Source code for syconn.reps.rep_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld
import os
from collections import Counter
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union, List, Dict, Any

import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial

from .. import global_params
from ..handler.config import DynConfig
from ..reps import log_reps

[docs]def knossos_ml_from_svixs(sv_ixs: Union[np.ndarray, List], coords: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]] = None, comments: Optional[Union[List[str], np.ndarray]] = None) -> str: """ Generate a KNOSSOS merge list of an array of supervoxels with optional coordinates and comments. Args: sv_ixs: Supervoxel IDs. coords: Representative coordinates of each supervoxel (in voxels). comments: Comments for each supervoxel. Returns: A KNOSSOS compatible merge list in string representation. """ txt = "" if comments is not None: assert len(comments) == len(sv_ixs) if coords is None: coords = [None] * len(sv_ixs) for kk, ix, c in zip(np.arange(len(sv_ixs)), sv_ixs, coords): txt += "%d 0 0 " % kk txt += "%d " % ix if c is None: txt += "\n%d %d %d\n\n" % (0, 0, 0) else: txt += "\n%d %d %d\n\n" % (c[0], c[1], c[2]) if comments is not None: txt += str(comments[kk]) txt += "\n" return txt
[docs]def knossos_ml_from_ccs(cc_ixs: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], ccs: List[List[int]], coords: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, comments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> str: """ Converts list of connected components (i.e. list of SV IDs) into knossos merge list string. Args: cc_ixs: Connected component IDs, i.e. super-supervoxel IDs. ccs: Supervoxel IDs for every connected component. coords: Coordinates to each connected component (in voxels). comments: Comments for each connected component. Returns: A KNOSSOS compatible merge list in string representation. """ if coords is None: coords = [None] * len(cc_ixs) assert len(coords) == len(ccs) if comments is not None: assert len(comments) == len(ccs) txt = "" for i in range(len(cc_ixs)): if len(ccs[i]) == 0: continue txt += "%d 0 0 " % cc_ixs[i] for ix in ccs[i]: txt += "%d " % ix c = coords[i] if c is None: c = np.zeros((3)) txt += "\n%d %d %d\n\n" % (c[0], c[1], c[2]) if comments is not None: txt += str(comments[i]) txt += "\n" return txt
[docs]def knossos_ml_from_sso(sso: 'SuperSegmentationObject', comment: Optional[str] = None): """ Converts the sueprvoxels which are part of the `sso` into a KNOSSOS compatible merge list string. Args: sso: :class:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject` object. comment: Comment. Returns: A KNOSSOS compatible merge list in string representation. """ cc_ix = txt = "%d 0 0 " % cc_ix cc_svixs = sso.attr_dict["sv"] for ix in cc_svixs: txt += "%d " % ix c = sso.rep_coord if c is None: if sso.svs[0].mesh_exists: c = sso.svs[0].mesh[1][:3] else: c = None if c is None: c = np.zeros((3)) txt += "\n%d %d %d\n\n" % (c[0], c[1], c[2]) if comment is not None: txt += str(comment) txt += "\n" return txt
[docs]def subfold_from_ix(ix, n_folders, old_version=False): """ # TODO: remove 'old_version' as soon as possible, currently there is one usage Args: ix(int): n_folders(int): Returns: str: """ assert n_folders % 10 == 0 if not global_params.config.use_new_subfold: return subfold_from_ix_OLD(ix, n_folders, old_version) else: return subfold_from_ix_new(ix, n_folders)
[docs]def subfold_from_ix_new(ix, n_folders): """ Args: ix(int): n_folders(int): Returns: str: """ assert n_folders % 10 == 0 order = int(np.log10(n_folders)) subfold = "/" div_base = 1e3 # TODO: make this a parameter ix = int(ix // div_base % n_folders) # carve out the middle part id_str = '{num:0{w}d}'.format(num=ix, w=order) for idx in range(0, order, 2): subfold += "%s/" % id_str[idx: idx + 2] return subfold
[docs]def subfold_from_ix_OLD(ix, n_folders, old_version=False): """ # TODO: remove 'old_version' as soon as possible, currently there is one usage Args: ix(int): n_folders(int): Returns: str: """ assert n_folders in [10 ** i for i in range(6)] order = int(np.log10(n_folders)) id_str = "00000" + str(ix) subfold = "/" for f_order in range(0, order, 2): idx = len(id_str) - order + f_order subfold += "%s/" % id_str[idx: idx + 2] if old_version: subfold = subfold.replace('/0', '/').replace('//', '/0/') return subfold
[docs]def ix_from_subfold(subfold, n_folders) -> int: """ Args: subfold: n_folders: Returns: int: """ if not global_params.config.use_new_subfold: return ix_from_subfold_OLD(subfold, n_folders) else: return ix_from_subfold_new(subfold, n_folders)
[docs]def ix_from_subfold_new(subfold, n_folders): """ Args: subfold(str): Returns: int: """ parts = subfold.strip("/").split("/") order = int(np.log10(n_folders)) # TODO: ' + "000"' needs to be adapted if `div_base` is made variable in `subfold_from_ix` if order % 2 == 0: return np.uint("".join("%.2d" % int(part) for part in parts) + "000") else: return np.uint("".join("%.2d" % int(part) for part in parts[:-1]) + parts[-1] + "000")
[docs]def ix_from_subfold_OLD(subfold, n_folders): """ Args: subfold(str): Returns: int: """ parts = subfold.strip("/").split("/") order = int(np.log10(n_folders)) if order % 2 == 0: return np.uint("".join("%.2d" % int(part) for part in parts)) else: return np.uint("".join("%.2d" % int(part) for part in parts[:-1]) + parts[-1])
[docs]def subfold_from_ix_SSO(ix): """ Args: ix(int): Returns: str: """ # raise NotImplementedError("Outdated") return "/%d/%d/%d/" % (ix % 1e2, ix % 1e4, ix)
[docs]def get_unique_subfold_ixs(n_folders): """ Returns unique IDs each associated with a unique storage dict Args: n_folders(int): Returns: np.ndarray """ if global_params.config.use_new_subfold: # TODO: this needs to be adapted as soon as `div_base` is changed in `subfold_from_ix` storage_location_ids = [int(str(ix) + "000") for ix in np.arange(n_folders)] else: storage_location_ids = np.arange(n_folders) return storage_location_ids
[docs]def colorcode_vertices(vertices, rep_coords, rep_values, colors=None, nb_cpus=-1, k=1, return_color=True): """ Assigns all vertices the kNN majority label from rep_coords/rep_values and if return_color is True assigns those a color. Helper function to colorcode a set of coordinates (vertices) by known labels (rep_coords, rep_values). Args: vertices (np.array): [N, 3] rep_coords (np.array): [M ,3] rep_values (np.array): [M, 1] int values to be color coded for each vertex; used as indices for colors colors (list): color for each rep_value nb_cpus (int): k (int): Number of nearest neighbors (average prediction) return_color(bool): If false it returns the majority vote for each index Returns: np.array [N, 4] rgba values for every vertex from 0 to 255 """ if colors is None: colors = np.array(np.array([[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.841, 0.138, 0.133, 1.], [0.32, 0.32, 0.32, 1.]]) * 255, dtype=np.int32) else: if np.max(colors) <= 1.0: colors = np.array(colors) * 255 colors = np.array(colors, dtype=np.int32) if len(colors) < np.max(rep_values) + 1: msg = 'Length of colors has to be equal to "np.max(rep_values)+1"' \ '. Note that currently only consecutive labels are supported.' log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) hull_tree = spatial.cKDTree(rep_coords) if k > len(rep_coords): k = len(rep_coords) dists, ixs = hull_tree.query(vertices, n_jobs=nb_cpus, k=k) hull_rep = np.zeros((len(vertices)), dtype=np.int32) for i in range(len(ixs)): curr_reps = np.array(rep_values)[ixs[i]] if np.isscalar(curr_reps): curr_reps = np.array([curr_reps]) curr_maj = Counter(curr_reps).most_common(1)[0][0] hull_rep[i] = curr_maj if not return_color: return hull_rep vert_col = colors[hull_rep] return vert_col
[docs]def assign_rep_values(target_coords, rep_coords, rep_values, nb_cpus=-1, return_ixs=False): """ Assigns values corresponding to representative coordinates to every target coordinate. Args: target_coords (np.array): [N, 3] rep_coords (np.array): [M ,3] rep_values (np.array): [M, Z] any type of values for each rep_coord. nb_cpus (int): return_ixs(bool): returns indices of k-closest rep_coord for every target coordinate Returns: np.array [N, Z] representation values for every vertex """ if not type(rep_values) is np.ndarray: rep_values = np.array(rep_values) if not rep_values.ndim == 2: msg = "Number of dimensions of representation values " \ "have to be exactly 2." log_reps.exception(msg) raise ValueError(msg) hull_tree = spatial.cKDTree(rep_coords) dists, ixs = hull_tree.query(target_coords, n_jobs=nb_cpus, k=1) hull_rep = np.zeros((len(target_coords), rep_values.shape[1])) for i in range(len(ixs)): curr_reps = rep_values[ixs[i]] hull_rep[i] = curr_reps if return_ixs: return hull_rep, ixs return hull_rep
[docs]def surface_samples(coords: np.ndarray, bin_sizes: Tuple[int, int, int] = (2000, 2000, 2000), max_nb_samples: int = 5000, r: int = 1000) -> np.ndarray: """'TODO: optimization required -- maybe use simple downsampling instead of histogram Sample locations from density grid given by coordinates and bin sizes. At each grid center, collects coordinates within the given radius to calculate the center of mass which yields the sample location. Args: coords (np.array): bin_sizes (np.array): max_nb_samples (int | None): r (int): Returns: np.array """ coords = np.array(coords) # create copy! offset = np.min(coords, axis=0) bin_sizes = np.array(bin_sizes, dtype=np.float32) coords -= offset query_tree = spatial.cKDTree(coords) nb_bins = np.ceil(np.max(coords, axis=0) / bin_sizes).astype(np.int32) nb_bins = np.max([[1, 1, 1], nb_bins], axis=0) H, edges = np.histogramdd(coords, bins=nb_bins) nb_smaples = np.min([np.sum(H != 0), max_nb_samples]) if max_nb_samples is not None and nb_smaples > max_nb_samples: # only use location with highest coordinate density thresh_val = np.sort(H.flatten())[::-1][nb_smaples] H[H <= thresh_val] = 0 # get vertices closest to grid bins with density != 0 max_dens_locs = (np.array(np.where(H != 0)).swapaxes(1, 0) + 0.5) \ * bin_sizes dists, ixs = query_tree.query(max_dens_locs) samples = coords[ixs] # get vertices around grid vertex and use mean as new surface sample # this point will always ly in the inside of convex shape (i.e. inside the # process) close_ixs = query_tree.query_ball_point(samples, r=r) for i, ixs in enumerate(close_ixs): samples[i] = np.mean(coords[ixs], axis=0) + offset return samples
[docs]class SegmentationBase: _scaling = None _working_dir = None _config = None def _setup_working_dir(self, working_dir: Optional[str], config: Optional[DynConfig], version: Optional[str], scaling: Optional[np.ndarray]): """ Set private attributes for working_dir, config and scaling. Version must be handled outside. Args: working_dir: Working directory. config: Configuration object. version: Version. scaling: Voxel size in nm. """ if working_dir is None: if config is not None: self._working_dir = config.working_dir self._config = config elif version == 'tmp' or global_params.config.working_dir is not None: self._working_dir = global_params.config.working_dir self._config = global_params.config else: msg = ("No working directory (wd) given. It has to be specified either in global_params, via kwarg " "`working_dir` or `config`.") log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: self._working_dir = os.path.abspath(working_dir) if self._config is None: self._config = DynConfig(self._working_dir, fix_config=True) else: if os.path.abspath(self._config.working_dir) != os.path.abspath(self._working_dir): msg = 'Inconsistent working directories in `config` and `working_dir` kwargs.' log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self._working_dir is not None and not self._working_dir.endswith("/"): self._working_dir += "/" if global_params.wd is None: global_params.wd = self._working_dir if scaling is None: try: self._scaling = np.array(self._config['scaling']) except KeyError: msg = (f'Scaling not set and could not be found in config ("{self._config.path_config}") ' f'with entries: {self._config.entries}') log_reps.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) else: self._scaling = scaling