Source code for syconn.handler.prediction

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld

# import here, otherwise it might fail if it is imported after importing torch
# see

    import open3d as o3d
except ImportError:
    pass  # for sphinx build
import os
import re
import shutil
from collections import Counter
from logging import Logger
from typing import Iterable, Union, Optional, Any, Tuple, List

import numpy as np
from knossos_utils import knossosdataset
from knossos_utils.chunky import ChunkDataset, save_dataset
from knossos_utils.knossosdataset import KnossosDataset
from scipy.special import softmax
from scipy.stats import entropy
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

from .basics import read_txt_from_zip, get_filepaths_from_dir, \
from .compression import load_from_h5py, save_to_h5py
from .. import global_params
from ..handler import log_handler, log_main, basics
from ..handler.basics import chunkify
from ..handler.config import initialize_logging
from import batchjob_utils as qu
from ..proc.image import apply_morphological_operations
from ..reps import log_reps

# for readthedocs build
    import torch
except ImportError:

[docs]def load_gt_from_kzip(zip_fname, kd_p, raw_data_offset=75, verbose=False, mag=1): """ Loads ground truth from zip file, generated with Knossos. Corresponding dataset config file is located at kd_p. Args: zip_fname: str kd_p: str or List[str] raw_data_offset: int or np.array number of voxels used for additional raw offset, i.e. the offset for the raw data will be label_offset - raw_data_offset, while the raw data volume will be label_volume + 2*raw_data_offset. It will use 'kd.scaling' to account for dataset anisotropy if scalar or a list of length 3 hast to be provided for a custom x, y, z offset. verbose: bool mag: int Data mag. level. Returns: np.array, np.array raw data (float32) (multiplied with 1/255.), label data (uint16) """ if type(kd_p) is str or type(kd_p) is bytes: kd_p = [kd_p] raw_data = [] label_data = [] for curr_p in kd_p: kd = basics.kd_factory(curr_p) bb = kd.get_movement_area(zip_fname) offset, size = bb[0], bb[1] - bb[0] scaling = np.array(kd.scale, dtype=np.int32) if np.isscalar(raw_data_offset): raw_data_offset = np.array(scaling[0] * raw_data_offset / scaling, dtype=np.int32) if verbose: log_handler.debug(f'Using scale adapted raw offset: {raw_data_offset}') elif len(raw_data_offset) != 3: raise ValueError("Offset for raw cubes has to have length 3.") else: raw_data_offset = np.array(raw_data_offset) raw = kd.load_raw(size=(size // mag + 2 * raw_data_offset) * mag, offset=(offset // mag - raw_data_offset) * mag, mag=mag).swapaxes(0, 2) raw_data.append(raw[None,]) label = kd.load_kzip_seg(zip_fname, mag=mag).swapaxes(0, 2) label = label label_data.append(label[None,]) raw = np.concatenate(raw_data, axis=0).astype(np.float32) label = np.concatenate(label_data, axis=0) try: _ = parse_cc_dict_from_kzip(zip_fname) except: # mergelist.txt does not exist label = np.zeros(size) return raw.astype(np.float32) / 255., label return raw.astype(np.float32) / 255., label
[docs]def predict_kzip(kzip_p, m_path, kd_path, clf_thresh=0.5, mfp_active=False, dest_path=None, overwrite=False, gpu_ix=0, imposed_patch_size=None): """ Predicts data contained in file (defined by bounding box in knossos) Args: kzip_p: str path to kzip containing the raw data cube information m_path: str path to predictive model kd_path: str path to knossos dataset clf_thresh: float classification threshold mfp_active: False dest_path: str path to destination folder, if None folder of is used. overwrite: bool gpu_ix: int imposed_patch_size: tuple Returns: """ cube_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(kzip_p))[0] if dest_path is None: dest_path = os.path.dirname(kzip_p) from elektronn2.utils.gpu import initgpu if not os.path.isfile(dest_path + "/%s_data.h5" % cube_name) or overwrite: raw, labels = load_gt_from_kzip(kzip_p, kd_p=kd_path, raw_data_offset=0) raw = xyz2zxy(raw) initgpu(gpu_ix) from elektronn2.neuromancer.model import modelload m = modelload(m_path, imposed_patch_size=list(imposed_patch_size) if isinstance(imposed_patch_size, tuple) else imposed_patch_size, override_mfp_to_active=mfp_active, imposed_batch_size=1) original_do_rates = m.dropout_rates m.dropout_rates = ([0.0, ] * len(original_do_rates)) pred = m.predict_dense(raw[None,], pad_raw=True)[1] # remove area without sufficient FOV pred = zxy2xyz(pred) raw = zxy2xyz(raw) save_to_h5py([pred, raw], dest_path + "/%s_data.h5" % cube_name, ["pred", "raw"]) else: pred, raw = load_from_h5py(dest_path + "/%s_data.h5" % cube_name, hdf5_names=["pred", "raw"]) offset = parse_movement_area_from_zip(kzip_p)[0] overlaycubes2kzip(dest_path + "/" % cube_name, (pred >= clf_thresh).astype(np.uint32), offset, kd_path)
[docs]def predict_h5(h5_path, m_path, clf_thresh=None, mfp_active=False, gpu_ix=0, imposed_patch_size=None, hdf5_data_key=None, data_is_zxy=True, dest_p=None, dest_hdf5_data_key="pred", as_uint8=True): """ Predicts data from h5 file. Assumes raw data is already float32. Args: h5_path: str path to h5 containing the raw data m_path: str path to predictive model clf_thresh: float classification threshold, if None, no thresholding mfp_active: False gpu_ix: int imposed_patch_size: tuple hdf5_data_key: str if None, it uses the first entry in the list returned by 'load_from_h5py' data_is_zxy: bool if False, it will assumes data is [X, Y, Z] dest_p: str dest_hdf5_data_key: str as_uint8: bool Returns: """ if hdf5_data_key: raw = load_from_h5py(h5_path, hdf5_names=[hdf5_data_key])[0] else: raw = load_from_h5py(h5_path, hdf5_names=None) assert len(raw) == 1, "'hdf5_data_key' not given but multiple hdf5 " \ "elements found. Please define raw data key." raw = raw[0] if not data_is_zxy: raw = xyz2zxy(raw) from elektronn2.utils.gpu import initgpu initgpu(gpu_ix) if raw.dtype.kind in ('u', 'i'): raw = raw.astype(np.float32) / 255. from elektronn2.neuromancer.model import modelload m = modelload(m_path, imposed_patch_size=list(imposed_patch_size) if isinstance(imposed_patch_size, tuple) else imposed_patch_size, override_mfp_to_active=mfp_active, imposed_batch_size=1) original_do_rates = m.dropout_rates m.dropout_rates = ([0.0, ] * len(original_do_rates)) pred = m.predict_dense(raw[None,], pad_raw=True)[1] pred = zxy2xyz(pred) raw = zxy2xyz(raw) if as_uint8: pred = (pred * 255).astype(np.uint8) raw = (raw * 255).astype(np.uint8) if clf_thresh: pred = (pred >= clf_thresh).astype(np.float32) if dest_p is None: dest_p = h5_path[:-3] + "_pred.h5" if hdf5_data_key is None: hdf5_data_key = "raw" save_to_h5py([raw, pred], dest_p, [hdf5_data_key, dest_hdf5_data_key])
[docs]def overlaycubes2kzip(dest_p: str, vol: np.ndarray, offset: np.ndarray, kd_path: str): """ Writes segmentation volume to kzip. Args: dest_p: str path to vol: np.array Segmentation or prediction (unsigned integer, XYZ). offset: np.array kd_path: str Returns: np.array [Z, X, Y] """ kd = basics.kd_factory(kd_path) kd.from_matrix_to_cubes(offset=offset, kzip_path=dest_p, mags=[1], data=vol)
[docs]def xyz2zxy(vol: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Swaps axes to ELEKTRONN convention ([M, .., X, Y, Z] -> [M, .., Z, X, Y]). Args: vol: np.array [M, .., X, Y, Z] Returns: np.array [M, .., Z, X, Y] """ # assert vol.ndim == 3 # removed for multi-channel support # adapt data to ELEKTRONN conventions (speed-up) vol = vol.swapaxes(-2, -3) # y x z vol = vol.swapaxes(-3, -1) # z x y return vol
[docs]def zxy2xyz(vol: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Swaps axes to ELEKTRONN convention ([M, .., Z, X, Y] -> [M, .., X, Y, Z]). Args: vol: np.array [M, .., Z, X, Y] Returns: np.array [M, .., X, Y, Z] """ # assert vol.ndim == 3 # removed for multi-channel support vol = vol.swapaxes(-2, -3) # x z y vol = vol.swapaxes(-2, -1) # x y z return vol
[docs]def xyz2zyx(vol: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Swaps axes to ELEKTRONN convention ([M, .., X, Y, Z] -> [M, .., Z, X, Y]). Args: vol: np.array [M, .., X, Y, Z] Returns: np.array [M, .., Z, X, Y] """ # assert vol.ndim == 3 # removed for multi-channel support # adapt data to ELEKTRONN conventions (speed-up) vol = vol.swapaxes(-1, -3) # [..., z, y, x] return vol
[docs]def zyx2xyz(vol: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Swaps axes to ELEKTRONN convention ([M, .., Z, X, Y] -> [M, .., X, Y, Z]). Args: vol: np.array [M, .., Z, X, Y] Returns: np.array [M, .., X, Y, Z] """ # assert vol.ndim == 3 # removed for multi-channel support vol = vol.swapaxes(-1, -3) # [..., x, y, z] return vol
[docs]def create_h5_from_kzip(zip_fname: str, kd_p: str, foreground_ids: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, overwrite: bool = True, raw_data_offset: int = 75, debug: bool = False, mag: int = 1, squeeze_data: int = True, target_labels: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, apply_mops_seg: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ Create .h5 files for elektronn3 (zyx) input. Only supports binary labels (0=background, 1=foreground). Examples: Suppose your file contains the segmentation GT with two segmentation IDs 1, 2 and is stored at ``kzip_fname``. The corresponding ``KnossosDataset`` is located at ``kd_path`` . The following code snippet will create an ``.h5`` file in the folder of ``kzip_fname`` with the raw data (additional offset controlled by ``raw_data_offset``) and the label data (either binary or defined by ``target_labels``) with the keys ``raw`` and ``label`` respectively:: create_h5_from_kzip(d_p=kd_path, raw_data_offset=75, zip_fname=kzip_fname, mag=1, foreground_ids=[1, 2], target_labels=[1, 2]) Args: zip_fname: Path to the annotated kzip file. kd_p: Path to the underlying raw data stored as KnossosDataset. foreground_ids: IDs which have to be converted to foreground, i.e. 1. Everything else is considered background (0). If None, everything except 0 is treated as foreground. overwrite: If True, will overwrite existing .h5 files raw_data_offset: Number of voxels used for additional raw offset, i.e. the offset for the raw data will be label_offset - raw_data_offset, while the raw data volume will be label_volume + 2*raw_data_offset. It will use 'kd.scaling' to account for dataset anisotropy if scalar or a list of length 3 hast to be provided for a custom x, y, z offset. debug: If True, file will have an additional 'debug' suffix and raw_data_offset is set to 0. Also their bit depths are adatped to be the same. mag: Data mag. level. squeeze_data: If True, label and raw data will be squeezed. target_labels: If set, `foreground_ids` must also be set. Each ID in `foreground_ids` will be mapped to the corresponding label in `target_labels`. apply_mops_seg: List of string identifiers for ndimage morphological operations. """ if not squeeze_data and apply_mops_seg is not None: raise ValueError('Data might have axis with length one if squeeze_data=False.') if target_labels is not None and foreground_ids is None: raise ValueError('`target_labels` is set, but `foreground_ids` is None.') fname, ext = os.path.splitext(zip_fname) if fname[-2:] == ".k": fname = fname[:-2] if debug: file_appendix = '_debug' raw_data_offset = 0 else: file_appendix = '' fname_dest = fname + file_appendix + ".h5" if os.path.isfile(fname_dest) and not overwrite: print("File at {} already exists. Skipping.".format(fname_dest)) return raw, label = load_gt_from_kzip(zip_fname, kd_p, mag=mag, raw_data_offset=raw_data_offset) if squeeze_data: raw = raw.squeeze() label = label.squeeze() if foreground_ids is None: try: cc_dc = parse_cc_dict_from_kzip(zip_fname) foreground_ids = np.concatenate(list(cc_dc.values())) except: # mergelist.txt does not exist foreground_ids = [] print("Foreground IDs not assigned. Inferring from " "'mergelist.txt' in", foreground_ids) create_h5_gt_file(fname_dest, raw, label, foreground_ids, debug=debug, target_labels=target_labels, apply_mops_seg=apply_mops_seg)
[docs]def create_h5_gt_file(fname: str, raw: np.ndarray, label: np.ndarray, foreground_ids: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, target_labels: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, debug: bool = False, apply_mops_seg: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ Create .h5 files for ELEKTRONN input from two arrays. Only supports binary labels (0=background, 1=foreground). E.g. for creating true negative cubes set foreground_ids=[] to be an empty list. If set to None, everything except 0 is treated as foreground. Args: fname: str Path where h5 file should be saved raw: np.array label: np.array foreground_ids: iterable ids which have to be converted to foreground, i.e. 1. Everything else is considered background (0). If None, everything except 0 is treated as foreground. target_labels: Iterable If set, `foreground_ids` must also be set. Each ID in `foreground_ids` will be mapped to the corresponding label in `target_labels`. debug: bool will store labels and raw as uint8 ranging from 0 to 255 apply_mops_seg: List of string identifiers for ndimage morphological operations. """ if target_labels is not None and foreground_ids is None: raise ValueError('`target_labels` is set, but `foreground_ids` is None.') print(os.path.split(fname)[1]) print("Label (before):", label.shape, label.dtype, label.min(), label.max()) label = binarize_labels(label, foreground_ids, target_labels=target_labels) label = xyz2zxy(label) raw = xyz2zxy(raw) if apply_mops_seg is not None: label = apply_morphological_operations(label, morph_ops=apply_mops_seg) label = label.astype(np.uint16) print("Raw:", raw.shape, raw.dtype, raw.min(), raw.max()) print("Label (after mapping):", label.shape, label.dtype, label.min(), label.max()) print("-----------------\nGT Summary:\n%s\n" % str(Counter(label.flatten()).items())) if not fname[-2:] == "h5": fname = fname + ".h5" if debug: raw = (raw * 255).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) label = label.astype(np.uint8) * 255 save_to_h5py([raw, label], fname, hdf5_names=["raw", "label"])
[docs]def binarize_labels(labels: np.ndarray, foreground_ids: Iterable[int], target_labels: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None): """ Transforms label array to binary label array (0=background, 1=foreground) or to the labels provided in `target_labels` by mapping the foreground IDs accordingly. Args: labels: np.array foreground_ids: iterable target_labels: Iterable labels used for mapping foreground IDs. Returns: np.array """ new_labels = np.zeros_like(labels) if foreground_ids is None: target_labels = [1] if len(np.unique(labels)) > 2: print("------------ WARNING -------------\n" "Found more than two different labels during label " "conversion\n" "----------------------------------") new_labels[labels != 0] = 1 else: try: _ = iter(foreground_ids) except TypeError: foreground_ids = [foreground_ids] if target_labels is None: target_labels = [1 for _ in foreground_ids] for ii, ix in enumerate(foreground_ids): new_labels[labels == ix] = target_labels[ii] labels = new_labels assert len(np.unique(labels)) <= len(target_labels) + 1 assert 0 <= np.max(labels) <= np.max(target_labels) assert 0 <= np.min(labels) <= np.max(target_labels) return labels.astype(np.uint16)
[docs]def parse_movement_area_from_zip(zip_fname: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Parse MovementArea (e.g. bounding box of labeled volume) from annotation.xml in (k.)zip file. Args: zip_fname: str Returns: np.array Movement Area [2, 3] """ anno_str = read_txt_from_zip(zip_fname, "annotation.xml").decode() line = re.findall("MovementArea (.*)/>", anno_str) assert len(line) == 1 line = line[0] bb_min = np.array([re.findall(r'min.\w="(\d+)"', line)], dtype=np.uint64) bb_max = np.array([re.findall(r'max.\w="(\d+)"', line)], dtype=np.uint64) # Movement area is stored with 0-indexing! No adjustment needed return np.concatenate([bb_min, bb_max])
[docs]def pred_dataset(*args, **kwargs): log_handler.warning("'pred_dataset' will be replaced by 'predict_dense_to_kd' in" " the near future.") return _pred_dataset(*args, **kwargs)
def _pred_dataset(kd_p, kd_pred_p, cd_p, model_p, imposed_patch_size=None, mfp_active=False, gpu_id=0, overwrite=False, i=None, n=None): """ Helper function for dataset prediction. Runs prediction on whole or partial knossos dataset. Imposed patch size has to be given in Z, X, Y! Args: kd_p: str path to knossos dataset .conf file kd_pred_p: str path to the knossos dataset head folder which will contain the prediction cd_p: str destination folder for chunk dataset containing prediction model_p: str path tho ELEKTRONN2 model imposed_patch_size: tuple or None patch size (Z, X, Y) of the model mfp_active: bool activate max-fragment pooling (might be necessary to change patch_size) gpu_id: int the GPU used overwrite: bool True: fresh predictions ; False: earlier prediction continues i: n: Returns: """ from elektronn2.utils.gpu import initgpu initgpu(gpu_id) from elektronn2.neuromancer.model import modelload kd = KnossosDataset() kd.initialize_from_knossos_path(kd_p, fixed_mag=1) m = modelload(model_p, imposed_patch_size=list(imposed_patch_size) if isinstance(imposed_patch_size, tuple) else imposed_patch_size, override_mfp_to_active=mfp_active, imposed_batch_size=1) original_do_rates = m.dropout_rates m.dropout_rates = ([0.0, ] * len(original_do_rates)) offset = m.target_node.shape.offsets offset = np.array([offset[1], offset[2], offset[0]], dtype=np.int32) cd = ChunkDataset() cd.initialize(kd, kd.boundary, [512, 512, 256], cd_p, overlap=offset, box_coords=np.zeros(3), fit_box_size=True) ch_dc = cd.chunk_dict print('Total number of chunks for GPU/GPUs:', len(ch_dc.keys())) if i is not None and n is not None: chunks = ch_dc.values()[i::n] else: chunks = ch_dc.values() print("Starting prediction of %d chunks in gpu %d\n" % (len(chunks), gpu_id)) if not overwrite: for chunk in chunks: try: _ = chunk.load_chunk("pred")[0] except Exception as e: chunk_pred(chunk, m) else: for chunk in chunks: try: chunk_pred(chunk, m) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print("Exiting out from chunk prediction: ", str(e)) return save_dataset(cd) # single gpu processing also exports the cset to kd """TODO: Use pyknossos conf like here to support bigger cube size: target_kd = knossosdataset.KnossosDataset() target_kd._cube_shape = cube_shape scale = np.array(global_params.config['scaling']) target_kd.scales = [scale, ] target_kd.initialize_without_conf(path, kd.boundary, scale, kd.experiment_name, mags=[1, ], create_pyk_conf=True, create_knossos_conf=False) target_kd = basics.kd_factory(path) # test if init is possible """ if n is None: kd_pred = KnossosDataset() kd_pred.initialize_without_conf(kd_pred_p, kd.boundary, kd.scale, kd.experiment_name, mags=[1, 2, 4, 8]) cd.export_cset_to_kd(kd_pred, "pred", ["pred"], [4, 4], as_raw=True, stride=[256, 256, 256])
[docs]def predict_dense_to_kd(kd_path: str, target_path: str, model_path: str, n_channel: int, target_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, target_channels: Optional[Iterable[Iterable[int]]] = None, channel_thresholds: Optional[Iterable[Union[float, Any]]] = None, log: Optional[Logger] = None, mag: int = 1, overlap_shape_tiles: Tuple[int, int, int] = (40, 40, 20), cube_of_interest: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, cube_shape_kd: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None): """ Helper function for dense dataset prediction. Runs predictions on the whole knossos dataset located at `kd_path`. Prediction results will be written to KnossosDatasets called `target_names` at `target_path`. If no threshold and only one channel per `target_names` is given, the resulting KnossosDataset will contain a probability map in the raw channel as uint8 (0..255). Otherwise the classification results will be written to the overlay channel. Notes: * Has a high GPU memory requirement (minimum 12GB). Does should be controllable from the config or determined automatically. * Resulting KnossosDatasets currently do not use pyknossos confs. Args: kd_path: Path to KnossosDataset .conf file of the raw data. target_path: Destination directory for the output KnossosDataset(s) which contain the prediction(s). model_path: Path to elektronn3 model for predictions. Loaded via the :class:`~elektronn3.inference.inference.Predictor`. n_channel: Number of channels predicted by the model. target_names: Names of target knossos datasets, e.g. ``target_names=['synapse_fb', 'synapse_type']``. Defaults to ``['pred']``. Length must match with `target_channels`. target_channels: Channel_ids in prediction for each target knossos data set e.g. ``target_channels=[(1, 2)]`` if prediction has two foreground labels. Defaults to ``[[ix for ix in range(n_channel)]]``. Length must match with `target_names`. channel_thresholds: Thresholds for channels: If None and number of channels for target kd is 1: probabilities are stored. Else: 0.5 as default e.g. ``channel_thresholds=[None,0.5,0.5]``. log: Logger. mag: Data magnification level. overlap_shape_tiles: [WIP] Overlap in voxels [XYZ] used for each tile predicted during inference. Currently the following chunk/tile properties are used additionally (`overlap_shape` is the per-chunk overlap):: chunk_size = np.array([1024, 1024, 256], dtype=np.int32) # XYZ n_tiles = np.array([4, 4, 16]) tile_shape = (chunk_size / n_tiles).astype(np.int32) # the final input shape must be a multiple of tile_shape overlap_shape = tile_shape // 2 cube_of_interest: Bounding box of the volume of interest (minimum and maximum coordinate in voxels in the respective magnification (see kwarg `mag`). overwrite: Overwrite existing KDs. cube_shape_kd: Cube shape used to store sub-volumes in KnossosDataset on the file system. """ if log is None: log = initialize_logging('dense_predictions', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) if target_names is None: target_names = ['pred'] if target_channels is None: target_channels = [[ix for ix in range(n_channel)]] if not len(target_names) == len(target_channels): msg = 'For every target name the target channels have to be specified.' log_reps.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if channel_thresholds is None: channel_thresholds = [None for _ in range(n_channel)] kd = basics.kd_factory(kd_path) if cube_of_interest is None: cube_of_interest = (np.zeros(3, ), kd.boundary // mag) if cube_shape_kd is None: cube_shape_kd = (256, 256, 256) # TODO: these should be config parameters overlap_shape_tiles = np.array([30, 31, 20]) overlap_shape = overlap_shape_tiles chunk_size = np.array([482, 481, 236]) # if qu.batchjob_enabled(): # chunk_size *= 2 tile_shape = [271, 181, 138] cd = ChunkDataset() cd.initialize(kd, cube_of_interest[1], chunk_size, target_path + '/cd_tmp/', box_coords=cube_of_interest[0], list_of_coords=[], fit_box_size=True, overlap=overlap_shape) chunk_ids = list(cd.chunk_dict.keys()) # init target KnossosDatasets target_kd_path_list = [target_path + '/{}/'.format(tn) for tn in target_names] for path in target_kd_path_list: if os.path.isdir(path): if not overwrite: msg = f'Found existing KD at "{path}" but overwrite is set to False.' log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) log.debug('Found existing KD at {}. Removing it now.'.format(path)) shutil.rmtree(path) for path in target_kd_path_list: target_kd = knossosdataset.KnossosDataset() target_kd._cube_shape = cube_shape_kd scale = np.array(global_params.config['scaling']) target_kd.scales = [scale, ] # TODO: use pyk conf! target_kd.initialize_without_conf(path, kd.boundary, kd.scale, kd.experiment_name, [2 ** x for x in range(6)], create_pyk_conf=False, create_knossos_conf=True) try: # make sure init works basics.kd_factory(path) except ValueError as e: log.error(f'Could not initialize KnossosDataset at "{path}". {e}') # init batchjob parameters multi_params = chunk_ids multi_params = chunkify(multi_params, global_params.config.ngpu_total) multi_params = [(ch_ids, kd_path, target_path, model_path, overlap_shape, overlap_shape_tiles, tile_shape, chunk_size, n_channel, target_channels, target_kd_path_list, channel_thresholds, mag, cube_of_interest) for ch_ids in multi_params]'Started dense prediction of {} in {:d} chunk(s).'.format(", ".join(target_names), len(chunk_ids))) n_cores_per_job = global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'] if \ qu.batchjob_enabled() else global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, "predict_dense", n_cores=n_cores_per_job, suffix='_' + '_'.join(target_names), remove_jobfolder=True, log=log, additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1")'Finished dense prediction of {}'.format(", ".join(target_names)))
[docs]def dense_predictor(args): """ Volumes are transformed by XYZ <-> ZYX before they are passed to the model. Args: args: Tuple( chunk_ids: list list of chunks in chunk dataset kd_p : str path to knossos dataset .conf file cd_p : str destination folder for chunk dataset containing prediction model_p : str path to model offset : chunk_size: ... ) Returns: """ # TODO: remove chunk necessity # TODO: clean up (e.g. redundant chunk sizes, ...) # chunk_ids, kd_p, target_p, model_p, overlap_shape, overlap_shape_tiles, tile_shape, chunk_size, n_channel, \ target_channels, target_kd_path_list, channel_thresholds, mag, cube_of_interest = args # init KnossosDataset: kd = KnossosDataset() kd.initialize_from_knossos_path(kd_p) # init ChunkDataset: cd = ChunkDataset() cd.initialize(kd, cube_of_interest[1], chunk_size, target_p + '/cd_tmp/', box_coords=cube_of_interest[0], list_of_coords=[], fit_box_size=True, overlap=overlap_shape) # init Target KnossosDataset target_kd_dict = {} for path in target_kd_path_list: target_kd = knossosdataset.KnossosDataset() target_kd = basics.kd_factory(path) target_kd_dict[path] = target_kd # init Predictor from elektronn3.inference import Predictor ix = 0 tile_shape = np.array(tile_shape) while True: try: out_shape = (chunk_size + 2 * np.array(overlap_shape)).astype(np.int32)[::-1] # ZYX out_shape = np.insert(out_shape, 0, n_channel) # output must equal chunk size predictor = Predictor(model_p, strict_shapes=True, tile_shape=tile_shape[::-1], out_shape=out_shape, overlap_shape=overlap_shape_tiles[::-1], apply_softmax=True) = False _ = predictor.predict(np.zeros(out_shape[1:])[None, None]) break except RuntimeError: # cuda MemoryError if np.all(tile_shape % 2): raise ValueError('Cannot reduce tile shape anymore. Please adapt ' 'the tile/overlap/chunk shape in the function ' 'that is calling `dense_predictor`.') while tile_shape[ix] % 2: ix += 1 tile_sh_orig = np.array(tile_shape) tile_shape[ix] = tile_shape[ix] // 2 log_main.warn(f'Changed tile shape from {tile_sh_orig} to ' f'{tile_shape} to reduce memory requirements.') ix = (ix + 1) % 3 # permute spatial dimension which is reduced # predict Chunks for ch_id in chunk_ids: ch = cd.chunk_dict[ch_id] ol = ch.overlap size = np.array(np.array(ch.size) + 2 * np.array(ol), dtype=np.int32) coords = np.array(np.array(ch.coordinates) - np.array(ol), dtype=np.int32) raw = kd.load_raw(size=size * mag, offset=coords * mag, mag=mag) pred = dense_predicton_helper(raw.astype(np.float32) / 255., predictor, is_zyx=True, return_zyx=True) # slice out the original input volume along ZYX, i.e. the last three axes pred = pred[..., ol[2]:-ol[2], ol[1]:-ol[1], ol[0]:-ol[0]] for j in range(len(target_channels)): ids = target_channels[j] path = target_kd_path_list[j] data = np.zeros_like(pred[0]).astype(np.uint64) save_as_raw = not (len(ids) > 1) for label in ids: t = channel_thresholds[label] # if threshold is given or multiple target labels per dataset # store classification results # TODO: argmax might be more reasonable if not save_as_raw: if t is None: t = 255 / 2 if t < 1.: t = 255 * t pred_mask = pred[label] > t data[pred_mask] = label else: # no thresholding and only one label in the target KnossosDataset # -> store probability map. data = pred[label] if save_as_raw: target_kd_dict[path].save_raw( offset=ch.coordinates * mag, data=data.astype(np.uint8), data_mag=mag, mags=[mag, mag * 2, mag * 4], fast_resampling=True, upsample=False) else: target_kd_dict[path].save_seg( offset=ch.coordinates * mag, data=data, data_mag=mag, mags=[mag, mag * 2, mag * 4], fast_resampling=True, upsample=False)
[docs]def dense_predicton_helper(raw: np.ndarray, predictor: 'Predictor', is_zyx=False, return_zyx=False) -> np.ndarray: """ Args: raw: The input data array in CXYZ. predictor: The model which performs the inference. Requires ``predictor.predict``. is_zyx: return_zyx: Returns: The inference result in CXYZ as uint8 between 0..255. """ # transform raw data if not is_zyx: raw = xyz2zyx(raw) # predict: pred of the form (N, C, [D,], H, W) pred = predictor.predict(raw[None, None]).numpy() pred = np.array(pred[0]) * 255 # remove N-axis pred = pred.astype(np.uint8) if not return_zyx: pred = zyx2xyz(pred) return pred
[docs]def to_knossos_dataset(kd_p, kd_pred_p, cd_p, model_p, imposed_patch_size, mfp_active=False): """ Args: kd_p: kd_pred_p: cd_p: model_p: imposed_patch_size: mfp_active: Returns: """ from elektronn2.neuromancer.model import modelload log_reps.warning('Depracation Warning; "to_knossos_dataset" is deprecated and will be ' 'replaced by "predict_dense_to_kd" which immediately .') kd = KnossosDataset() kd.initialize_from_knossos_path(kd_p, fixed_mag=1) kd_pred = KnossosDataset() m = modelload(model_p, imposed_patch_size=list(imposed_patch_size) if isinstance(imposed_patch_size, tuple) else imposed_patch_size, override_mfp_to_active=mfp_active, imposed_batch_size=1) original_do_rates = m.dropout_rates m.dropout_rates = ([0.0, ] * len(original_do_rates)) offset = m.target_node.shape.offsets offset = np.array([offset[1], offset[2], offset[0]], dtype=np.int32) cd = ChunkDataset() cd.initialize(kd, kd.boundary, [512, 512, 256], cd_p, overlap=offset, box_coords=np.zeros(3), fit_box_size=True) """TODO: Use pyknossos conf like here to support bigger cube size: target_kd = knossosdataset.KnossosDataset() target_kd._cube_shape = cube_shape scale = np.array(global_params.config['scaling']) target_kd.scales = [scale, ] target_kd.initialize_without_conf(path, kd.boundary, scale, kd.experiment_name, mags=[1, ], create_pyk_conf=True, create_knossos_conf=False) target_kd = basics.kd_factory(path) # test if init is possible """ kd_pred.initialize_without_conf(kd_pred_p, kd.boundary, kd.scale, kd.experiment_name, mags=[1, 2, 4, 8]) cd.export_cset_to_kd(kd_pred, "pred", ["pred"], [4, 4], as_raw=True, stride=[256, 256, 256])
[docs]def prediction_helper(raw, model, override_mfp=True, imposed_patch_size=None): """ Helper function for predicting raw volumes (range: 0 to 255; uint8). Will change X, Y, Z to ELEKTRONN format (Z, X, Y) and returns prediction in standard format [X, Y, Z]. Imposed patch size has to be given in Z, X, Y! Args: raw: np.array volume [X, Y, Z] model: str or model object path to model (.mdl) override_mfp: bool imposed_patch_size: tuple in Z, X, Y FORMAT! Returns: np.array prediction data [X, Y, Z] """ if type(model) == str: from elektronn2.neuromancer.model import modelload m = modelload(model, imposed_patch_size=list(imposed_patch_size) if isinstance(imposed_patch_size, tuple) else imposed_patch_size, override_mfp_to_active=override_mfp, imposed_batch_size=1) original_do_rates = m.dropout_rates m.dropout_rates = ([0.0, ] * len(original_do_rates)) else: m = model raw = xyz2zxy(raw) if raw.dtype.kind in ('u', 'i'): # convert to float 32 and scale it raw = raw.astype(np.float32) / 255. if not raw.dtype == np.float32: # assume already normalized between 0 and 1 raw = raw.astype(np.float32) assert 0 <= np.max(raw) <= 1.0 and 0 <= np.min(raw) <= 1.0 pred = m.predict_dense(raw[None,], pad_raw=True)[1] return zxy2xyz(pred)
[docs]def chunk_pred(ch: 'chunky.Chunk', model: 'torch.nn.Module', debug: bool = False): """ Helper function to write chunks. Args: ch: Chunk model: str or model object debug: bool Returns: """ raw = ch.raw_data() pred = prediction_helper(raw, model) * 255 pred = pred.astype(np.uint8) ch.save_chunk(pred, "pred", "pred", overwrite=True) if debug: ch.save_chunk(raw, "pred", "raw", overwrite=False)
[docs]def get_glia_model_e3(): """Those networks are typically trained with `naive_view_normalization_new` """ from elektronn3.models.base import InferenceModel m = InferenceModel(global_params.config.mpath_glia_e3, normalize_func=naive_view_normalization_new) return m
[docs]def get_celltype_model_e3(): """Those networks are typically trained with `naive_view_normalization_new` Unlike the other e3 InferenceModel instances, here the view normalization is applied in the downstream inference method (`predict_sso_celltype`) because the celltype model also gets scalar values as input which should not be normalized.""" try: from elektronn3.models.base import InferenceModel except ImportError as e: msg = "elektronn3 could not be imported ({}). Please see 'https://github." \ "com/ELEKTRONN/elektronn3' for more information.".format(e) log_main.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) m = torch.jit.load(global_params.config.mpath_celltype_e3) m = InferenceModel(m, bs=40, multi_gpu=True) return m
[docs]def get_semseg_spiness_model(): try: from elektronn3.models.base import InferenceModel except ImportError as e: msg = "elektronn3 could not be imported ({}). Please see 'https://github." \ "com/ELEKTRONN/elektronn3' for more information.".format(e) log_main.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) path = global_params.config.mpath_spiness m = torch.jit.load(path) m = InferenceModel(m) m._path = path return m
[docs]def get_semseg_axon_model(): try: from elektronn3.models.base import InferenceModel except ImportError as e: msg = "elektronn3 could not be imported ({}). Please see 'https://github." \ "com/ELEKTRONN/elektronn3' for more information.".format(e) log_main.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) path = global_params.config.mpath_axonsem m = torch.jit.load(path) m = InferenceModel(m) m._path = path return m
[docs]def get_tripletnet_model_e3(): """Those networks are typically trained with `naive_view_normalization_new` """ try: from elektronn3.models.base import InferenceModel except ImportError as e: msg = "elektronn3 could not be imported ({}). Please see 'https://github." \ "com/ELEKTRONN/elektronn3' for more information.".format(e) log_main.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) m = torch.jit.load(global_params.config.mpath_tnet) m = InferenceModel(m) return m
[docs]def get_myelin_cnn(): """ elektronn3 model trained to predict binary myelin-in class. Returns: The trained Inference model. """ try: from elektronn3.inference.inference import Predictor except ImportError as e: msg = "elektronn3 could not be imported ({}). Please see 'https://github." \ "com/ELEKTRONN/elektronn3' for more information.".format(e) log_main.error(msg) raise ImportError(msg) m = torch.jit.load(global_params.config.mpath_myelin) m = Predictor(m) return m
[docs]def get_knn_tnet_embedding_e3(): """OUTDATED""" tnet_eval_dir = "{}/pred/".format(global_params.config.mpath_tnet) return knn_clf_tnet_embedding(tnet_eval_dir)
[docs]def get_pca_tnet_embedding_e3(): """OUTDATED""" tnet_eval_dir = "{}/pred/".format(global_params.config.mpath_tnet) return pca_tnet_embedding(tnet_eval_dir)
[docs]def naive_view_normalization(d): # TODO: Remove with new dataset, only necessary for backwards compat. d = d.astype(np.float32) # perform pseudo-normalization # (proper normalization: how to store mean and std for inference?) if not (np.min(d) >= 0 and np.max(d) <= 1.0): for ii in range(len(d)): curr_view = d[ii] if 0 <= np.max(curr_view) <= 1.0: curr_view = curr_view - 0.5 else: curr_view = curr_view / 255. - 0.5 d[ii] = curr_view else: d = d - 0.5 return d
[docs]def naive_view_normalization_new(d): return d.astype(np.float32) / 255. - 0.5
[docs]def knn_clf_tnet_embedding(fold, fit_all=False): """ Currently it assumes embedding for GT views has been created already in 'fold' and put into l_train_%d.npy / l_valid_%d.npy files. Args: fold: str fit_all: bool Returns: """ train_fnames = get_filepaths_from_dir( fold, fname_includes=["l_axoness_train"], ending=".npy") valid_fnames = get_filepaths_from_dir( fold, fname_includes=["l_axoness_valid"], ending=".npy") train_d = [] train_l = [] valid_d = [] valid_l = [] for tf in train_fnames: train_l.append(np.load(tf)) tf = tf.replace("l_axoness_train", "ls_axoness_train") train_d.append(np.load(tf)) for tf in valid_fnames: valid_l.append(np.load(tf)) tf = tf.replace("l_axoness_valid", "ls_axoness_valid") valid_d.append(np.load(tf)) train_d = np.concatenate(train_d).astype(dtype=np.float32) train_l = np.concatenate(train_l).astype(dtype=np.uint16) valid_d = np.concatenate(valid_d).astype(dtype=np.float32) valid_l = np.concatenate(valid_l).astype(dtype=np.uint16) nbrs = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5, algorithm='auto', n_jobs=16, weights='uniform') if fit_all:[train_d, valid_d]), np.concatenate([train_l, valid_l]).ravel()) else:, train_l.ravel()) return nbrs
[docs]def pca_tnet_embedding(fold, n_components=3, fit_all=False): """ Currently it assumes embedding for GT views has been created already in 'fold' and put into l_train_%d.npy / l_valid_%d.npy files. Args: fold: str n_components: int fit_all: bool Returns: """ train_fnames = get_filepaths_from_dir( fold, fname_includes=["l_axoness_train"], ending=".npy") valid_fnames = get_filepaths_from_dir( fold, fname_includes=["l_axoness_valid"], ending=".npy") train_d = [] train_l = [] valid_d = [] valid_l = [] for tf in train_fnames: train_l.append(np.load(tf)) tf = tf.replace("l_axoness_train", "ls_axoness_train") train_d.append(np.load(tf)) for tf in valid_fnames: valid_l.append(np.load(tf)) tf = tf.replace("l_axoness_valid", "ls_axoness_valid") valid_d.append(np.load(tf)) train_d = np.concatenate(train_d).astype(dtype=np.float32) train_l = np.concatenate(train_l).astype(dtype=np.uint16) valid_d = np.concatenate(valid_d).astype(dtype=np.float32) valid_l = np.concatenate(valid_l).astype(dtype=np.uint16) pca = PCA(n_components, whiten=True, random_state=0) if fit_all:[train_d, valid_d])) else: return pca
[docs]def views2tripletinput(views): views = views[:, :, :1] # use first view only out_d = np.concatenate([views, np.ones_like(views), np.ones_like(views)], axis=2) return out_d.astype(np.float32)
[docs]def certainty_estimate(inp: np.ndarray, is_logit: bool = False) -> float: """ Estimates the certainty of (independent) predictions of the same sample: 1. If `is_logit` is True, Generate pseudo-probabilities from the input using softmax. 2. Sum the evidence per class and (re-)normalize. 3. Compute the entropy, scale it with the maximum entropy (equal probabilities) and subtract it from 1. Args: inp: 2D array of prediction results (N: number of samples, C: Number of classes) is_logit: If True, applies ``softmax(inp, axis=1)``. Returns: Certainty measure based on the entropy of a set of (independent) predictions. """ if not inp.ndim == 2: raise ValueError('Input is not two dimensional.') if is_logit: proba = softmax(inp, axis=1) else: proba = inp # sum probabilities across samples and normalize proba = np.mean(proba, axis=0) # maximum entropy at equal probabilities: -sum(1/N*ln(1/N)) = ln(N) entr_max = np.log(len(proba)) entr_norm = entropy(proba) / entr_max # convert to certainty estimate return 1 - entr_norm
[docs]def str2int_converter(comment: str, gt_type: str) -> int: if gt_type == "axgt": if comment == "gt_axon": return 1 elif comment == "gt_dendrite": return 0 elif comment == "gt_soma": return 2 elif comment == "gt_bouton": return 3 elif comment == "gt_terminal": return 4 else: return -1 elif gt_type == "spgt": if "head" in comment: return 1 elif "neck" in comment: return 0 elif "shaft" in comment: return 2 elif "other" in comment: return 3 else: return -1 elif gt_type == 'ctgt_j0251': str2int_label = dict(STN=0, DA=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, TAN=5, GPe=6, GPi=7, FS=8, LTS=9) return str2int_label[comment] elif gt_type == 'ctgt_j0251_v2': str2int_label = dict(STN=0, DA=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, TAN=5, GPe=6, GPi=7, FS=8, LTS=9, NGF=10) return str2int_label[comment] else: raise ValueError("Given groundtruth type is not valid.")
# create function that converts information in string type to the # information in integer type
[docs]def int2str_converter(label: int, gt_type: str) -> str: """ TODO: remove redundant definitions. Converts integer label into semantic string. Args: label: int gt_type: str e.g. spgt for spines, axgt for cell compartments or ctgt for cell type Returns: str """ if type(label) == str: label = int(label) if gt_type == "axgt": if label == 1: return "gt_axon" elif label == 0: return "gt_dendrite" elif label == 2: return "gt_soma" elif label == 3: return "gt_bouton" elif label == 4: return "gt_terminal" else: return -1 # TODO: Check if somewhere -1 is handled, otherwise return "N/A" elif gt_type == "spgt": if label == 1: return "head" elif label == 0: return "neck" elif label == 2: return "shaft" elif label == 3: return "other" else: return -1 # TODO: Check if somewhere -1 is already used, otherwise return "N/A" elif gt_type == 'ctgt': if label == 1: return "MSN" elif label == 0: return "EA" elif label == 2: return "GP" elif label == 3: return "INT" else: return -1 # TODO: Check if somewhere -1 is already used, otherwise return "N/A" elif gt_type == 'ctgt_v2': # DA and TAN are type modulatory, if this is changes, also change `certainty_celltype` l_dc_inv = dict(STN=0, modulatory=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, GP=5, INT=6) l_dc = {v: k for k, v in l_dc_inv.items()} try: return l_dc[label] except KeyError: print('Unknown label "{}"'.format(label)) return -1 elif gt_type == 'ctgt_j0251': str2int_label = dict(STN=0, DA=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, TAN=5, GPe=6, GPi=7, FS=8, LTS=9) int2str_label = {v: k for k, v in str2int_label.items()} return int2str_label[label] elif gt_type == 'ctgt_j0251_v2': str2int_label = dict(STN=0, DA=1, MSN=2, LMAN=3, HVC=4, TAN=5, GPe=6, GPi=7, FS=8, LTS=9, NGF=10) int2str_label = {v: k for k, v in str2int_label.items()} return int2str_label[label] else: raise ValueError("Given ground truth type is not valid.")