Source code for syconn.proc.stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld
import os
import time

import numpy as np

from . import log_proc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve, classification_report, precision_recall_fscore_support, accuracy_score, \
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE as TSNE_sc
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize
import joblib
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

# required for readthedocs build
from ..handler.basics import kd_factory, load_pkl2obj, write_obj2pkl
from ..handler.config import Config, DynConfig
from ..reps.segmentation import SegmentationDataset

    import seaborn as sns
except ImportError:

[docs]def model_performance(proba, labels, model_dir=None, prefix="", n_labels=3, fscore_beta=1, target_names=None, add_text=''): header = "-------------------------------\n\t\t%s\n" % prefix if target_names is None: target_names = ["Dendrite", "Axon", "Soma"] all_prec, all_rec = [], [] header += classification_report(labels, np.argmax(proba, axis=1), labels=np.arange(len(target_names)), digits=4, target_names=target_names) header += "acc.: %0.4f" % accuracy_score(labels, np.argmax(proba, axis=1)) header += "\n-------------------------------\n" plot_pr(all_prec, all_rec, r=[0.6, 1.01], legend_labels=target_names) if model_dir is not None: os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) text_file = open(model_dir + '/prec_rec_%s.txt' % prefix, "w") text_file.write(header) text_file.write(add_text) text_file.close() prec, rec, fs, supp = precision_recall_fscore_support(labels, np.argmax(proba, axis=1)) + '/prec_rec_%s.npy' % prefix, [prec, rec, fs]) plt.savefig(model_dir + '/prec_rec_%s.png' % prefix) plt.close()
[docs]def model_performance_predonly(y_pred, y_true, model_dir=None, prefix="", target_names=None, labels=None): y_pred = np.array(y_pred, dtype=np.int32) y_true = np.array(y_true, dtype=np.int32) header = "----------------------------------------------------\n\t\t" \ "%s\n" % prefix if target_names is None: target_names = ["Dendrite", "Axon", "Soma"] header += classification_report(y_true, y_pred, digits=4, target_names=target_names, labels=labels) header += "acc.: {:.4f} -- {} wrongly predicted samples." \ "".format(accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred), np.sum(y_true != y_pred)) header += "\n-------------------------------------------------\n" if model_dir is not None: text_file = open(model_dir + '/prec_rec_%s.txt' % prefix, "w") text_file.write(header) text_file.close() # prec, rec, fs, supp = precision_recall_fscore_support(labels, pred) # + '/prec_rec_%s.npy' % prefix, [prec, rec, fs]) plt.close()
[docs]def hist(vals, labels=None, dest_path=None, axis_labels=None, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, y_log_scale=False, ls=22, color=None, **kwargs): sns.set_style("white") fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=ls - 4, direction='out', length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=ls - 4, direction='out', length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) # # ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', labelsize=ls, direction='out', # length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) # ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=ls, direction='out', # length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(3) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(3) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) if not "norm_hist" in kwargs: norm_hist = False else: norm_hist = kwargs["norm_hist"] del kwargs["norm_hist"] r = (np.concatenate(vals).min(), np.concatenate(vals).max()) if x_lim is not None: r = x_lim if labels is None: sns.distplot(vals, hist=True, rug=False, norm_hist=False, hist_kws={"range": r}, color=color, **kwargs) else: if color is None: color = [None] * len(vals) for i in range(len(vals)): sns.distplot(vals[i], hist=True, rug=False, label=labels[i], kde=False, norm_hist=norm_hist, color=color[i], hist_kws={"range": r}, **kwargs) plt.legend(prop={'size': ls}) if axis_labels is not None: plt.xlabel(axis_labels[0], fontsize=ls) plt.ylabel(axis_labels[1], fontsize=ls) # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(30)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(20)) if x_lim is not None: plt.xlim(x_lim) if y_lim is not None: plt.ylim(y_lim) if y_log_scale: plt.yscale("log") sns.despine() plt.tight_layout() if dest_path is not None: plt.savefig(dest_path, dpi=400) plt.close() else:
[docs]def fscore(rec, prec, beta=1.): """Calculates f-score with beta value Args: rec(np.array): recall prec(np.array): precision beta(float): weighting of precision Returns: np.array: f-score """ prec = np.array(prec) rec = np.array(rec) f_score = (1. + beta ** 2) * (prec * rec) / (beta ** 2 * prec + rec) return np.nan_to_num(f_score)
[docs]def array2xls(dest_p, arr): import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(dest_p) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() col = 0 for row, data in enumerate(arr): worksheet.write_row(row, col, data) workbook.close()
[docs]def plot_pr(precision, recall, title='', r=[0.67, 1.01], legend_labels=None, save_path=None, nbins=5, colorVals=None, xlabel='Recall', ylabel='Precision', l_pos="lower left", legend=True, r_x=[0.67, 1.01], ls=22, xtick_labels=()): fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=ls, direction='out', length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=ls, direction='out', length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', labelsize=ls, direction='out', length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=ls, direction='out', length=4, width=3, right="off", top="off", pad=10) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(3) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(3) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) # plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=nbins) # plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=nbins) plt.title(title) if not -1 in r: plt.xlim(r_x) plt.ylim(r) plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=ls) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=ls) if save_path is not None: dest_dir, fname = os.path.split(save_path) if legend_labels is not None: ll = [["legend labels"] + list(legend_labels)] else: ll = [[]] array2xls(dest_dir + "/" + os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + ".xls", ll + [["labels", xlabel, ylabel]] + [xtick_labels] + [precision] + [recall]) plt.tight_layout() if isinstance(recall, list): if colorVals is None: colorVals = [[0.171, 0.485, 0.731, 1.], [0.175, 0.585, 0.301, 1.], [0.841, 0.138, 0.133, 1.]] if len(colorVals) < len(recall): colorVals += ["0.35"] * (len(recall) - len(colorVals)) if len(colorVals) > len(recall): colorVals = ["0.35", "0.7"] if legend_labels is None: legend_labels = ["Mitochondria", "Vesicle Clouds", "Synaptic Junctions"] handles = [] for ii in range(len(recall)): handles.append(patches.Patch(color=colorVals[ii], label=legend_labels[ii])) plt.plot(recall[ii], precision[ii], "--o", lw=3, c=colorVals[ii], ms=8) if legend: plt.legend(handles=handles, loc=l_pos, frameon=False, prop={'size': ls}) else: plt.plot(recall, precision, "--o", lw=3, ms=8, c="0.35") # ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) if len(xtick_labels) > 0: plt.xticks(recall, xtick_labels, rotation="vertical") plt.tight_layout() if save_path is None: else: plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=600)
[docs]def cluster_summary(train_d, train_l, valid_d, valid_l, fold, prefix="", pca=None, return_valid_pred=False): """ Create clustering summary and save results to folder. Args: train_d : train_l : valid_d : valid_l : fold(str): destination folder """ if prefix == "celltype": target_names = ["EA", "MSN", "GP", "INT"] bin_labels = label_binarize(valid_l, classes=np.arange(len(target_names))) elif prefix == "axoness": target_names = ["dendrite", "axon", "soma"] bin_labels = label_binarize(valid_l, classes=np.arange(len(target_names))) bin_labels = np.hstack((bin_labels, 1 - bin_labels)) elif prefix == "ctgt_v2": unique_c = np.unique(train_l) assert 6 not in unique_c and 9 not in unique_c # hack because we have missing classes in # the GT train_l[train_l == 7] = 6 # convert TAN label to be 6 train_l[train_l == 8] = 7 # convert INT labels to be 7 str2int_label = dict(STN=0, DA=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, GP=5, TAN=6, INT=7) int2str_label = {v: k for k, v in str2int_label.items()} target_names = [int2str_label[ii] for ii in range(8)] bin_labels = label_binarize(valid_l, classes=np.arange(len(target_names))) else: raise ValueError("Unknown data. Please add a valid prefix.") if pca is None: pca = PCA(n_components=3, whiten=True, random_state=0) summary_txt = "" # kNN classification with 3D latent space nbrs = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='kd_tree', n_jobs=16, weights="uniform"), train_l.ravel()) joblib.dump(nbrs, fold + "/knn_embedding_%s.sav" % prefix) pred = nbrs.predict_proba(pca.transform(valid_d)) summary_txt += "3D latent space results for %s:" % prefix summary_txt += "Captured variance: {}".format(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) summary_txt += classification_report(valid_l, np.argmax(pred, axis=1), target_names=target_names, digits=4) plt.figure() colors = [] for i in range(len(target_names)): precision, recall, thresh = precision_recall_curve(bin_labels[:, i], pred[:, i]) auc = average_precision_score(bin_labels[:, i], pred[:, i]) # Plot Precision-Recall curve lines, = plt.plot(recall, precision, lw=3, label='%s: %0.4f' % (target_names[i], auc)) colors.append(lines.get_color()) plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.title('Precision-Recall') plt.legend(loc="lower left") plt.savefig(fold + "/%s_valid_prec_rec_3d.png" % prefix) plt.close() # RFC performance on pca latent space rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, oob_score=True, class_weight="balanced"), train_l.ravel()) pred = rfc.predict_proba(valid_d) summary_txt += "Complete latent space results for %s using RFC:" % prefix summary_txt += str(classification_report(valid_l, np.argmax(pred, axis=1), target_names=target_names, digits=4)) # kNN classification for whole latent space nbrs = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='kd_tree', n_jobs=16, weights="uniform"), train_l.ravel()) pred = nbrs.predict_proba(valid_d) summary_txt += "Complete latent space results for %s using kNN:" % prefix summary_txt += str(classification_report(valid_l, np.argmax(pred, axis=1), target_names=target_names, digits=4)) text_file = open(fold + '/%s_performance_summary.txt' % prefix, "w") text_file.write(summary_txt) text_file.close() colors = [] plt.figure() for i in range(len(target_names)): precision, recall, thresh = precision_recall_curve(bin_labels[:, i], pred[:, i]) auc = average_precision_score(bin_labels[:, i], pred[:, i]) # Plot Precision-Recall curve lines, = plt.plot(recall, precision, lw=3, label='%s: %0.4f' % (target_names[i], auc)) colors.append(lines.get_color()) plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.title('Precision-Recall') plt.legend(loc="lower left") plt.savefig(fold + "/%s_valid_prec_rec.png" % prefix) plt.close() # plot densities in pca or tSNE latent space # if not os.path.isfile(fold + "/%s_train_kde_pca.png" % prefix): _ = projection_pca(valid_d, valid_l, fold + "/%s_valid_kde_pca.png" % prefix, pca=pca, colors=colors, target_names=target_names) _ = projection_pca(train_d, train_l, fold + "/%s_train_kde_pca.png" % prefix, pca=pca, colors=colors, target_names=target_names) tsne_kwargs = {"n_components": 2, "random_state": 0, "perplexity": 20, "n_iter": 10000} # projection_tSNE(train_d, train_l, fold + "/%s_train_kde_tsne.png" % prefix, # colors=colors, target_names=target_names, **tsne_kwargs) if return_valid_pred: return pred
[docs]def projection_pca(ds_d, ds_l, dest_path, pca=None, colors=None, do_3d=True, target_names=None): """ Args: ds_d(np.array): data in feature space, e.g. (#data, #feature) ds_l: sparse labels, i.e. (#data, 1) dest_path(str): file name of plot pca: PCA prefitted PCA object to use to prject data of ds_d """"Starting pca visualisation.") # pca vis paper_rc = {'lines.linewidth': 1, 'lines.markersize': 1} sns.set_context(rc=paper_rc) if ds_l.ndim == 2: ds_l = ds_l[:, 0] nb_labels = np.unique(ds_l) if pca is None: pca = PCA(3, whiten=True, random_state=0) res = pca.transform(ds_d) # density plot 1st and 2nd PC plt.figure() plt.ylabel('$Z_2$', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('$Z_1$', fontsize=15) if colors is None: # colors = ["r", "g", "b", "y", "k"] if len(target_names) == 5: colors = ["r", "g", "b", "y", "k"] else: cmap ="Accent", len(target_names)) colors = [cmap(i) for i in range(len(target_names))] if target_names is None: target_names = ["%d" % i for i in nb_labels] for i in nb_labels: cur_pal = sns.light_palette(colors[i], as_cmap=True) d0, d1 = res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 1] ax = sns.kdeplot(d0, d1, shade=False, cmap=cur_pal, alpha=0.6, shade_lowest=False, gridsize=100) ax.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax.collections[0].set_alpha(0) plt.scatter(res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 1], s=1.2, lw=0, alpha=0.5, color=colors[i], label=target_names[i]) handles = [] for ii in range(len(target_names)): handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[ii], label=target_names[ii])) plt.legend(handles=handles, loc="best") plt.savefig(dest_path, dpi=300) plt.close() if do_3d: # density plot 1st and 3rd PC plt.figure() plt.ylabel('$Z_3$', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('$Z_1$', fontsize=15) if colors is None: colors = ["r", "g", "b", "y", "k"] if target_names is None: target_names = ["%d" % i for i in nb_labels] for i in nb_labels: cur_pal = sns.light_palette(colors[i], as_cmap=True) d0, d2 = res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 2] ax = sns.kdeplot(d0, d2, shade=False, cmap=cur_pal, alpha=0.6, shade_lowest=False, gridsize=100) ax.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax.collections[0].set_alpha(0) plt.scatter(res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 2], s=1.2, lw=0, alpha=0.5, color=colors[i], label=target_names[i]) handles = [] for ii in range(len(target_names)): handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[ii], label=target_names[ii])) plt.legend(handles=handles, loc="best") plt.savefig(os.path.splitext(dest_path)[0] + "_2.png", dpi=300) plt.close() # density plot 2nd and 3rd PC plt.figure() plt.ylabel('$Z_3$', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('$Z_2$', fontsize=15) if colors is None: colors = ["r", "g", "b", "y", "k"] if target_names is None: target_names = ["%d" % i for i in nb_labels] for i in nb_labels: cur_pal = sns.light_palette(colors[i], as_cmap=True) d1, d2 = res[ds_l == i][:, 1], res[ds_l == i][:, 2] ax = sns.kdeplot(d1, d2, shade=False, cmap=cur_pal, alpha=0.6, shade_lowest=False, gridsize=100) ax.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax.collections[0].set_alpha(0) plt.scatter(res[ds_l == i][:, 1], res[ds_l == i][:, 2], s=1.2, lw=0, alpha=0.5, color=colors[i], label=target_names[i]) handles = [] for ii in range(len(target_names)): handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[ii], label=target_names[ii])) plt.legend(handles=handles, loc="best") plt.savefig(os.path.splitext(dest_path)[0] + "_3.png", dpi=300) plt.close() return pca
[docs]def projection_tSNE(ds_d, ds_l, dest_path, colors=None, target_names=None, do_3d=False, cmap_ident="prism", **tsne_kwargs): """ Args: ds_d(np.array): data in feature space, e.g. (#data, #feature) ds_l: sparse labels, i.e. (#data, 1) dest_path(str): file name of plot pca: PCA prefitted PCA object to use to prject data of ds_d """ # tsne vis"Starting tSNE visualisation.") paper_rc = {'lines.linewidth': 1, 'lines.markersize': 1} sns.set_context(rc=paper_rc) if ds_l.ndim == 2: ds_l = ds_l[:, 0] assert ds_l.ndim == 1 nb_labels = np.unique(ds_l) tsne = TSNE_sc(**tsne_kwargs) while True: try: res = tsne.fit_transform(ds_d) break except MemoryError:"Downsampling data for tSNE visualization") ds_d = ds_d[::2] ds_l = ds_l[::2] # density plot plt.figure() plt.ylabel('$Z_2$', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('$Z_1$', fontsize=15) if colors is None: # colors = ["r", "g", "b", "y", "k"] if len(target_names) == 5: colors = ["r", "g", "b", "y", "k"] else: cmap =, len(target_names)) colors = [cmap(i) for i in range(len(target_names))] if target_names is None: target_names = ["%d" % i for i in nb_labels] for i in nb_labels: # cur_pal = sns.light_palette(colors[i], as_cmap=True) # d0, d1 = res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 1] # ax = sns.kdeplot(d0, d1, shade=False, cmap=cur_pal, # alpha=0.75, shade_lowest=False, label="%d" % i, # n_levels=1, gridsize=100, ls=1, lw=1) # ax.patch.set_facecolor('white') # ax.collections[0].set_alpha(0) plt.scatter(res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 1], s=1.2, lw=0, alpha=1, color=colors[i], label=target_names[i]) handles = [] for ii in range(len(target_names)): handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[ii], label=target_names[ii])) plt.legend(handles=handles, loc="best") plt.savefig(dest_path, dpi=300) plt.close() if do_3d: # density plot 1st and 3rd PC plt.figure() plt.ylabel('$Z_3$', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('$Z_1$', fontsize=15) for i in nb_labels: # cur_pal = sns.light_palette(colors[i], as_cmap=True) # d0, d2 = res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 2] # ax = sns.kdeplot(d0, d2, shade=False, cmap=cur_pal, # alpha=0.6, shade_lowest=False, label="%d" % i # , gridsize=100, ls=0.6, lw=0.6) # ax.patch.set_facecolor('white') # ax.collections[0].set_alpha(0) plt.scatter(res[ds_l == i][:, 0], res[ds_l == i][:, 2], s=1.2, lw=0, alpha=0.5, color=colors[i], label=target_names[i]) handles = [] for ii in range(len(target_names)): handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[ii], label=target_names[ii])) plt.legend(handles=handles, loc="best") plt.savefig(os.path.splitext(dest_path)[0] + "_2.png", dpi=300) plt.close() # density plot 2nd and 3rd PC plt.figure() plt.ylabel('$Z_3$', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('$Z_2$', fontsize=15) for i in nb_labels: # cur_pal = sns.light_palette(colors[i], as_cmap=True) # d1, d2 = res[ds_l == i][:, 1], res[ds_l == i][:, 2] # ax = sns.kdeplot(d1, d2, shade=False, cmap=cur_pal, # alpha=0.6, shade_lowest=False, label="%d" % i # , gridsize=100, ls=0.6, lw=0.6) # ax.patch.set_facecolor('white') # ax.collections[0].set_alpha(0) plt.scatter(res[ds_l == i][:, 1], res[ds_l == i][:, 2], s=1.2, lw=0, alpha=0.5, color=colors[i], label=target_names[i]) handles = [] for ii in range(len(target_names)): handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=colors[ii], label=target_names[ii])) plt.legend(handles=handles, loc="best") plt.savefig(os.path.splitext(dest_path)[0] + "_3.png", dpi=300) plt.close() return tsne
[docs]class FileTimer: """ ContextDecorator for timing. Stores the results as dict in a pkl file. Examples: The script SyConn/examples/ uses `FileTimer` to track the execution time of several major steps of the analysis. The results are written as ``dict`` to the file '.timing.pkl' in the working directory. The timing data can be accessed after the run to by initializing `FileTimer` with the output file: ft = FileTimer(path_to_timings_pkl) # this is a dict with the step names as keys and the timings in seconds as values print(ft.timings) """ def __init__(self, working_dir: str, overwrite: bool = False, add_detail_vols: bool = False): if working_dir.endswith('.pkl'): fname = working_dir working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(working_dir)[0]) else: fname = working_dir + '/.timing.pkl' self.fname = fname self.working_dir = working_dir self.step_name = None self.overwrite = overwrite os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True) self.timings = {} self.t0, self.t1, self.interval = None, None, None self._load_prev() self.add_detail_vols = add_detail_vols self.kd = None self._dataset_shape = None self._dataset_nvoxels = None self._dataset_mm3 = None @property def dataset_shape(self) -> float: """ Returns: Data set size in giga voxels. """ if self._dataset_shape is None: self.prepare_vol_info() return self._dataset_shape @property def dataset_nvoxels(self) -> float: """ Returns: Data set size in giga voxels. """ if self._dataset_nvoxels is None: self.prepare_vol_info() if not self.add_detail_vols: return self._dataset_nvoxels['cube'] # whole data cube size return self._dataset_nvoxels @property def dataset_mm3(self) -> float: """ Returns: Data set size in cubic mm. """ if self._dataset_mm3 is None: self.prepare_vol_info() if not self.add_detail_vols: return self._dataset_mm3['cube'] # whole data cube size return self._dataset_mm3 def _load_prev(self): if os.path.isfile(self.fname): if self.overwrite: os.remove(self.fname) else: prev = load_pkl2obj(self.fname) if not type(prev) is dict: raise TypeError(f'Incompatible FileTimer type "{type(prev)}".') self.timings = prev
[docs] def start(self, step_name: str): if self.step_name is not None: raise ValueError(f'Previous timing was not stopped.') self.t0 = time.perf_counter() self.step_name = step_name
[docs] def stop(self): self.t1 = time.perf_counter() self.interval = self.t1 - self.t0 if self.step_name is None: raise ValueError(f'No step name set. Please call the FileTimer instance and pass the ' f'step name as string.') self._load_prev() self.timings[self.step_name] = self.interval write_obj2pkl(self.fname, self.timings) self.step_name = None
def __enter__(self): # do not start counting here to enable manual (with start and stop methods) interface and # context decorators. Timing difference between __enter__ and __call__ is not relevant for # our applications return self def __call__(self, step_name: str): self.start(step_name) def __exit__(self, *args): self.stop()
[docs] def prepare_vol_info(self): # get data set properties if self._dataset_mm3 is not None: return conf = DynConfig(wd=self.working_dir, fix_config=True) try: bb = conf.entries['cube_of_interest_bb'] except KeyError: bb = None self.kd = kd_factory(conf.entries['paths']['kd_seg']) if bb is None: bb = np.array([np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int32), self.kd.boundary]) else: bb = np.array(bb) self._dataset_shape = bb[1] - bb[0] self._dataset_nvoxels = {'cube': / 1e9} self._dataset_mm3 = {'cube': * self.kd.scale) / 1e18} if self.add_detail_vols: sd = SegmentationDataset('sv', config=conf) for k in ['total', 'glia', 'neuron']: vol_mm3 = sd.get_volume(k) self._dataset_mm3[k] = vol_mm3 self._dataset_nvoxels[k] = vol_mm3 * 1e9 / # in GVx -> 1e18 / 1e9 = 1e9
[docs] def prepare_report(self) -> str: self.prepare_vol_info() experiment_str = f'{self.kd.experiment_name} ({self.dataset_mm3}' \ f' mm^3; {self.dataset_nvoxels} GVx)' # python dicts are insertion order sensitive dt_tot = np.sum(np.array(list(self.timings.values()))) dt_tot_str = time.strftime("{}d:{}h:{}min:{}s".format(*self._s2str(dt_tot))) time_summary_str = f"\nEM data analysis of experiment '{experiment_str}' finished " \ f"after {dt_tot_str}.\n" n_steps = len(self.timings) for i, (step_name, step_dt) in enumerate(self.timings.items()): step_dt_per = f"{(step_dt / dt_tot * 100):.1f}" step_dt = time.strftime("{}d:{}h:{}min:{}s".format(*self._s2str(step_dt))) step_str = '{:<10}{:<40}{:<20}{:<4s}\n'.format(f'[{i+1}/{n_steps}]', step_name, step_dt, f'{step_dt_per}%') time_summary_str += step_str return time_summary_str
@staticmethod def _s2str(seconds: float) -> tuple: d, h = divmod(seconds, 3600 * 24) h, min = divmod(h, 3600) min, s = divmod(min, 60) return int(d), int(h), int(min), int(s)