Source code for syconn.proc.meshes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
# Authors: Sven Dorkenwald, Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld

import itertools
import copy
from collections import Counter
import time
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Union, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator

import numpy as np
import tqdm
from numba import jit
from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement
from scipy import spatial
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_erosion
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from zmesh import Mesher
    from vigra.filters import gaussianGradient
except ImportError:
    pass  # for sphinx build
    import open3d as o3d
except ImportError:
    pass  # for sphinx build

from .image import apply_pca
from .. import global_params
from import AttributeDict, MeshStorage, VoxelStorage, VoxelStorageDyn, VoxelStorageLazyLoading
from ..handler.basics import write_data2kzip, data2kzip
from import start_multiprocess_obj, start_multiprocess_imap
from ..proc import log_proc
from ..reps.segmentation_helper import load_so_meshes_bulk
from syconn.extraction.in_bounding_boxC import in_bounding_box

from skimage.measure import mesh_surface_area

    # set matplotlib backend to offscreen
    import matplotlib
    from vigra.filters import boundaryDistanceTransform, gaussianSmoothing
except ImportError as e:
    boundaryDistanceTransform, gaussianSmoothing = None, None
    log_proc.error('ImportError. Could not import VIGRA. '
                   'Mesh generation will not be possible. {}'.format(e))
    import openmesh
except ImportError as e:
    log_proc.error('ImportError. Could not import openmesh. '
                   'Writing meshes as `.obj` files will not be'
                   ' possible. {}'.format(e))
    from ..reps import segmentation
    from ..reps import super_segmentation_object

__all__ = ['MeshObject', 'get_object_mesh', 'merge_meshes', 'calc_contact_syn_mesh',
           'get_random_centered_coords', 'write_mesh2kzip', 'write_meshes2kzip', 'gen_mesh_voxelmask',
           'compartmentalize_mesh', 'mesh_chunk', 'mesh_creator_sso', 'merge_meshes_incl_norm',
           'mesh_area_calc', 'mesh2obj_file', 'calc_rot_matrices', 'merge_someshes', 'find_meshes',

[docs]class MeshObject(object): def __init__(self, object_type, indices, vertices, normals=None, color=None, bounding_box=None): self.object_type = object_type if vertices.ndim == 2 and vertices.shape[1] == 3: self.vertices = vertices.flatten() else: # assume flat array self.vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=np.float32) if indices.ndim == 2 and indices.shape[1] == 3: self.indices = indices.flatten().astype(np.uint64) else: # assume flat array self.indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.uint64) if len(self.vertices) == 0: = 0 self.max_dist = 1 self._normals = np.zeros((0, 3)) return if bounding_box is None:, self.max_dist = get_bounding_box(self.vertices) else: = bounding_box[0] self.max_dist = bounding_box[1] = self.max_dist = self.max_dist.astype(np.float32) vert_resh = np.array(self.vertices).reshape((len(self.vertices) // 3, 3)) vert_resh -= np.array(, dtype=self.vertices.dtype) vert_resh = vert_resh / np.array(self.max_dist) self.vertices = vert_resh.reshape(len(self.vertices)) if normals is not None and len(normals) == 0: normals = None if normals is not None and normals.ndim == 2: normals = normals.reshape(len(normals) * 3) self._normals = normals self._ext_color = color self._colors = None self.pca = None @property def colors(self): if self._ext_color is None: self._colors = np.ones(len(self.vertices) // 3 * 4) * 0.5 elif np.isscalar(self._ext_color): self._colors = np.array(len(self.vertices) // 3 * [self._ext_color]).flatten() else: if np.ndim(self._ext_color) >= 2: self._ext_color = self._ext_color.squeeze() assert self._ext_color.shape[1] == 4, \ "'color' parameter has wrong shape" self._ext_color = self._ext_color.squeeze() assert self._ext_color.shape[1] == 4, \ "Rendering requires RGBA 'color' shape of (X, 4). Please" \ "add alpha channel." self._ext_color = self._ext_color.flatten() assert len(self._ext_color) / 4 == len(self.vertices) / 3, \ "len(ext_color)/4 must be equal to len(vertices)/3." self._colors = self._ext_color return self._colors @property def vert_resh(self): vert_resh = np.array(self.vertices).reshape(-1, 3) return vert_resh @property def normals(self): if self._normals is None or len(self._normals) != len(self.vertices): log_proc.warning("Calculating normals") self._normals = unit_normal(self.vertices, self.indices) elif len(self._normals) != len(self.vertices): log_proc.debug("Calculating normals, because their shape differs from" " vertices: %s (normals) vs. %s (vertices)" % (str(self._normals.shape), str(self.vertices.shape))) self._normals = unit_normal(self.vertices, self.indices) return self._normals @property def normals_resh(self): return self.normals.reshape(-1, 3)
[docs] def transform_external_coords(self, coords): """ Args: coords: np.array Returns: np.array transformed coordinates """ if len(coords) == 0: return coords coords = np.array(coords, dtype=np.float32) coords = coords - coords /= self.max_dist return coords
[docs] def retransform_external_coords(self, coords): coords = np.array(coords, dtype=np.float32) coords *= self.max_dist coords += return coords.astype(np.int32)
@property def bounding_box(self): return [, self.max_dist]
[docs] def perform_pca_rotation(self): """ Rotates vertices into principal component coordinate system. """ if self.pca is None: self.pca = PCA(n_components=3, whiten=False, random_state=0) self.vertices = self.pca.transform( self.vert_resh).reshape(len(self.vertices))
[docs] def renormalize_vertices(self, bounding_box=None): """ Renomralize, i.e. substract mean and divide by max. extent, vertices using either center and max. distance from self.vertices or given from keyword argument bounding_box. Args: bounding_box: tuple center, scale (applied as follows: self.vert_resh / scale) Returns: """ if bounding_box is None: bounding_box = get_bounding_box(self.vertices), self.max_dist = bounding_box = self.max_dist = self.max_dist.astype(np.float32) vert_resh = np.array(self.vertices).reshape(len(self.vertices) // 3, 3) vert_resh -= vert_resh /= self.max_dist self.vertices = vert_resh.reshape(len(self.vertices))
@property def vertices_scaled(self): return (self.vert_resh * self.max_dist +
def normalize_vertices(vertices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Rotate, center and normalize vertices. Args: vertices: np.array [N, 1] Returns: array transformed vertices """ vert_resh = vertices.reshape(len(vertices) // 3, 3) vert_resh = apply_pca(vert_resh) vert_resh -= np.median(vert_resh, axis=0) max_val = np.abs(vert_resh).max() vert_resh = vert_resh / max_val vertices = vert_resh.reshape(len(vertices)).astype(np.float32) return vertices
[docs]def calc_rot_matrices(coords: np.ndarray, vertices: np.ndarray, edge_length: Union[float, int], nb_cpus: int = 1) -> np.ndarray: """ # Optimization comment: bottleneck is now 'get_rotmatrix_from_points' Fits a PCA to local sub-volumes in order to rotate them according to its main process (e.g. x-axis will be parallel to the long axis of a tube) Args: coords: Center coordinates [M x 3] vertices: Vertices [N x 3] edge_length: Spatial extent of box used to querying vertices for the PCA fit (used for the view alignment). nb_cpus: Number of CPUs. Returns: Flattened OpenGL rotation matrix (Fortran ordering). """ if not np.isscalar(edge_length): log_proc.warning('"calc_rot_matrices" now takes only scalar edgelengths' '. Choosing np.min(edge_length) as query box edge' ' length.') edge_length = np.min(edge_length) if len(vertices) > 1e5: vertices = vertices[::8] vertices = vertices.astype(np.float32) params = [(coords_ch, vertices, edge_length) for coords_ch in np.array_split(coords, nb_cpus, axis=0)] res = start_multiprocess_imap(calc_rot_matrices_helper, params, nb_cpus=nb_cpus, show_progress=False) rot_matrices = np.concatenate(res) return rot_matrices
def calc_rot_matrices_helper(args): """ Fits a PCA to local sub-volumes in order to rotate them according to its main process (e.g. x-axis will be parallel to the long axis of a tube) Args: args: np.array [M x 3], np.array [N x 3], float/int coords, vertices, edge_length = spatial extent of box for querying vertices for pca fit Returns: np.array [M x 16] Fortran flattened OpenGL rotation matrix """ coords, vertices, edge_length = args rot_matrices = np.zeros((len(coords), 16)) edge_lengths = np.array([edge_length] * 3) vertices = vertices.astype(np.float32) for ii, c in enumerate(coords): bounding_box = np.array([c, edge_lengths], dtype=np.float32) inlier = np.array(vertices[in_bounding_box(vertices, bounding_box)]) rot_matrices[ii] = get_rotmatrix_from_points(inlier) return rot_matrices def get_rotmatrix_from_points(points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Fits pca to input points and returns corresponding rotation matrix, usable in PyOpenGL. Args: points: Vertices/points used in PCA. Returns: Flat (Fortrain ordering) rotation matrix as returned by PCA with 3 components [4, 4]. """ if len(points) <= 2: return np.zeros(16) new_center = np.mean(points, axis=0) points -= new_center rot_mat = np.zeros((4, 4)) rot_mat[:3, :3] = _calc_pca_components(points) rot_mat[3, 3] = 1 rot_mat = rot_mat.flatten('F') return rot_mat def _calc_pca_components(pts: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieve Eigenvalue sorted Eigenvectors from input array. Args: pts: Input points. Returns: Eigenvalue sorted Eigenvectors. """ cov = np.cov(pts, rowvar=False) evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(cov) idx = np.argsort(evals)[::-1] evecs = evecs[:, idx].transpose() return evecs def flag_empty_spaces(coords: np.ndarray, vertices: np.ndarray, edge_length: Union[float, int, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """ Flag empty locations. Args: coords: [M x 3] vertices: [N x 3] edge_length: Spatial extent of bounding box to look for vertex support. Returns: Bool array [M x 1] """ if not np.isscalar(edge_length): log_proc.warning('"flag_empty_spaces" now takes only scalar edgelengths' '. Choosing np.min(edge_length) as query box edge' ' length.') edge_length = np.min(edge_length) if len(vertices) > 1e6: vertices = vertices[::8] empty_spaces = np.zeros((len(coords))).astype(np.bool) edge_lengths = np.array([edge_length] * 3) for ii, c in enumerate(coords): bounding_box = (c, edge_lengths) inlier = np.array(vertices[in_bounding_box(vertices, bounding_box)]) if len(inlier) == 0: empty_spaces[ii] = True return empty_spaces def get_bounding_box(coordinates: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """ Calculates center of coordinates and its maximum distance in any spatial dimension to the most distant point. Args: coordinates: Coordinates. Returns: Centers, maximum distance. """ if coordinates.ndim == 2 and coordinates.shape[1] == 3: coord_resh = coordinates else: coord_resh = coordinates.reshape(len(coordinates) // 3, 3) mean = np.mean(coord_resh, axis=0) max_dist = np.max(np.abs(coord_resh - mean)) return mean, max_dist @jit def get_avg_normal(normals, indices, nbvert): normals_avg = np.zeros((nbvert, 3), np.float32) for n in range(len(indices)): ix = indices[n] normals_avg[ix] += normals[n] return normals_avg def unit_normal(vertices: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates normals per face (averaging corresponding vertex normals) and expands it to (averaged) normals per vertex. Args: vertices: Flattend vertices [N x 1]. indices: Flattend indices [M x 1]. Returns: Unit face normals per vertex [N x 1]. """ vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=np.float32) nbvert = len(vertices) // 3 # get coordinate list vert_lst = vertices.reshape(nbvert, 3)[indices] # get traingles from coordinates triangles = vert_lst.reshape(len(vert_lst) // 3, 3, 3) # calculate normals of triangles v = triangles[:, 1] - triangles[:, 0] w = triangles[:, 2] - triangles[:, 0] normals = np.cross(v, w) norm = np.linalg.norm(normals, axis=1) normals[norm != 0, :] = normals[norm != 0, :] / norm[norm != 0, None] # repeat normal, s.t. len(normals) == len(vertices), i.e. every vertex nows # its normal (multiple normals because one vertex is part of multiple triangles normals = np.array(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(x, 3) for x in normals))) # average normal for every vertex normals_avg = get_avg_normal(normals, indices, nbvert) return -normals_avg.astype(np.float32).reshape(nbvert * 3)
[docs]def get_random_centered_coords(pts, nb, r): """ Args: pts: np.array coordinates nb: int number of center of masses to be returned r: int radius of query_ball_point in order to get list of points for center of mass Returns: np.array coordinates of randomly located center of masses in pts """ tree = spatial.cKDTree(pts) rand_ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(pts), nb) close_ixs = tree.query_ball_point(pts[rand_ixs], r) coms = np.zeros((nb, 3)) for i, ixs in enumerate(close_ixs): coms[i] = np.mean(pts[ixs], axis=0) return coms
[docs]def merge_meshes(ind_lst, vert_lst, nb_simplices=3): """ Combine several meshes into a single one. Args: ind_lst: list of np.array [N, 1] vert_lst: list of np.array [N, 1] nb_simplices: int Number of simplices, e.g. for triangles nb_simplices=3 Returns: np.array, np.array """ assert len(vert_lst) == len(ind_lst), "Length of indices list differs" \ "from vertices list." if len(vert_lst) == 0: return [np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.uint64), np.zeros((0,)), np.zeros((0,))] else: all_vert = np.concatenate(vert_lst) # store index and vertex offset of every partial mesh vert_offset = np.cumsum([0, ] + [len(verts) // nb_simplices for verts in vert_lst]).astype( np.uint64) ind_ixs = np.cumsum([0, ] + [len(inds) for inds in ind_lst]) all_ind = np.concatenate(ind_lst) for i in range(0, len(vert_lst)): start_ix, end_ix = ind_ixs[i], ind_ixs[i + 1] all_ind[start_ix:end_ix] += vert_offset[i] return all_ind, all_vert
[docs]def merge_meshes_incl_norm(ind_lst, vert_lst, norm_lst, nb_simplices=3): """ Combine several meshes into a single one. Args: ind_lst: List[np.ndarray] array shapes [M, 1] vert_lst: List[np.ndarray] array shapes [N, 1] norm_lst: List[np.ndarray] array shapes [N, 1] nb_simplices: int Number of simplices, e.g. for triangles nb_simplices=3 Returns: [np.array, np.array, np.array] """ assert len(vert_lst) == len(ind_lst), "Length of indices list differs" \ "from vertices list." if len(vert_lst) == 0: return [np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.uint64), np.zeros((0,)), np.zeros((0,))] else: all_vert = np.concatenate(vert_lst) if len(norm_lst) == 0: all_norm = np.zeros((0,)) else: all_norm = np.concatenate(norm_lst) # store index and vertex offset of every partial mesh vert_offset = np.cumsum([0, ] + [len(verts) // nb_simplices for verts in vert_lst]).astype( np.uint64) ind_ixs = np.cumsum([0, ] + [len(inds) for inds in ind_lst]) all_ind = np.concatenate(ind_lst) for i in range(0, len(vert_lst)): start_ix, end_ix = ind_ixs[i], ind_ixs[i + 1] all_ind[start_ix:end_ix] += vert_offset[i] return [all_ind, all_vert, all_norm]
def _mesh_loader(so): return so.mesh
[docs]def merge_someshes(sos: Iterable['segmentation.SegmentationObject'], nb_simplices: int = 3, nb_cpus: int = 1, color_vals: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, cmap: Optional[Iterable[tuple]] = None, alpha: float = 1.0, use_new_subfold: bool = True): """ Merge meshes of SegmentationObjects. This will cache :py:class:`~syconn.reps.segmentation.SegmentationObject`. Args: sos: SegmentationObjects are used to get .mesh, N x 1 nb_simplices: Number of simplices, e.g. for triangles nb_simplices=3 nb_cpus: int color_vals: Color values for every mesh, N x 4 (rgba). No normalization! cmap: matplotlib colormap alpha: float use_new_subfold: Returns: np.array, np.array [, np.array] indices, vertices (scaled) [, colors] """ all_ind = np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.uint64) all_norm = np.zeros((0,)) all_vert = np.zeros((0,)) colors = np.zeros((0,)) if len(sos) == 0: return all_ind, all_vert, all_norm if nb_cpus > 1 or sos[0].version == 'tmp': # assume all sos have the same type.. meshes = start_multiprocess_imap(_mesh_loader, sos, nb_cpus=nb_cpus, show_progress=False) else: meshes = load_so_meshes_bulk(sos, use_new_subfold=use_new_subfold) for so in sos: so._mesh = meshes[] meshes = [so.mesh for so in sos] if color_vals is not None and cmap is not None: color_vals = color_factory(color_vals, cmap, alpha=alpha) ind_lst = [] vert_lst = [] norm_lst = [] color_lst = [] for i, (ind, vert, norm) in enumerate(meshes): ind_lst.append(ind) vert_lst.append(vert) if norm is not None: norm_lst.append(norm) if color_vals is not None: color_lst.append(np.array([color_vals[i]] * len(vert))) # merge results if len(color_lst) != 0: colors = np.concatenate(color_lst) del color_lst if len(norm_lst) != 0: all_norm = np.concatenate(norm_lst) del norm_lst if len(vert_lst) != 0: all_vert = np.concatenate(vert_lst) if len(ind_lst) != 0: all_ind = np.concatenate(ind_lst) # store index and vertex offset of every partial mesh vert_offset = np.cumsum([0, ] + [len(verts) // nb_simplices for verts in vert_lst]).astype(np.uint64) ind_ixs = np.cumsum([0, ] + [len(inds) for inds in ind_lst]) for i in range(0, len(vert_lst)): start_ix, end_ix = ind_ixs[i], ind_ixs[i + 1] all_ind[start_ix:end_ix] += vert_offset[i] assert len(all_vert) == len(all_norm) or len(all_norm) == 0, "Length of combined normals and vertices differ." if len(colors) > 0: return all_ind, all_vert, all_norm, colors return all_ind, all_vert, all_norm
def make_ply_string(dest_path, indices, vertices, rgba_color, invert_vertex_order=False): """ Creates a ply str that can be included into a for rendering in KNOSSOS. # TODO: write out normals Args: dest_path: indices: np.array vertices: np.array rgba_color: Tuple[uint8] or np.array invert_vertex_order: bool Invert the vertex order. Returns: str """ # create header vertices = vertices.astype(np.float32) indices = indices.astype(np.int32) if not rgba_color.ndim == 2: rgba_color = np.array(rgba_color, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((-1, 4)) if not indices.ndim == 2: indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.int64).reshape((-1, 3)) if not vertices.ndim == 2: vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 3)) if len(rgba_color) != len(vertices) and len(rgba_color) == 1 and rgba_color.shape[1] == 4: # TODO: create per tree color instead of per vertex color rgba_color = np.array([rgba_color[0] for i in range(len(vertices))], dtype=np.uint8) else: if not (len(rgba_color) == len(vertices) and len(rgba_color[0]) == 4): msg = 'Color array has to be RGBA and to provide a color value f' \ 'or every vertex!' log_proc.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if type(rgba_color) is list: rgba_color = np.array(rgba_color, dtype=np.uint8) log_proc.warn("Color input is list. It will now be converted " "automatically, data will be unusable if not normalized" " between 0 and 255. min/max of data:" " {}, {}".format(rgba_color.min(), rgba_color.max())) elif not np.issubdtype(rgba_color.dtype, np.uint8): log_proc.warn("Color array is not of type integer or unsigned integer." " It will now be converted automatically, data will be " "unusable if not normalized between 0 and 255." "min/max of data: {}, {}".format(rgba_color.min(), rgba_color.max())) rgba_color = np.array(rgba_color, dtype=np.uint8) # ply file requires 1D object arrays ordering = -1 if invert_vertex_order else 1 vertices = np.concatenate([vertices.astype(np.object), rgba_color.astype(np.object)], axis=1) vertices = np.array([tuple(el) for el in vertices], dtype=[('x', 'f4'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4'), ('red', 'u1'), ('green', 'u1'), ('blue', 'u1'), ('alpha', 'u1')]) # ply file requires 1D object arrays. indices = np.array([tuple([el[::ordering]], ) for el in indices], dtype=[('vertex_indices', 'i4', (3,))]) PlyData([PlyElement.describe(vertices, 'vertex'), PlyElement.describe(indices, 'face')]).write(dest_path) def make_ply_string_wocolor(dest_path, indices, vertices, invert_vertex_order=False): """ Creates a ply str that can be included into a for rendering in KNOSSOS. # TODO: write out normals Args: dest_path: indices: int iterable of indices vertices: int iterable of vertices invert_vertex_order: bool Invert the vertex order Returns: str """ # create header vertices = vertices.astype(np.float32) indices = indices.astype(np.int32) if not indices.ndim == 2: indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.int64).reshape((-1, 3)) if not vertices.ndim == 2: vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 3)) if invert_vertex_order: indices = indices[:, ::-1] ply_verts = np.empty(len(vertices), dtype=[('x', 'f4'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')]) ply_verts['x'], ply_verts['y'], ply_verts['z'] = vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], vertices[:, 2] ply_faces = np.empty(len(indices), dtype=[('vertex_indices', 'i4', (3,))]) ply_faces['vertex_indices'] = indices PlyData([PlyElement.describe(ply_verts, 'vertex'), PlyElement.describe(ply_faces, 'face')]).write(dest_path)
[docs]def write_mesh2kzip(k_path, ind, vert, norm, color, ply_fname, force_overwrite=False, invert_vertex_order=False): """ Writes mesh as .ply's to file. Args: k_path: str path to zip ind: np.array vert: np.array norm: np.array color: tuple or np.array rgba between 0 and 255 ply_fname: str force_overwrite: bool invert_vertex_order: bool Invert the vertex order. Returns: """ if not k_path.endswith(''): k_path += '' if len(vert) == 0: log_proc.warn("'write_mesh2kzip' called with empty vertex array. Did not" " write data to kzip. `ply_fname`. {}".format(ply_fname)) return tmp_dest_p = '{}_{}'.format(k_path, ply_fname) if color is not None: make_ply_string(tmp_dest_p, ind, vert.astype(np.float32), color, invert_vertex_order=invert_vertex_order) else: make_ply_string_wocolor(tmp_dest_p, ind, vert.astype(np.float32), invert_vertex_order=invert_vertex_order) write_data2kzip(k_path, tmp_dest_p, ply_fname, force_overwrite=force_overwrite)
[docs]def write_meshes2kzip(k_path, inds, verts, norms, colors, ply_fnames, force_overwrite=True, verbose=True, invert_vertex_order=False): """ Writes meshes as .ply's to file. Args: k_path: str path to zip inds: list of np.array verts: list of np.array norms: list of np.array colors: list of tuple or np.array rgba between 0 and 255 ply_fnames: list of str force_overwrite: bool verbose: bool invert_vertex_order: bool Invert the vertex order. Returns: """ if not k_path.endswith(''): k_path += '' tmp_paths = [] if verbose:'Generating ply files.') pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(inds), leave=False) write_out_ply_fnames = [] for i in range(len(inds)): vert = verts[i] ind = inds[i] norm = norms[i] color = colors[i] ply_fname = ply_fnames[i] tmp_dest_p = '{}_{}'.format(k_path, ply_fname) if len(vert) == 0: log_proc.warning("Mesh with zero-length vertex array. Skipping.") continue if color is not None: make_ply_string(tmp_dest_p, ind, vert.astype(np.float32), color, invert_vertex_order=invert_vertex_order) else: make_ply_string_wocolor(tmp_dest_p, ind, vert.astype(np.float32), invert_vertex_order=invert_vertex_order) tmp_paths.append(tmp_dest_p) write_out_ply_fnames.append(ply_fname) if verbose: pbar.update(1) if verbose: pbar.close() data2kzip(k_path, tmp_paths, write_out_ply_fnames, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, verbose=verbose)
def get_bb_size(coords): bb_min, bb_max = np.min(coords, axis=0), np.max(coords, axis=0) return np.linalg.norm(bb_max - bb_min, ord=2) def color_factory(c_values, mcmap, alpha=1.0): colors = [] for c_val in c_values: curr_color = list(mcmap(c_val)) curr_color[-1] = alpha colors.append(curr_color) return np.array(colors)
[docs]def compartmentalize_mesh(ssv: 'super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject', pred_key_appendix=""): """ Splits SuperSegmentationObject mesh into axon, dendrite and soma. Based on axoness prediction of SV's contained in SuperSuperVoxel ssv. Args: ssv: SuperSegmentationObject pred_key_appendix: str Specific version of axoness prediction Returns: np.array Majority label of each face / triangle in mesh indices; Triangle faces are assumed. If majority class has n=1, majority label is set to -1. """ # TODO: requires update to include the bouton labels as axon preds = np.array(start_multiprocess_obj("axoness_preds", [[sv, {"pred_key_appendix": pred_key_appendix}] for sv in ssv.svs], nb_cpus=ssv.nb_cpus)) preds = np.concatenate(preds) locs = ssv.sample_locations() pred_coords = np.concatenate(locs) assert pred_coords.ndim == 2, "Sample locations of ssv have wrong shape." assert pred_coords.shape[1] == 3, "Sample locations of ssv have wrong shape." ind, vert, axoness = ssv._pred2mesh(pred_coords, preds, k=3, colors=(0, 1, 2)) # get axoness of each vertex where indices are pointing to ind_comp = axoness[ind] ind = ind.reshape(-1, 3) vert = vert.reshape(-1, 3) norm = ssv.mesh[2].reshape(-1, 3) ind_comp = ind_comp.reshape(-1, 3) ind_comp_maj = np.zeros((len(ind)), dtype=np.uint8) for ii in range(len(ind)): triangle = ind_comp[ii] cnt = Counter(triangle) ax, n = cnt.most_common(1)[0] if n == 1: ax = -1 ind_comp_maj[ii] = ax comp_meshes = {} for ii, comp_type in enumerate(["axon", "dendrite", "soma"]): comp_ind = ind[ind_comp_maj == ii].flatten() unique_comp_ind = np.unique(comp_ind) comp_vert = vert[unique_comp_ind].flatten() if len(ssv.mesh[2]) != 0: comp_norm = norm[unique_comp_ind].flatten() else: comp_norm = ssv.mesh[2] remap_dict = {} for i in range(len(unique_comp_ind)): remap_dict[unique_comp_ind[i]] = i comp_ind = np.array([remap_dict[i] for i in comp_ind], dtype=np.uint64) comp_meshes[comp_type] = [comp_ind, comp_vert, comp_norm] return comp_meshes
def compartmentalize_mesh_fromskel(ssv: 'super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject', pred_key_appendix=""): """ Based on compartmentalize_mesh but uses skeleton coordinates and axoness prediction. Splits SuperSegmentationObject mesh into axon, dendrite and soma. Based on axoness prediction of SV's contained in SuperSuperVoxel ssv. Skeleton of cell needs to be loaded. Args: ssv: SuperSegmentationObject pred_key_appendix: str Specific version of axoness prediction Returns: np.array Majority label of each face / triangle in mesh indices; triangulation is assumed. If majority class has n=1, majority label is set to -1. """ preds = ssv.skeleton["axoness_avg10000"] preds[preds == 3] = 1 preds[preds == 4] = 1 pred_coords = ssv.skeleton["nodes"] * ssv.scaling ind, vert, axoness = ssv._pred2mesh(pred_coords, preds, k=3, colors=(0, 1, 2)) # get axoness of each vertex where indices are pointing to ind_comp = axoness[ind] ind = ind.reshape(-1, 3) vert = vert.reshape(-1, 3) norm = ssv.mesh[2].reshape(-1, 3) ind_comp = ind_comp.reshape(-1, 3) ind_comp_maj = np.zeros((len(ind)), dtype=np.uint8) for ii in range(len(ind)): triangle = ind_comp[ii] cnt = Counter(triangle) ax, n = cnt.most_common(1)[0] if n == 1: ax = -1 ind_comp_maj[ii] = ax comp_meshes = {} for ii, comp_type in enumerate(["axon", "dendrite", "soma"]): comp_ind = ind[ind_comp_maj == ii].flatten() unique_comp_ind = np.unique(comp_ind) comp_vert = vert[unique_comp_ind].flatten() if len(ssv.mesh[2]) != 0: comp_norm = norm[unique_comp_ind].flatten() else: comp_norm = ssv.mesh[2] remap_dict = {} for i in range(len(unique_comp_ind)): remap_dict[unique_comp_ind[i]] = i comp_ind = np.array([remap_dict[i] for i in comp_ind], dtype=np.uint) comp_meshes[comp_type] = [comp_ind, comp_vert, comp_norm] return comp_meshes
[docs]def mesh_creator_sso(ssv: 'super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject', segobjs: Iterable[str] = ('sv', 'mi', 'sj', 'vc')): """ Cache meshes of specified SegmentationObjects. Args: ssv: SuperSegmentationObject. segobjs: Types of SegmentationObjects. Returns: """ ssv.enable_locking = False ssv.load_attr_dict() for obj_type in segobjs: _ = ssv.load_mesh(obj_type) ssv.clear_cache()
[docs]def find_meshes(chunk: np.ndarray, offset: np.ndarray, pad: int = 0, ds: Optional[Union[list, tuple, np.ndarray]] = None, scaling: Optional[Union[tuple, list, np.ndarray]] = None, meshing_props: Optional[dict] = None) -> Dict[int, List[np.ndarray]]: """ Find meshes within a segmented cube. The offset is given in voxels. Mesh vertices are scaled according to ``global_params.config['scaling']``. Args: chunk: Cube which is processed. offset: Offset of the cube in voxels. pad: Pad chunk array with mode 'edge'. ds: Downsampling array in xyz. Default: No downsampling. scaling: Voxel size. meshing_props: Keyword arguments used in ``zmesh.Mesher.get_mesh``. Returns: The mesh of each segmentation ID in the input `chunk`. Vertices are in nm! """ if scaling is None: scaling = np.array(global_params.config['scaling'], copy=True) else: scaling = np.array(scaling, copy=True) if meshing_props is None: meshing_props = global_params.config['meshes']['meshing_props'] offset = offset * scaling # keep small segmentation objects seg_objs = set(np.unique(chunk)) if 0 in seg_objs: seg_objs.remove(0) meshes = {ix: [np.zeros(0, dtype=np.uint32), np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32), np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.float32)] for ix in seg_objs} if ds is not None: ds = np.array(ds) chunk = zoom(chunk, 1 / ds, order=0) scaling *= ds if pad > 0: chunk = np.pad(chunk, 1, mode='edge') offset -= pad * scaling mesher = Mesher(scaling) mesher.mesh(chunk.swapaxes(0, 2)) # xyz -> zyx for obj_id in mesher.ids(): # vertices are xyz in nm (after scaling) tmp = mesher.get_mesh(obj_id, **meshing_props) tmp.vertices[:] = (tmp.vertices + offset) # vertices can be below zero due to padding and down sampling. tmp.vertices[tmp.vertices[:] < 0] = 0 meshes[obj_id] = [tmp.faces.flatten().astype(np.uint32), tmp.vertices.flatten().astype(np.float32)] if tmp.normals is not None: meshes[obj_id].append(tmp.normals.flatten().astype(np.float32)) else: meshes[obj_id].append(np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.float32)) mesher.erase(obj_id) mesher.clear() return meshes
[docs]def mesh_chunk(args): attr_dir, obj_type = args scaling = global_params.config['scaling'] meshing_props = global_params.config['meshes']['meshing_props'] ad = AttributeDict(attr_dir + "/attr_dict.pkl", disable_locking=True) obj_ixs = list(ad.keys()) if len(obj_ixs) == 0: return voxel_dc = VoxelStorage(attr_dir + "/voxel.pkl", disable_locking=True) md = MeshStorage(attr_dir + "/mesh.pkl", disable_locking=True, read_only=False) valid_obj_types = ["vc", "sj", "mi", "cs", 'syn', 'syn_ssv'] if global_params.config.allow_mesh_gen_cells: valid_obj_types += ["sv"] if obj_type not in valid_obj_types: raise NotImplementedError("Object type '{}' must be one of the following:\n" "{}".format(obj_type, str(valid_obj_types))) ds = global_params.config['meshes']['downsampling'][obj_type] for ix in obj_ixs: min_obj_vx = global_params.config['meshes']['mesh_min_obj_vx'] if ad[ix]['size'] < min_obj_vx: md[ix] = [np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32), np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32), np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.float32)] continue # create binary mask as single 3D cube mask, off = voxel_dc.get_voxel_data_cubed(ix) # create mesh indices, vertices, normals = find_meshes(mask, off, pad=1, ds=ds, scaling=scaling, meshing_props=meshing_props)[ ix] md[ix] = [indices.flatten(), vertices.flatten(), normals.flatten()] md.push()
[docs]def get_object_mesh(obj: 'segmentation.SegmentationObject', ds: Union[tuple, list, np.ndarray], mesher_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None): """ Get object mesh from object voxels using marching cubes. Boundary artifacts are minimized by using a single 3D mask array of the object. Notes: This method is not suited for large objects as it creates a single 3D binary mask of the object. Args: obj: SegmentationObject. ds: Magnitude of downsampling for each axis. mesher_kwargs: Keyword arguments parsed to 'find_meshes' method. Returns: vertices [N, 1], indices [M, 1], normals [M, 1] """ if mesher_kwargs is None: mesher_kwargs = {} min_obj_vx = global_params.config['meshes']['mesh_min_obj_vx'] zero_out = [np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32), np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32), np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.float32)] if obj.size < min_obj_vx: return zero_out # create binary mask as single 3D cube mask = obj.voxels off = obj.bounding_box[0] # in voxel # create mesh; binary mask -> object always has ID 1 indices, vertices, normals = find_meshes(mask, off, pad=1, ds=ds, scaling=obj.scaling, **mesher_kwargs)[1] if 0 < len(normals) != len(vertices): msg = f'Length of normals ({normals.shape}) does not correspond to length of vertices ({vertices.shape}).' log_proc.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return [indices.flatten(), vertices.flatten(), normals.flatten()]
[docs]def mesh2obj_file(dest_path: str, mesh: List[np.ndarray], color: Optional[Union[int, np.ndarray]] = None, center: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scale: Optional[float] = None): """ Writes mesh to .obj file. Args: dest_path: Path to file. mesh: Flat arrays of indices (triangle faces), vertices and normals. color: Color as int or numpy array (rgba). center: Subtracts center from original vertex locations. scale: Multiplies vertex locations after centering. Returns: """ mesh_obj = openmesh.TriMesh() ind, vert, norm = mesh if vert.ndim == 1: vert = vert.reshape(-1, 3) if ind.ndim == 1: ind = ind.reshape(-1, 3) if center is not None: vert -= center if scale is not None: vert *= scale vert_openmesh = [] if color is not None: mesh_obj.request_vertex_colors() if color.ndim == 1: color = np.array([color] * len(vert)) color = color.astype(np.float64) # required by openmesh for ii, v in enumerate(vert): v = v.astype(np.float64) # Point requires double v_openmesh = mesh_obj.add_vertex(v) if color is not None: mesh_obj.set_color(v_openmesh, color[ii]) vert_openmesh.append(v_openmesh) for f in ind: f_openmesh = [vert_openmesh[f[0]], vert_openmesh[f[1]], vert_openmesh[f[2]]] mesh_obj.add_face(f_openmesh) openmesh.write_mesh(dest_path, mesh_obj)
[docs]def mesh_area_calc(mesh): """ Args: mesh: meshobject Returns: float Mesh area in um^2 """ return mesh_surface_area(mesh[1].reshape(-1, 3), mesh[0].reshape(-1, 3)) / 1e6
[docs]def gen_mesh_voxelmask(voxel_iter: Iterator[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]], scale: np.ndarray, vertex_size: float = 10, boundary_struct: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, depth: int = 10, compute_connected_components: bool = True, voxel_size_simplify: Optional[float] = None, min_vert_num: int = 200, overlap: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, nb_neighbors: int = 20, std_ratio: float = 2.0) \ -> Union[List[np.ndarray], List[List[np.ndarray]]]: """ Args: voxel_iter: Iterator of binary voxel mask (3D cube) and cube offset (in voxels). scale: Size of voxels in `mask_list` in nm (x, y, z). vertex_size: In nm. Resolution used to simplify mesh. boundary_struct: Connectivity of kernel used to determine boundary depth: sson-surface-reconstruction : "An important parameter of the function is depth that defines the depth of the octree used for the surface reconstruction and hence implies the resolution of the resulting triangle mesh. A higher depth value means a mesh with more details." compute_connected_components: Compute connected components of mesh. Return list of meshes. voxel_size_simplify: Voxel size in nm when applying `simplify_vertex_clustering`. Defaults to `vertex_size`. min_vert_num: Minimum number of vertices of the connected component meshes (only applied if `compute_connected_components=True`). overlap: Overlap between adjacent masks in `mask_list`. verbose: Extra stdout output. nb_neighbors: Number of neighbors used to calculate distance mean and standard deviation. See std_ratio: Standard deviation of distance between points used as threshold for filtering. See Notes: Use `voxel_iter` with cubes that have 1-voxel-overlap to guarantee that segmentation instance boundaries that align with the 3D array border are identified correctly. Returns: Flat Index/triangle, vertex and normals array of the mesh. List[ind, vert, norm] if ``compute_connected_components=True``. """ if voxel_size_simplify is None: voxel_size_simplify = vertex_size if boundary_struct is None: # 26-connected boundary_struct = np.ones((3, 3, 3)) pts, norm = [], [] for m, off in tqdm.tqdm(voxel_iter, disable=not verbose, desc='VoxelLoad'): bndry = m.astype(np.float32) - binary_erosion(m, boundary_struct, iterations=1) if overlap > 0: m = m[overlap:-overlap, overlap:-overlap, overlap:-overlap] bndry = bndry[overlap:-overlap, overlap:-overlap, overlap:-overlap] try: grad = gaussianGradient(m.astype(np.float32), 3) # sigma=3 except RuntimeError: # PreconditionViolation (current mask cube is smaller than kernel) m = np.pad(m, 10) grad = gaussianGradient(m.astype(np.float32), 3)[10:-10, 10:-10, 10:-10] # mult. by -1 to make normals point outwards mag = -np.linalg.norm(grad, axis=-1) grad[mag != 0] /= mag[mag != 0][..., None] nonzero_mask = np.nonzero(bndry) if np.abs(mag[nonzero_mask]).min() == 0: log_proc.warn('Found zero gradient during mesh generation.') pts_ = np.transpose(nonzero_mask) + off + overlap pts.append(pts_) norm_ = grad[nonzero_mask] norm.append(norm_) norm = np.concatenate(norm) pts = np.concatenate(pts) * scale assert norm.shape == pts.shape, 'Incorrect shapes for normals and points.' pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pts) pcd.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(norm) pcd = pcd.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=vertex_size) # reduce number of points # TODO: add to config pcd.remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=nb_neighbors, std_ratio=std_ratio) pcd.estimate_normals(search_param=o3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid( radius=4*np.max(scale), max_nn=30)) # # TODO: use orient_normals_consistent_tangent_plane as soon as open3d>0.10 is working # pcd.orient_normals_consistent_tangent_plane(100) mesh, _ = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(pcd, depth=depth) # ball pivoting is slow # radii = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.float32) * vertex_size # mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting( # pcd, o3d.utility.DoubleVector(radii.tolist())) mesh = mesh.simplify_vertex_clustering( voxel_size=voxel_size_simplify, contraction=o3d.geometry.SimplificationContraction.Quadric) if compute_connected_components: triangle_clusters, cluster_n_triangles, cluster_area = ( mesh.cluster_connected_triangles()) # # TODO: remove explicit numpy conversion as soon as open3d>0.9 is working triangle_clusters = np.array(triangle_clusters) cluster_n_triangles = np.array(cluster_n_triangles) # # TODO: use select_by_index as soon as open3d>0.9 is working # triangles_to_remove = cluster_n_triangles[triangle_clusters] < min_vert_num # mesh.remove_triangles_by_mask(triangles_to_remove) # mesh = [mesh.select_by_index[np.transpose(np.nonzero(triangle_clusters == ix))] for ix in # range(len(cluster_n_triangles))] mesh_ = [] for ii in range(len(cluster_n_triangles)): if cluster_n_triangles[ii] < min_vert_num: continue m = copy.deepcopy(mesh) m.remove_triangles_by_mask(triangle_clusters != ii) m.remove_unreferenced_vertices() mesh_.append(m) mesh = mesh_ else: mesh = [mesh] for ii in range(len(mesh)): m = mesh[ii] verts = np.asarray(m.vertices).flatten() verts[verts < 0] = 0 mesh[ii] = [np.asarray(m.triangles).flatten(), verts, np.asarray(m.vertex_normals).flatten()] return mesh
[docs]def calc_contact_syn_mesh(segobj: 'segmentation.SegmentationObject', voxel_dc: Optional[Union[VoxelStorageLazyLoading, VoxelStorageDyn]] = None, **gen_kwgs) -> Union[List[np.ndarray], List[List[np.ndarray]]]: """ Args: segobj: voxel_dc: **gen_kwgs: Returns: """ assert segobj.type in ['cs', 'syn', 'syn_ssv'], 'Object type not supported' if segobj._voxel_list is None: if segobj.type == 'cs': if voxel_dc is None: voxel_dc = VoxelStorageDyn(segobj.voxel_path, read_only=True, disable_locking=True, voxel_mode=False) voxels = np.array(voxel_dc.get_voxel_cache(, dtype=np.uint32) else: if voxel_dc is None: voxel_dc = VoxelStorageLazyLoading(segobj.voxel_path) voxels = np.array(voxel_dc[], dtype=np.uint32) else: voxels = np.array(segobj._voxel_list, dtype=np.uint32) abs_offset = np.min(voxels, axis=0) # reduce offset by one -> voxels in 3D cube will have an additional offset of 1 which creates a border of 0s. voxels -= abs_offset - 1 id_mask = np.zeros(np.max(voxels, axis=0) + 2, dtype=np.bool) id_mask[voxels[:, 0], voxels[:, 1], voxels[:, 2]] = True return gen_mesh_voxelmask(zip([id_mask], [abs_offset - 1]), segobj.scaling, overlap=0, **gen_kwgs)
def calc_cell_mesh_from_points(segobj: 'segmentation.SegmentationObject', **gen_kwgs) \ -> Union[List[np.ndarray], List[List[np.ndarray]]]: voxel_dc = VoxelStorage(segobj.voxel_path, read_only=True, disable_locking=True) voxel_iter = voxel_dc.iter_voxelmask_offset(, overlap=1) return gen_mesh_voxelmask(voxel_iter, segobj.scaling, overlap=1, compute_connected_components=False, **gen_kwgs)