Source code for syconn.proc.image

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
# Authors: Sven Dorkenwald, Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld
import numpy as np

from ..proc import log_proc

__cv2__ = True
    from cv2 import createCLAHE
    from cv2 import equalizeHist
except ImportError as e:
    print("Could not import cv2.", e)
    __cv2__ = False
    createCLAHE = None
    equalizeHist = None
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from scipy import spatial, sparse, ndimage
import tqdm
from typing import List, Optional, Union
# TODO: use mocking (try-except needed for sphinx build)
    import fill_voids
except ImportError:

[docs]def find_contactsite(coords_a, coords_b, max_hull_dist=1): """ Computes contact sites between supver voxels and returns contact site voxel Args: coords_a : np.array coords_b : np.array max_hull_dist (int): Maximum distance between voxels in coods_a and coords_b Returns: np.array: contact site coordinates """ assert max_hull_dist >= 1 if len(coords_a) == 0 or len(coords_b) == 0: return np.zeros((0, 3)) tree_a = spatial.cKDTree(coords_a) tree_b = spatial.cKDTree(coords_b) for i in range(1, max_hull_dist + 1): contact_ids = tree_a.query_ball_tree(tree_b, i) num_neighbours = np.array([len(sublist) for sublist in contact_ids]) if np.sum(num_neighbours > 0) >= 1: break contact_coords_a = coords_a[num_neighbours > 0] contact_ids_b = set([id for sublist in contact_ids for id in sublist]) contact_coords_b = coords_b[list(contact_ids_b)] if contact_coords_a.ndim == 1: contact_coords_a = contact_coords_a[None, :] if contact_coords_b.ndim == 1: contact_coords_b = contact_coords_a[None, :] contact_coords = np.concatenate((contact_coords_a, contact_coords_b), axis=0) return np.array(contact_coords).astype(np.int32)
[docs]def fast_check_sing_comp(sv, max_dist=5): """ Fast check if super voxel is single connected component by subsampling Args: sv : np.array max_dist (int): Returns: bool: True if single connected component """ if len(sv) == 0: return True pdists = spatial.distance.pdist(sv[::4]) pdists[pdists > max_dist] = 0 pdists = sparse.csr_matrix(spatial.distance.squareform(pdists)) nb_cc, labels = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(pdists) return nb_cc == 1
[docs]def conn_comp(sv, max_dist): sv = np.array(sv, dtype=np.float32) pdists = spatial.distance.pdist(sv) pdists[pdists > max_dist] = 0 pdists = sparse.csr_matrix(spatial.distance.squareform(pdists)) nb_cc, labels = sparse.csgraph.connected_components(pdists) return nb_cc, labels
[docs]def single_conn_comp(sv, max_dist=2, ref_coord=None, return_bool=False): """ Returns single connected component of coordinates. Args: sv : np.array max_dist (int): ref_coord : np.array return_bool (bool): Returns: np.array """ # if fast_check_sing_comp(sv): # return sv nb_cc, labels = conn_comp(sv, max_dist) if ref_coord is None: max_comp = np.argmax([np.count_nonzero(labels == i) for i in range(nb_cc)]) if return_bool: return labels == max_comp return sv[labels == max_comp] else: min_dist_ix = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(sv - ref_coord, axis=1)) min_label = labels[min_dist_ix] if return_bool: return labels == min_label return sv[labels == min_label]
[docs]def single_conn_comp_img(img, background=1.0): """ Returns connected component in image which is located at the center. TODO: add 'max component' option Args: img : np.array background (float): Returns: np.array """ orig_shape = img.shape img = np.squeeze(img) labeled, nr_objects = ndimage.label(img != background) new_img = np.ones_like(img) * background center = np.array(img.shape) / 2 ixs = [labeled == labeled[tuple(center)]] new_img[ixs] = img[ixs] return new_img.reshape(orig_shape)
[docs]def rgb2gray(rgb): if isinstance(rgb, list): rgb = np.array(rgb) rgb = normalize_img(rgb, max_val=1).astype(np.float32) return[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])
[docs]def apply_equalhist(arr): """ If cv2 is available applies histogram normalization on array. Args: arr : np.array Returns: """ if not __cv2__: try: import cv2 except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("cv2 not properly installed:\n %s" % str(e)) if arr.shape[-1] != 1: arr = arr[..., None] if arr.dtype != np.uint8: arr = normalize_img(arr, max_val=255).astype(np.uint8) return normalize_img(equalizeHist(arr), max_val=1)
[docs]def apply_clahe(arr, clipLimit=4.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8), ret_normalized=True): """ If cv2 is available applies clahe filter on array. Args: arr : np.array clipLimit (float): tileGridSize (tuple): tuple of int ret_normalized (bool): Returns: np.array """ if not __cv2__: try: import cv2 except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("cv2 not properly installed:\n %s" % str(e)) if arr.ndim == 2: arr = arr[..., None] if 0 < np.max(arr) <= 1: arr = normalize_img(arr, max_val=255) if arr.dtype.kind not in ('u', 'i'): arr = arr.astype(np.uint8) arr = apply_clahe_plain(arr, clipLimit, tileGridSize) # arr = equalize_adapthist(arr, clip_limit=clipLimit) if not ret_normalized: return normalize_img(arr, max_val=255).astype(np.uint8) return arr
[docs]def apply_clahe_plain(arr, clipLimit, tileGridSize): clahe = createCLAHE(clipLimit=clipLimit, tileGridSize=tileGridSize) return clahe.apply(arr)
[docs]def normalize_img(img, max_val=255): """ Args: img : np.array max_val : int or float Returns: np.array Normalized image """ img = img.astype(np.float32) img -= img.min() if img.max() != 0: img /= img.max() return img.astype(np.float32) * max_val
[docs]def apply_pca(sv, pca=None): """ Apply principal component analysis and return rotated supervoxel Args: sv : np.array [N x 3] super voxel pca : PCA prefitted pca Returns: super voxel coordinates rotated in principle component system """ if pca is None: pca = PCA(n_components=3, random_state=0) sv = pca.fit_transform(sv) else: sv = pca.transform(sv) return sv
[docs]def remove_outlier(sv, edge_size): """ Removes outlier in array sv beyond [0, edge_sizes] Args: sv : np.array edge_size (int) : Returns: np.array """ inlier = (sv[:, 0] >= 0) & (sv[:, 0] < edge_size) & (sv[:, 1] >= 0) & \ (sv[:, 1] < edge_size) & (sv[:, 2] >= 0) & (sv[:, 2] < edge_size) nb_outlier = np.sum(~inlier) if (float(nb_outlier) / len(sv)) > 0.5: log_proc.warn("Found %d/%d outlier after PCA while preprocessing" "supervoexl. Removing %d%% of voxels" % (nb_outlier, len(sv), int(float(nb_outlier) / len(sv) * 100))) new_sv = sv[inlier] assert np.all(np.min(new_sv, axis=0) >= 0), \ "%s" % np.min(new_sv, axis=0) assert np.all(np.max(new_sv, axis=0) < edge_size), \ "Mins: %s \nMaxs: %s" % (np.min(new_sv, axis=0), np.max(new_sv, axis=0)) return new_sv
[docs]def normalize_vol(sv, edge_size, center_coord): """ returns cube with given edge size and sv centered at center coordinate Args: sv : np.array [N x 3] coordinates of voxels in supervoxel edge_size : int edge size of returned cube center_coord : np.array Returns: np.array """ translation = np.ones(3) * edge_size / 2. - center_coord assert isinstance(edge_size, np.int32) sv = sv.astype(np.float32) sv = sv + translation # center sv = remove_outlier(sv, edge_size) return sv.astype(np.int64)
[docs]def multi_dilation(overlay, n_dilations, use_find_objects=False, background_only=True): """ Wrapper function for dilation Args: overlay n_dilations use_find_objects background_only Returns: """ return multi_mop(ndimage.binary_dilation, overlay, n_dilations, use_find_objects, background_only)
[docs]def multi_mop(mop_func, overlay, n_iters, use_find_objects=False, mop_kwargs=None, verbose=False): """ Generic function for binary morphological image operations with multi-label content. Currently supported operations: * ``scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation``, ``scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion``, ``scipy.ndimage.binary_closing``, ``scipy.ndimage.binary_fill_holes``. Args: mop_func overlay n_iters use_find_objects mop_kwargs verbose Returns: """ if mop_kwargs is None: mop_kwargs = {} # TODO: Currently mop_kwargs are not generic because of explicit 'iterations' kwarg in mop_func call if n_iters == 0: return overlay if use_find_objects: return _multi_mop_findobjects(mop_func, overlay, n_iters, verbose=verbose, mop_kwargs=mop_kwargs) unique_ixs = np.unique(overlay) for ix in unique_ixs: if ix == 0: continue binary_mask = (overlay == ix).astype(np.int32) # TODO: use padding binary_mask = mop_func(binary_mask, iterations=n_iters, **mop_kwargs) overlay[binary_mask == 1] = ix return overlay
def _multi_mop_findobjects(mop_func, overlay, n_iters, verbose=False, mop_kwargs=None): """ Generic function for binary morphological image operations with multi-label content using 'find_objects' from scipy.ndimage to reduce the processed volume and to apply the operation per object, which enables to process multi-label data. Currently supported operations: * ``scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation``, ``scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion``, ``scipy.ndimage.binary_closing``, ``scipy.ndimage.binary_fill_holes``. Args: mop_func: overlay: n_iters: verbose: mop_kwargs: Returns: """ # TODO: use mask kwarg of morphology operations to ommit subvol copies if mop_kwargs is None: mop_kwargs = {} if 'iterations' in mop_kwargs: n_iters = mop_kwargs['iterations'] # TODO: Currently mop_kwargs are not generic because of explicit 'iterations' kwarg in mop_func call objslices = ndimage.find_objects(overlay) unique_ixs = np.unique(overlay[overlay != 0]) if "fill_holes" in mop_func.__name__: for ix in unique_ixs: sub_vol = overlay[objslices[int(ix - 1)]] binary_mask = (sub_vol == ix).astype(np.int32) fill_voids.fill(binary_mask, in_place=True) proc_mask = sub_vol == 0 # modify only background overlay[objslices[int(ix - 1)]][proc_mask] = binary_mask[proc_mask] * ix return overlay if verbose: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(unique_ixs)) for ix in unique_ixs: if verbose: pbar.update(1) obj_slice = objslices[int(ix - 1)] sub_vol = overlay[obj_slice] # pad with zeros to prevent boundary artifacts in the original data array if "closing" in mop_func.__name__ or "dilation" in mop_func.__name__: sub_vol = np.pad(sub_vol, n_iters) binary_mask = (sub_vol == ix).astype(np.int32) if verbose: nb_occ = np.sum(binary_mask) if "fill_holes" in mop_func.__name__: res = mop_func(binary_mask, **mop_kwargs) else: res = mop_func(binary_mask, iterations=n_iters, **mop_kwargs) # remove overlap if "closing" in mop_func.__name__ or "dilation" in mop_func.__name__: res = res[n_iters:-n_iters, n_iters:-n_iters, n_iters:-n_iters] binary_mask = binary_mask[n_iters:-n_iters, n_iters:-n_iters, n_iters:-n_iters] sub_vol = sub_vol[n_iters:-n_iters, n_iters:-n_iters, n_iters:-n_iters] # only dilate/erode background/the objects itself if "erosion" in mop_func.__name__ or "binary_opening" in mop_func.__name__: if verbose: if np.sum(binary_mask) == 0 and nb_occ != 0: log_proc.debug("Object with ID={} and size={} is not present after" " erosion with N={}.".format(ix, nb_occ, n_iters)) overlay[obj_slice][binary_mask == 1] = res[binary_mask == 1] * ix elif ("dilation" in mop_func.__name__) or ("closing" in mop_func.__name__) or \ ("fill_holes" in mop_func.__name__): proc_mask = (binary_mask == 1) | (sub_vol == 0) # dilate only background overlay[obj_slice][proc_mask] = res[proc_mask] * ix else: msg = "Only erosion or dilation allowed. Attempted to use morphological " \ "operation '{}'.".format(mop_func.__name__) log_proc.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) if verbose: pbar.close() return overlay
[docs]def multi_dilation_backgroundonly(overlay, n_dilations, mop_kwargs=None): """ Same as :func:`~multi_dilation`, but processes each object in `overlay` independently. In addition, changes only apply to the background (0). E.g. objects will not dilate into other objects. Args: overlay: 3D volume of type uint. n_dilations: Number of dilations. mop_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to `mop_func`. Returns: Dilated overlay. """ return multi_mop_backgroundonly(ndimage.binary_dilation, overlay, n_dilations, mop_kwargs=mop_kwargs)
[docs]def multi_mop_backgroundonly(mop_func, overlay, iterations, mop_kwargs=None): """ Same as :func:`~multi_mop`, but processes each object in `overlay` independently. In addition, changes only apply to the background (0). E.g. objects will not dilate into other objects. The original regions/segmentation is only affected in case of erosion. Notes: * For ``binary_closing`` it is advised to pass ``structure=np.ones((2, 2, 2))`` in order to fill gaps at the array boundaries. See for an example. Args: mop_func: One of ``binary_closing``, ``binary_dilation``, ``binary_erosion``, ``binary_fill_holes`` (see ``scipy.ndimage``). overlay: 3D volume of type uint. iterations: Number of iterations. mop_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to `mop_func`. Returns: Volume processed by the given morphological operation. """ return _multi_mop_findobjects(mop_func, overlay, iterations, mop_kwargs=mop_kwargs)
[docs]def apply_morphological_operations(vol: np.ndarray, morph_ops: List[str], mop_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None) \ -> np.ndarray: """ Applies morphological operations on the input volume. String identifier in the `morph_ops` list must match scipy.ndimage functions. Args: vol: Input array (3D). morph_ops: List with string identifier. mop_kwargs: Keyword arguments for the called morphological operation(s). Returns: Processed volume. """ if len(morph_ops) == 0: return vol # count zusammenhaengende, gleiche operationen und erhoehe n_iters entsprechend. morph_ops, morph_cnt = _count_subsequent_mops(morph_ops) for mop, mop_cnt in zip(morph_ops, morph_cnt): func = getattr(ndimage, mop) vol = _multi_mop_findobjects(func, vol, n_iters=mop_cnt, mop_kwargs=mop_kwargs) return vol
def _count_subsequent_mops(mops: List[str]) -> tuple: mops_new = [mops[0]] mops_cnt = [1] for m in mops[1:]: if m == mops_new[-1]: mops_cnt[-1] += 1 else: mops_new.append(m) mops_cnt.append(1) return mops_new, mops_cnt
[docs]def get_aniso_struct(scaling: Union[tuple, np.ndarray]): """ Get kernel for morphology operations; cross-like with aniso dilations in the xy plane. Args: scaling: Voxel size in nm. Returns: Kernel taking into account the voxel size. """ struct = np.zeros((5, 5)) struct[2, 2] = 1 aniso = scaling[2] // scaling[0] assert scaling[1] // scaling[0] == 1 assert aniso >= 1 struct2d = ndimage.binary_dilation(struct, iterations=aniso) struct = np.concatenate([struct[..., None], struct2d[..., None], struct[..., None]], axis=2) return struct