} self._mapping_dict = None self.sso_caching = sso_caching self.sso_locking = sso_locking self._mapping_lookup_reverse = None self.overwrite = overwrite self._type = ssd_type self._ssv_ids = None # cache mechanism self._ssoid2ix = None self._property_cache = dict() if cache_properties is None: cache_properties = tuple() if version == 'temp': version = 'tmp' self._setup_working_dir(working_dir, config, version, scaling) if version is not 'tmp' and self._config is not None: self._config = copy.copy(self._config) self._config.fix_config = True if version is None: try: self._version = self.config["versions"][self.type] except KeyError: raise Exception(f"Unclear version '{version}' during initialization of {self}.") elif version == "new": other_datasets = glob.glob(self.working_dir + "/%s_*" % self.type) max_version = -1 for other_dataset in other_datasets: try: other_version = \ int(re.findall(r"[\d]+", os.path.basename(other_dataset))[-1]) if max_version < other_version: max_version = other_version # version is not an integer, found version could be e.g. 'tmp' except IndexError: pass self._version = max_version + 1 else: self._version = version # init sd lookup if sd_lookup is None: sd_lookup = {"sv": None, "vc": None, "mi": None, "sj": None, "syn_ssv": None} self.sd_lookup = sd_lookup if version_dict is None: try: self.version_dict = self.config["versions"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No version dict specified in config") else: if isinstance(version_dict, dict): self.version_dict = version_dict elif isinstance(version_dict, str) and version_dict == "load": if self.version_dict_exists: self.load_version_dict() else: raise ValueError("No version dict specified in config") if create: os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True) if sv_mapping is not None: if type(sv_mapping) is dict and 0 in sv_mapping: raise ValueError('Zero ID in mapping dict which is not supported.') self.apply_mergelist(sv_mapping) self.enable_property_cache(cache_properties) def __repr__(self): return (f'{type(self).__name__}(ssd_type="{self.type}", ' f'version="{self.version}", working_dir="{self.working_dir}")') @property def type(self) -> str: """ The type of the underlying supervoxel objects. See :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject`. """ return str(self._type) @property def scaling(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Voxel size in nanometers (XYZ). Default is taken from the `config.yml` file and accessible via :py:attr:`~config`. """ return self._scaling @property def working_dir(self) -> str: """ Working directory. """ return self._working_dir @property def config(self) -> DynConfig: """ Config. object which contains all dataset-sepcific parameters. """ if self._config is None: self._config = global_params.config return self._config @property def path(self) -> str: """ Full path to dataset directory. """ return "%s/%s_%s/" % (self._working_dir, self.type, self.version) @property def version(self) -> str: """ Indicates the version of the dataset. The version is part of the dataset's folder name. """ return str(self._version) @property def version_dict_path(self) -> str: """ Path to version dictionary file. """ return self.path + "/version_dict.pkl" @property def mapping_dict_exists(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the mapping dictionary exists (uper-supervoxel ID to sueprvoxel IDs). """ return os.path.exists(self.mapping_dict_path) @property def mapping_dict_path(self) -> str: """ Path to the mapping dictionary pkl file. """ return self.path + "/mapping_dict.pkl" @property def mapping_lookup_reverse_path(self) -> str: """ Path to data structure that stores the lookup from supervoxel ID to cell ID. """ return self.path + "/mapping_lookup_reverse.h5" @property def version_dict_exists(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether the version dictionary exists at :py:attr:`~version_dict_path`. """ return os.path.exists(self.version_dict_path) @property def mapping_dict(self) -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]: """ Dictionary which contains the supervoxel IDs for every super-supervoxel. """ if self._mapping_dict is None: if self.mapping_dict_exists: self.load_mapping_dict() else: self._mapping_dict = {} return self._mapping_dict
[docs] def sv2ssv_ids(self, ids: np.ndarray, nb_cpus=1) -> Dict[int, int]: """ Use :attr:`~mapping_lookup_reverse` to query the cell ID for a given array of supervoxel IDs. IDs that are not in :attr:`~sv_ids` will not be added to the output dict. Args: ids: Unique IDs to find the corresponding cell ID. nb_cpus: Returns: Dictionary with supervoxel ID as key and cell ID as value. """ assert np.ndim(ids) == 1 # explicitly cast to uint64 because if `ids` is a list of python int intersect auto-casts to float queries = np.intersect1d(ids, self.sv_ids).astype(np.uint64) log_reps.debug(f'Finished intersection of {len(ids)} query IDs.') if nb_cpus <= 1: query_res = self.mapping_lookup_reverse.get_attributes(queries, 'ssv_ids') else: params = [(self.mapping_lookup_reverse, ch, 'ssv_ids') for ch in np.array_split(queries, nb_cpus)] query_res = sm.start_multiprocess(bss_get_attr_helper, params, nb_cpus=nb_cpus, debug=nb_cpus <= 1) query_res = np.concatenate(query_res) log_reps.debug('Finished queries.') return dict(zip(queries, query_res))
@property def mapping_lookup_reverse(self) -> BinarySearchStore: if self._mapping_lookup_reverse is None: self._mapping_lookup_reverse = BinarySearchStore(self.mapping_lookup_reverse_path) return self._mapping_lookup_reverse
[docs] def create_mapping_lookup_reverse(self): """Create data structure for efficient look-ups from supervoxel ID to cell ID, see :py:class:``. """ ids, ssv_ids = [], [] for ssv_id, sv_ids in self.mapping_dict.items(): ssv_ids.extend([ssv_id] * len(sv_ids)) ids.extend(list(sv_ids)) ids = np.array(ids, dtype=np.uint64) ssv_ids = np.array(ssv_ids, dtype=np.uint64) BinarySearchStore( self.mapping_lookup_reverse_path, id_array=ids, attr_arrays=dict(ssv_ids=ssv_ids), overwrite=self.overwrite)
@property def ssv_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Super-supervoxel IDs which are part of this :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset` object. """ if self._ssv_ids is None: # do not change the order of the if statements as it is crucial # for the resulting ordering of self.ssv_ids (only id.npy matches # with all the other cached numpy arrays). self._ssv_ids = self.load_numpy_data('id', suppress_warning=True) if self._ssv_ids is not None: pass elif len(self.mapping_dict) > 0: self._ssv_ids = np.array(list(self.mapping_dict.keys())) elif self.mapping_dict_exists: self.load_mapping_dict() self._ssv_ids = np.array(list(self.mapping_dict.keys())) else: paths = glob.glob(self.path + "/so_storage/*/*/*/") self._ssv_ids = np.array([int(os.path.basename(p.strip("/"))) for p in paths], dtype=np.uint64) return self._ssv_ids @property def ssvs(self) -> Generator[SuperSegmentationObject, None, None]: """ Generator of :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject` objects which are part of this :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset` object. Yields: :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject` """ ix = 0 tot_nb_ssvs = len(self.ssv_ids) while ix < tot_nb_ssvs: yield self.get_super_segmentation_object(self.ssv_ids[ix]) ix += 1 @property def sv_ids(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Flat array of supervoxel IDs which are part of the cells (:attr:`~.ssv_ids`) in this :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.SuperSegmentationDataset` object. """ return self.mapping_lookup_reverse.id_array
[docs] def load_numpy_data(self, prop_name: str, allow_nonexisting: bool = True, suppress_warning: bool = False) -> \ Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Todo: * remove 's' appendix in file names. Args: prop_name: Identifier for requested cache array. Ordering of the array is the same as :py:attr:`~ssv_ids`. allow_nonexisting: If False, will fail for missing numpy files. suppress_warning: Do not print a warning if property does not exist. Returns: Numpy array of cached property. """ if os.path.exists(self.path + prop_name + ".npy"): return np.load(self.path + prop_name + ".npy", allow_pickle=True) elif os.path.exists(self.path + prop_name + "s.npy"): log_reps.warning(f'Using "s" appendix in numpy cache file ' f'"{self.path + prop_name + "s.npy"}", this is deprecated.') return np.load(self.path + prop_name + "s.npy", allow_pickle=True) else: msg = f'Requested data cache "{prop_name}" did not exist in {self}.' if not allow_nonexisting: log_reps.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) if not suppress_warning: log_reps.warning(msg)
[docs] def get_segmentationdataset(self, obj_type: str) -> SegmentationDataset: assert obj_type in self.version_dict return SegmentationDataset(obj_type, version=self.version_dict[obj_type], working_dir=self.working_dir)
[docs] def apply_mergelist(self, sv_mapping: Union[Dict[int, int], str]): """ See :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_helper.assemble_from_mergelist`. Args: sv_mapping: Supervoxel agglomeration. """ os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True) assemble_from_mergelist(self, sv_mapping)
[docs] def get_super_segmentation_object(self, obj_id: Union[int, Iterable[int]], new_mapping: bool = False, caching: Optional[bool] = None, create: bool = False) \ -> Union[SuperSegmentationObject, List[SuperSegmentationObject]]: """ Factory method for :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject`s. `bj_id` might be a single ID or list of IDs. Args: obj_id: ID of the super-supervoxel which should be instantiated. Can also be an iterable. new_mapping: If True, the returned :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject` object will be built on the supervoxel agglomeration stored in :py:attr:`~mapping_dict`. caching: Enable caching of various attributes. create: If True, creates the directory of the super-supervoxel inside the folder structure of this dataset. Notes: * Set the default value of `caching` to False, PS 20Feb2019 Returns: SuperSegmentationObject(s) corresponding to the given `obj_id` (int or Iterable[int]). """ kwargs_def = dict(ssd_type=self.type, create=create, scaling=self.scaling, object_caching=caching, voxel_caching=caching, mesh_caching=caching, view_caching=caching, enable_locking_so=False, enable_locking=self.sso_locking, config=self.config) if caching is None: caching = self.sso_caching if np.isscalar(obj_id): if new_mapping: sso = SuperSegmentationObject(obj_id, self.version, self.version_dict, self.working_dir, sv_ids=self.mapping_dict[obj_id], **kwargs_def) else: sso = SuperSegmentationObject(obj_id, self.version, self.version_dict, self.working_dir, **kwargs_def) for k, v in self._property_cache.items(): sso.attr_dict[k] = v[self._ssoid2ix[obj_id]] sso._ssd = self else: # TODO: use generator sso = [] for ix in obj_id: # call it with scalar input recursively sso.append(self.get_super_segmentation_object(ix, create=create, new_mapping=new_mapping, caching=caching)) return sso
[docs] def store_total_edge_lengths(self, ax_pred_key: Optional[str] = "axoness_avg10000", overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, nb_cpus: Optional[int] = None): """Stores total edge lengths of all the cells in this dataset in nanometers. Same ordering as :attr:`~.ssv_ids`. Args: ax_pred_key: Key of compartment prediction stored in :attr:`~skeleton` overwrite: Overwrite the `total_edge_lengths.npy` file. Defaults to False. nb_cpus: CPUs per worker. Defaults to None. """ if os.path.exists(self.path + "total_edge_lengths.npy") and not overwrite: log_reps.warning(f"Total edge lengths already exist in {self.path}. To overwrite, set overwrite=True.") return if nb_cpus is None: import multiprocessing nb_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() params = [(ch, ax_pred_key) for ch in list(basics.chunkify_successive(self.ssv_ids, 500))] total_edge_lengths = np.concatenate(sm.start_multiprocess_imap(get_total_edge_lengths, params=params, nb_cpus=nb_cpus), axis=0) + "total_edge_lengths.npy", total_edge_lengths)
[docs] def store_path_densities_seg_objs(self, obj_type: str, compartments_of_interest: Optional[list] = None, ax_pred_key: Optional[str] = 'axoness_avg10000', overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, nb_cpus: Optional[int] = None): """Stores path densities of all the cells in this dataset. Same ordering as :attr:`~.ssv_ids`. Args: obj_type: Key to any available sub-cellular structure. compartments_of_interest: Which compartments to take into account for calculation. axon: 1, dendrite: 0, soma: 2 ax_pred_key: Key of compartment prediction stored in :attr:`~skeleton`, only used if `compartments_of_interest` was set. Defaults to 'axoness_avg10000'. overwrite: Overwrite the `<obj_type>_path_densities.npy` file. Defaults to False. nb_cpus: CPUs per worker. Defaults to None. """ if os.path.exists(self.path + obj_type + "_path_densities.npy") and not overwrite: log_reps.warning(f"Path densities for {obj_type} already exist in {self.path}. To overwrite, set overwrite=True.") return if nb_cpus is None: import multiprocessing nb_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() params = [(obj_type, ch, compartments_of_interest, ax_pred_key) for ch in list(basics.chunkify_successive(self.ssv_ids, 500))] path_densities = np.concatenate(sm.start_multiprocess_imap(get_path_density_seg_obj, params=params, nb_cpus=nb_cpus), axis=0) + obj_type + "_path_densities" + ".npy", path_densities)
[docs] def save_dataset_shallow(self, overwrite: bool = False): """ Saves :py:attr:`~version_dict`, :py:attr:`~mapping_dict`. Args: overwrite: Do not replace existing files. """ if not self.version_dict_exists or overwrite: self.save_version_dict() if not self.mapping_dict_exists or overwrite: self.save_mapping_dict()
[docs] def save_dataset_deep(self, extract_only: bool = False, attr_keys: Iterable[str] = (), n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, nb_cpus: Optional[int] = None, use_batchjob=True, new_mapping: bool = True): """ Saves attributes of all SSVs within the given SSD and computes properties like size and representative coordinate. The order of :py:attr:`~ssv_ids` may change each run. Populates the ``sv_ids`` attribute of all SSVs. See :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset.save_dataset_deep`. Args: extract_only: Only cache attributes `attr_keys` from attribute dict. This will add suffix '_sel' to the numpy cache array file names (-> updates will not apply to the :func:`~load_cached_data` method). attr_keys: Attributes to cache, only used if ``extract_only=True``. n_jobs: Currently requires any string to enable batch job system, will be replaced by a global flag soon. nb_cpus: CPUs per worker. use_batchjob: Use batchjob processing instead of local multiprocessing. new_mapping: Whether to apply new mapping (see :func:`~mapping_dict`). Returns: """ save_dataset_deep(self, extract_only=extract_only, attr_keys=attr_keys, n_jobs=n_jobs, nb_cpus=nb_cpus, new_mapping=new_mapping, overwrite=self.overwrite, use_batchjob=use_batchjob)
[docs] def save_version_dict(self): """ Save the version dictionary to a `.pkl` file. """ if len(self.version_dict) > 0: write_obj2pkl(self.version_dict_path, self.version_dict)
[docs] def load_version_dict(self): """ Load the version dictionary from the `.pkl` file. """ assert self.version_dict_exists self.version_dict = load_pkl2obj(self.version_dict_path)
[docs] def save_mapping_dict(self): """ Save the mapping dictionary to a `.pkl` file. """ if len(self.mapping_dict) > 0: write_obj2pkl(self.mapping_dict_path, self.mapping_dict) else: log_reps.warn(f'No entries in mapping dict of {self}.')
[docs] def load_mapping_dict(self): """ Load the mapping dictionary from the `.pkl` file. """ assert self.mapping_dict_exists self._mapping_dict = load_pkl2obj(self.mapping_dict_path)
[docs] def enable_property_cache(self, property_keys: List[str]): """ Add properties to cache. Args: property_keys: Property keys. Numpy cache arrays must exist. """ # look-up for so IDs to index in cache arrays if len(property_keys) == 0: return if self._ssoid2ix is None: self._ssoid2ix = {k: ix for ix, k in enumerate(self.ssv_ids)} self._property_cache.update({k: self.load_numpy_data(k, allow_nonexisting=False) for k in property_keys})
[docs]def save_dataset_deep(ssd: SuperSegmentationDataset, extract_only: bool = False, attr_keys: Iterable = (), n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, nb_cpus: Optional[int] = None, use_batchjob=True, new_mapping: bool = True, overwrite=False): """ Saves attributes of all SSVs within the given SSD and computes properties like size and representative coordinate. `id.npy` order may change after repeated runs. Todo: * extract_only requires refactoring as it stores cache arrays under a different filename. * allow partial updates of a subset of attributes (e.g. use already existing `id.npy` in case of updating, aka `extract_only=True`). * Check consistency of ordering for different runs. Args: ssd: SuperSegmentationDataset extract_only: Only cache attributes (see`attr_keys` from attribute dict. This will add a suffix `_sel` to the numpy cache array file names (-> updates will not apply to the `load_cached_data` method). attr_keys: Attributes to cache, only used if `extract_only=True` n_jobs: Currently requires any string to enable batch job system, will be replaced by a global flag soon. nb_cpus: CPUs per worker. use_batchjob: Use batchjob processing instead of local multiprocessing. new_mapping: Whether to apply new mapping (see `ssd.mapping_dict`).If True, Will use ``ssd.load_mapping_dict`` to populate ``sv_ids`` attribute of all :py:class:`~SuperSegmentationObject`. overwrite: Remove existing SSD folder, if False and a folder already exists it raises FileExistsError. """ # This is to only remove files for overwriting that are actually generated here; e.g. mapping_lookup_reverse # is not written here and thus should not be deleted here if overwrite = True. deep_ssd_storage_pths = [ ssd.mapping_dict_path, ssd.mapping_dict_path, ssd.version_dict_path, f'{ssd.path}/id.npy', f'{ssd.path}/size.npy', f'{ssd.path}/sv.npy', f'{ssd.path}/rep_coord.npy', f'{ssd.path}/bounding_box.npy', ] # check if ssv storages already exists if new_mapping and os.path.exists(ssd.path) and len(glob.glob(ssd.path + '/so_storage/*')) > 1: if not overwrite: msg = f'{ssd} already exists and overwrite is False.' log_reps.error(msg) raise FileExistsError(msg) else: for cur_pth in deep_ssd_storage_pths: if not os.path.exists(cur_pth): continue if os.path.isdir(cur_pth): shutil.rmtree(cur_pth) else: os.remove(cur_pth) ssd.save_dataset_shallow(overwrite=overwrite) if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = ssd.config.ncore_total ssv_id_blocks = chunkify(ssd.ssv_ids, n_jobs) # provide SV IDs for every SSV if new_mapping: log_reps.debug('Preparing SSV->SVs look-up.') multi_params = [] for ssv_id_block in tqdm.tqdm(ssv_id_blocks, desc='SSV ID'): id_map = dict() for ssv_id in ssv_id_block: id_map[ssv_id] = ssd.mapping_dict[ssv_id] multi_params.append((ssv_id_block, ssd.version, ssd.version_dict, ssd.working_dir, extract_only, attr_keys, ssd._type, id_map)) else: multi_params = [(ssv_id_block, ssd.version, ssd.version_dict, ssd.working_dir, extract_only, attr_keys, ssd._type, None) for ssv_id_block in ssv_id_blocks] if not qu.batchjob_enabled() or not use_batchjob: results = sm.start_multiprocess(_write_super_segmentation_dataset_thread, multi_params, nb_cpus=nb_cpus) else: path_to_out = qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, "write_super_segmentation_dataset", n_cores=nb_cpus) out_files = glob.glob(path_to_out + "/*") results = [] for out_file in out_files: with open(out_file, 'rb') as f: results.append(pkl.load(f)) shutil.rmtree(os.path.abspath(path_to_out + "/../"), ignore_errors=True) attr_dict = {} for this_attr_dict in results: for attribute in this_attr_dict.keys(): if attribute not in attr_dict: attr_dict[attribute] = [] attr_dict[attribute] += this_attr_dict[attribute] if not ssd.mapping_dict_exists or len(ssd.mapping_dict) == 0: # initialize mapping dict ssd._mapping_dict = dict(zip(attr_dict["id"], attr_dict["sv"])) ssd.save_dataset_shallow() for attribute in attr_dict.keys(): if extract_only: + "/%ss_sel.npy" % attribute, # Why '_sel'? attr_dict[attribute]) else: if len(ssd.ssv_ids) != len(attr_dict[attribute]): log_reps.critical(f'Number of cells ({len(ssd.ssv_ids)}) is different to attribute array ' f'({len(attr_dict[attribute])}, "{attribute}")') + "/%s.npy" % attribute, attr_dict[attribute])'Finished `save_dataset_deep` of {ssd}.')
def _write_super_segmentation_dataset_thread(args): ssv_obj_ids = args[0] version = args[1] version_dict = args[2] working_dir = args[3] extract_only = args[4] attr_keys = args[5] ssd_type = args[6] mapping_dict = args[7] if not extract_only: # TODO: use prepare_so_attr_cache to reduce memory consumption - only works if mapping_dict is not None # needs to be built in downstream in ssv_obj... or overwrite sd_sv cache dict. # from syconn.reps.segmentation_helper import prepare_so_attr_cache # attr_cache = prepare_so_attr_cache(segmentation.SegmentationDataset('sv', working_dir=working_dir), # np.concatenate(list(mapping_dict.values())), ['size', 'bounding_box']) sd_sv = SegmentationDataset(working_dir=working_dir, obj_type='sv', cache_properties=['size', 'bounding_box']) sd_lookup = dict(sv=sd_sv) else: sd_lookup = None ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir=working_dir, version=version, sd_lookup=sd_lookup, ssd_type=ssd_type, version_dict=version_dict) new_mapping = False if mapping_dict is not None: ssd._mapping_dict = mapping_dict new_mapping = True attr_dict = dict(id=[]) for ssv_obj_id in ssv_obj_ids: # assume SSV exists already if new_mapping is False to save IO. ssv_obj = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(ssv_obj_id, new_mapping=new_mapping, create=new_mapping) if ssv_obj.attr_dict_exists: ssv_obj.load_attr_dict() if not extract_only: if len(ssv_obj.attr_dict["sv"]) == 0: raise Exception(f"No mapping information found for {ssv_obj}.") if not extract_only: if "rep_coord" not in ssv_obj.attr_dict: ssv_obj.attr_dict["rep_coord"] = ssv_obj.rep_coord if "bounding_box" not in ssv_obj.attr_dict: ssv_obj.attr_dict["bounding_box"] = ssv_obj.bounding_box if "size" not in ssv_obj.attr_dict: ssv_obj.attr_dict["size"] = ssv_obj.size if extract_only: ignore = False for attribute in attr_keys: if attribute not in ssv_obj.attr_dict: ignore = True break if ignore: continue attr_dict["id"].append(ssv_obj_id) for attribute in attr_keys: if attribute not in attr_dict: attr_dict[attribute] = [] if attribute in ssv_obj.attr_dict: attr_dict[attribute].append(ssv_obj.attr_dict[attribute]) else: attr_dict[attribute].append(None) else: attr_dict["id"].append(ssv_obj_id) for attribute in ssv_obj.attr_dict.keys(): if attribute not in attr_dict: attr_dict[attribute] = [] attr_dict[attribute].append(ssv_obj.attr_dict[attribute]) ssv_obj.save_attr_dict() return attr_dict
[docs]def load_voxels_downsampled(sso, downsampling=(2, 2, 1), nb_threads=10): def _load_sv_voxels_thread(args): sv_id = args[0] sv = SegmentationObject(sv_id, obj_type="sv", version=sso.version_dict["sv"], working_dir=sso.working_dir, config=sso.config, voxel_caching=False) if sv.voxels_exist: box = [np.array(sv.bounding_box[0] - sso.bounding_box[0], dtype=np.int32)] box[0] /= downsampling size = np.array(sv.bounding_box[1] - sv.bounding_box[0], dtype=np.float32) size = np.ceil(size.astype(np.float32) / downsampling).astype(np.int32) box.append(box[0] + size) sv_voxels = sv.voxels if not isinstance(sv_voxels, int): sv_voxels = sv_voxels[::downsampling[0], ::downsampling[1], ::downsampling[2]] voxels[box[0][0]: box[1][0], box[0][1]: box[1][1], box[0][2]: box[1][2]][sv_voxels] = True downsampling = np.array(downsampling, dtype=np.int32) if len(sso.sv_ids) == 0: return None voxel_box_size = sso.bounding_box[1] - sso.bounding_box[0] voxel_box_size = voxel_box_size.astype(np.float32) voxel_box_size = np.ceil(voxel_box_size / downsampling).astype(np.int32) voxels = np.zeros(voxel_box_size, dtype=np.bool) multi_params = [] for sv_id in sso.sv_ids: multi_params.append([sv_id]) if nb_threads > 1: pool = ThreadPool(nb_threads), multi_params) pool.join() pool.close() else: map(_load_sv_voxels_thread, multi_params) return voxels
[docs]def copy_ssvs2new_SSD_simple(ssvs: List[SuperSegmentationObject], new_version: str, target_wd: Optional[str] = None, n_jobs: int = 1, safe: bool = True): """ Creates a new SSD specified with `new_version` and a copy of the given SSVs. Usually used for generating distinct GT SSDs. Based on the common super-supervoxel dataset (as specified in the `config.yml` file, default: ``version=ssv_0``). Args: ssvs: Source SuperSegmentationObjects taken from default SSD in working directory. new_version: Version of the new SSV SuperSegmentationDataset where SSVs will be copied to. target_wd: Path to working directory. If None, the one set in :py:attr:`~syconn.gloabal_params` is used. n_jobs: Number of jobs used. safe: If True, will not overwrite existing data. Returns: """ # update existing SSV IDs # TODO: currently this requires a new mapping dict Unclear what to # do in order to enable updates on existing SSD (e.g. after adding new SSVs) # paths = glob.glob(ssd.path + "/so_storage/*/*/*/") # ssd._ssv_ids = np.array([int(os.path.basename(p.strip("/"))) # for p in paths], dtype=np.uint64) if target_wd is None: target_wd = global_params.config.working_dir scaling = ssvs[0].scaling new_ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir=target_wd, version=new_version, scaling=scaling) for old_ssv in ssvs: new_ssv = SuperSegmentationObject(, version=new_version, working_dir=target_wd, sv_ids=old_ssv.sv_ids, scaling=old_ssv.scaling) old_ssv.copy2dir(dest_dir=new_ssv.ssv_dir, safe=safe)"Saving dataset deep.") new_ssd.save_dataset_deep(new_mapping=False, nb_cpus=n_jobs)
[docs]def exctract_ssv_morphology_embedding(args: Union[tuple, list]): """ Helper function to infer local morphology embeddings of a cell reconstruction. See :func:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject .predict_views_embedding` for details. Args: *args: `ssv_obj_ids`: Cell reconstruction IDs, `args[1:4]` used to initialize the :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_dataset .SuperSegmentationDataset`, `pred_key_appendix`: addition to the default key for storing the embeddings. """ ssv_obj_ids = args[0] nb_cpus = args[1] pred_key_appendix = args[2] use_onthefly_views = global_params.config.use_onthefly_views view_props = global_params.config['views']['view_properties'] ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset() from ..handler.prediction import get_tripletnet_model_e3 for ssv_id in ssv_obj_ids: ssv = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(ssv_id) m = get_tripletnet_model_e3() ssv.nb_cpus = nb_cpus ssv._view_caching = True if use_onthefly_views: view_embedding_of_sso_nocache(ssv, m, pred_key_appendix=pred_key_appendix, overwrite=True, **view_props) else: ssv.predict_views_embedding(m, pred_key_appendix)
[docs]def get_total_edge_lengths(ssv_ids: Union[np.ndarray, list], ax_pred_key: str) -> np.ndarray: """Retrieves the total edge lengths of the super-supervoxels' :py:attr:`~skeleton` in nanometers. The compartments used to compute the edge lengths are axon: 1, axon terminals: 3, 4, dendrite: 0, soma: 2. Args: ssv ids: ax_pred_key: Key of compartment prediction stored in :attr:`~skeleton` Returns: Sum of all edge lengths (L2 norm) in :py:attr:`~skeleton`. """ total_edge_lengths = [] ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset() for ssv_id in ssv_ids: ssv = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(ssv_id) ssv.load_skeleton() if ax_pred_key not in ssv.skeleton.keys(): ax_pred_key = 'axoness' # fall back to the old key total_edge_lengths.append(ssv.total_edge_length(compartments_of_interest=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], ax_pred_key=ax_pred_key)) return np.array(total_edge_lengths)
[docs]def get_path_density_seg_obj(args: Union[tuple, list]) -> np.ndarray: """Retrieves the path density of sub-cellular structures of ssvs. Args: *args: `obj_type`: Key to any available sub-cellular structure,\ args[0], `ssv_ids`: Cell reconstructin ids, args[1],\ `compartments_of_interest`: Which compartments to take\ into account for calculation, args[2]. axon: 1, \ dendrite: 0, soma: 2, en-passant bouton: 3, terminal bouton: 4, `ax_pred_key`: Key of compartment prediction stored in :attr:`~skeleton`, only used if `compartments_of_interest` was set. . Returns: Average volume per path length (um^3 / um) for the ssvs """ obj_type = args[0] ssv_ids = args[1] compartments_of_interest = args[2] ax_pred_key = args[3] path_densities = [] ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset() for ssv_id in ssv_ids: ssv = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(ssv_id) ssv.load_skeleton() path_densities.append(ssv.path_density_seg_obj(obj_type, compartments_of_interest=compartments_of_interest, ax_pred_key=ax_pred_key)) return np.array(path_densities)
[docs]def filter_ssd_by_total_pathlength(ssd: SuperSegmentationDataset, min_edge_length: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Filter cells concurrently. Args: ssd: Cell reconstruction dataset. min_edge_length: Minim skeleton edge length in µm. Returns: Array of :class:`~SuperSegmentationObject` that have a total skeleton edge length > `min_edge_length`. """ # TODO: @hashirah adapt numpy cache key total_path_lengths = ssd.load_numpy_data('total_edge_length') if total_path_lengths is not None: return ssd.ssv_ids[total_path_lengths >= min_edge_length] if total_path_lengths == 0: return ssd.ssv_ids params = [(ch, min_edge_length) for ch in chunkify(ssd.ssv_ids, min(len(ssd.ssv_ids), 1000))] filtered_ssv_ids = np.concatenate(sm.start_multiprocess_imap(_filter_ssvs_by_total_pathlength, params)) return filtered_ssv_ids
def _filter_ssvs_by_total_pathlength(args: tuple) -> list: ssv_ids, min_edge_length = args ssv_ids_of_interest = [] ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset() for ssv_id in ssv_ids: ssv = ssd.get_super_segmentation_object(ssv_id) length = ssv.total_edge_length() / 1e3 # nm to µm if length < min_edge_length: continue ssv_ids_of_interest.append(ssv_id) return ssv_ids_of_interest