Source code for syconn.handler.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert
import datetime
import glob
import logging
import os
from logging import Logger
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union, Dict, Any, List

import coloredlogs
import numpy as np
import yaml
from termcolor import colored

from .. import global_params

__all__ = ['DynConfig', 'generate_default_conf', 'initialize_logging']

class Config(object):
    Basic config object based on yaml. If no ``config.yml`` file exists
    in `working_dir` :py:attr:`~initialized` will be False without raising an

    def __init__(self, working_dir):
        self._config = None
        self._configspec = None
        self._working_dir = working_dir
        self.initialized = False
        if self._working_dir is not None and len(self._working_dir) > 0:
            self._working_dir = os.path.abspath(self._working_dir)

    def __eq__(self, other: 'Config') -> bool:
        return other.entries == self.entries and \
               other.path_config == self.path_config

    def entries(self) -> dict:
        Entries stored in the ``config.yml`` file.

            All entries.
        if not self.initialized:
            raise ValueError('Config object was not initialized. "entries" '
                             'are not available.')
        return self._config

    def working_dir(self) -> str:
            Path to working directory.
        return self._working_dir

    def path_config(self) -> str:
            Path to config file (``config.yml``).
        return self._working_dir + "/config.yml"

    def config_exists(self):
            ``True`` if config file exists,
            ``False`` otherwise.
        return os.path.exists(self.path_config)

    def sections(self) -> List[str]:
            Keys to all sections present in the config file.
        return list(self.entries.keys())

    def parse_config(self):
        Reads the content stored in the config file.
            with open(self.path_config, 'r') as f:
                self._config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
            self.initialized = True
        except FileNotFoundError:

    def write_config(self, target_dir=None):
        Write config and configspec to disk.

            target_dir: If None, write config to
                :py:attr:`~path_config`. Else,
                writes it to ``target_dir + 'config.yml'``
        if self._config is None:
            raise ValueError('ConfigObj not yet parsed.')
        if target_dir is None:
            fname_conf = self.path_config
            fname_conf = target_dir + '/config.yml'
        with open(fname_conf, 'w') as f:
            f.write(yaml.dump(self.entries, default_flow_style=False))

    def version():
        from syconn import __version__
        return __version__

[docs]class DynConfig(Config): """ Enables dynamic and SyConn-wide update of working directory 'wd' and provides an interface to all working directory dependent parameters. Notes: * Due to sync. checks it is favorable to not use :func:`~__getitem__` inside loops. Todo: * Start to use ``__getitem__`` instead of :py:attr:`~entries`. * Adapt all ``global_params.config.`` usages accordingly. * Do not replace any property call for now (e.g. `~allow_mesh_gen_cells`) because they convey default parameters for old datasets in case they are not present in the default ``config.yml``. Examples: To initialize a working directory at the beginning of your script, run:: from syconn import global_params global_params.wd = '~/SyConn/example_cube1/' cfg = global_params.config # this is the `DynConfig` object """ def __init__(self, wd: Optional[str] = None, log: Optional[Logger] = None, fix_config: bool = False): """ Args: wd: Path to working directory log: fix_config: Keep config constant. """ verbose = False if wd is None: wd = global_params.wd verbose = True if wd is not None else False super().__init__(wd) self.fix_config = fix_config if fix_config and self.working_dir is None: raise ValueError('Fixed config must have a valid working directory.') self._default_conf = None if log is None: log = logging.getLogger('syconn') coloredlogs.install(level=self['log_level'], logger=log) level = logging.getLevelName(self['log_level']) log.setLevel(level) if not self['disable_file_logging'] and verbose: # create file handler log_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/SyConn/logs/" os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) fh = logging.FileHandler(log_dir + 'syconn.log') fh.setLevel(level) # add the handlers to log if os.path.isfile(log_dir + 'syconn.log'): os.remove(log_dir + 'syconn.log') log.addHandler(fh)"Initialized file logging. Log-files are stored at" " {}.".format(log_dir)) self.log_main = log if verbose:"Initialized stdout logging (level: {}). " "Current working directory:" " ".format(self['log_level']) + colored("'{}'".format(self.working_dir), 'red')) if self.initialized is False: from syconn import handler default_conf_p = os.path.dirname(handler.__file__) + 'config.yml' self.log_main.warning(f'Initialized working directory without ' f'existing config file at' f' {self.path_config}. Using default ' f'parameters as defined in {default_conf_p}.') def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Any: """ If `item` is not set in this config, the return value will be taken from the default ``config.yml``. Args: item: Key of the requested value. Returns: The value which corresponds to `item`. """ try: return self.entries[item] except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError): return self.default_conf.entries[item] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> Any: """ If `item` is not set in this config, the return value will be taken from the default ``config.yml``. Args: key: Key of the item. value: Value of the item. Returns: The value which corresponds to `item`. """ self.log_main.warning('Modifying DynConfig items via `__setitem__` ' 'is currently experimental. To change config ' 'parameters please make changes in the ' 'corresponding config.yml entries.') try: self.entries[key] = value except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError): self.default_conf.entries[key] = value def _check_actuality(self): """ Checks os.environ and global_params and triggers an update if the therein specified WD is not the same as :py:attr:`~working dir`. """ if self.fix_config: return # first check if working directory was set in environ, else check if it was changed in memory. new_wd = None if 'syconn_wd' in os.environ and os.environ['syconn_wd'] is not None and len(os.environ['syconn_wd']) > 0 \ and os.environ['syconn_wd'] != "None": if super().working_dir != os.path.abspath(os.environ['syconn_wd']): new_wd = os.path.abspath(os.environ['syconn_wd']) elif (global_params.wd is not None) and (len(global_params.wd) > 0) and (global_params.wd != "None") and \ (super().working_dir != os.path.abspath(global_params.wd)): new_wd = os.path.abspath(global_params.wd) if new_wd is None: return super().__init__(new_wd)"Initialized stdout logging (level: {}). " "Current working directory:" " ".format(self['log_level']) + colored("'{}'".format(new_wd), 'red')) if self.initialized is False: from syconn import handler default_conf_p = f'{os.path.dirname(handler.__file__)}/config.yml' self.log_main.warning(f'Initialized working directory without ' f'existing config file at' f' {self.path_config}. Using default ' f'parameters as defined in {default_conf_p}.') @property def default_conf(self) -> Config: """ Load default ``config.yml`` if necessary. """ if self._default_conf is None: self._default_conf = Config(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]) self._default_conf._working_dir = None return self._default_conf @property def entries(self): self._check_actuality() return super().entries @property def working_dir(self): """ Returns: Path to working directory. """ self._check_actuality() return super().working_dir @property def kd_seg_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to cell supervoxel segmentation ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_seg'] @property def kd_sym_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to synaptic sym. type probability map stored as ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_sym'] @property def kd_asym_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to synaptic asym. type probability map stored as ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_asym'] @property def kd_sj_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to synaptic junction probability map or binary predictions stored as ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_sj'] @property def kd_vc_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to vesicle cloud probability map or binary predictions stored as ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_vc'] @property def kd_mi_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to mitochondria probability map or binary predictions stored as ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_mi'] @property def kd_er_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to ER probability map or binary predictions stored as ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_er'] @property def kd_golgi_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to Golgi probability map or binary predictions stored as ``KnossosDataset``. """ return self.entries['paths']['kd_golgi'] @property def kd_organelles_paths(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ KDs of subcell. organelle probability maps Returns: Dictionary containing the paths to ``KnossosDataset`` of available cellular containing ``global_params.config['process_cell_organelles']``. """ path_dict = {k: self.entries['paths']['kd_{}'.format(k)] for k in self['process_cell_organelles']} return path_dict @property def kd_organelle_seg_paths(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ KDs of subcell. organelle segmentations. Returns: Dictionary containing the paths to ``KnossosDataset`` of available cellular organelles ``global_params.config['process_cell_organelles']``. """ path_dict = {k: "{}/knossosdatasets/{}_seg/".format( self.working_dir, k) for k in self['process_cell_organelles']} return path_dict @property def temp_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to temporary directory used to store data caches. """ return "{}/tmp/".format(self.working_dir) @property def init_svgraph_path(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to initial RAG. """ self._check_actuality() p = self.entries['paths']['init_svgraph'] if p is None or len(p) == 0: p = self.working_dir + "/rag.bz2" return p @property def pruned_svgraph_path(self) -> str: """ Pruned SV graph. All cells or cell fragments with bounding box diagonal of less than ``global_params.config['min_cc_size_ssv']`` are filtered. Returns: Path to pruned SV graph after size filtering. """ self._check_actuality() return self.working_dir + '/pruned_svgraph.bz2' @property def pruned_svagg_list_path(self) -> str: """ Pruned SV lists. All cells or cell fragments with bounding box diagonal of less than ``global_params.config['min_cc_size_ssv']`` are filtered. Returns: Path to pruned agglomeration list (list of SV IDs for every cell) after size filtering. """ self._check_actuality() return self.working_dir + '/pruned_svagg_list.txt' @property def neuron_svgraph_path(self) -> str: """ Neuron SV graph. Returns: Path to neuron SV graph. """ self._check_actuality() return "{}/glia/neuron_svgraph.bz2".format(self.working_dir) @property def neuron_svagg_list_path(self) -> str: """ Neuron SV lists. Returns: Path to agglomeration list (list of SV IDs for every cell). """ self._check_actuality() return "{}/glia/neuron_svagg_list.txt".format(self.working_dir)
[docs] def astrocyte_svgraph_path(self) -> str: """ Astrocyte SV graph. Returns: Path to neuron SV graph. """ self._check_actuality() return "{}/glia/astrocyte_svgraph.bz2".format(global_params.config.working_dir)
@property def astrocyte_svagg_list_path(self) -> str: """ Astrocyte SV lists. Returns: Path to agglomeration list (list of SV IDs for every cell). """ self._check_actuality() return "{}/glia/astrocyte_svagg_list.txt".format(self.working_dir) # --------- CLASSIFICATION MODELS @property def model_dir(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model directory. """ return self.working_dir + '/models/' @property def mpath_tnet(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to tCMN - an encoder network of local cell morphology trained via triplet loss. """ return self.model_dir + '/tCMN/model.pts' # return self.model_dir + '/tCMN/' @property def mpath_tnet_pts(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to an encoder network of local cell morphology trained via triplet loss on point data. """ mpath = glob.glob(self.model_dir + '/pts/*tnet*/state_dict.pth') if len(mpath) > 1: ixs = [int('j0126' in os.path.split(os.path.dirname(m))[1]) for m in mpath] if 'j0126' in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: return mpath[ixs.index(1)] ixs = [int('j0251' in os.path.split(os.path.dirname(m))[1]) for m in mpath] if 'j0251' in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: return mpath[ixs.index(1)] # assume its j0126 if 'j0251' not in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: mpath.pop(ixs.index(1)) assert len(mpath) == 1 return mpath[0] @property def mpath_tnet_pts_wholecell(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to an encoder network of local cell morphology trained via triplet loss on point data. """ mpath = glob.glob(self.model_dir + '/pts/whole_cell_embedding/*tnet*/state_dict.pth') if len(mpath) > 1: ixs = [int('j0126' in os.path.split(os.path.dirname(m))[1]) for m in mpath] if 'j0126' in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: return mpath[ixs.index(1)] ixs = [int('j0251' in os.path.split(os.path.dirname(m))[1]) for m in mpath] if 'j0251' in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: return mpath[ixs.index(1)] # assume its j0126 if 'j0251' not in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: mpath.pop(ixs.index(1)) assert len(mpath) == 1 return mpath[0] @property def mpath_spiness(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on detecting spine head, neck, dendritic shaft, and ``other`` (soma and axon) via 2D projections (-> semantic segmentation). """ return self.model_dir + '/spiness/model.pts' @property def mpath_axonsem(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on detecting axon, terminal boutons and en-passant, dendrites and somata via 2D projections. """ return self.model_dir + '/axoness_semseg/model.pts' @property def mpath_compartment_pts(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on detecting axon, terminal and en-passant boutons, dendritic shaft, spine head and neck, and soma from point data. """ return self.model_dir + '/compartment_pts/' @property def mpath_celltype_e3(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on prediction cell types from multi-view sets. """ return self.model_dir + '/celltype_e3/model.pts' @property def mpath_celltype_pts(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on prediction cell types from point data. """ mpath = glob.glob(self.model_dir + '/pts/*celltype*/state_dict.pth') if len(mpath) > 1: mpath = [m for m in mpath if 'tnet' not in m] ixs = [int('j0126' in os.path.split(os.path.dirname(m))[1]) for m in mpath] if 'j0126' in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: return mpath[ixs.index(1)] ixs = [int('j0251' in os.path.split(os.path.dirname(m))[1]) for m in mpath] if 'j0251' in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: return mpath[ixs.index(1)] # assume its j0126 if 'j0251' not in global_params.config.working_dir and np.sum(ixs) == 1: mpath.pop(ixs.index(1)) assert len(mpath) == 1 return mpath[0] @property def mpath_glia_e3(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained to classify local 2D projections into glia vs. neuron (img2scalar). """ return self.model_dir + '/glia_e3/' @property def mpath_glia_pts(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to point-based model trained to classify local 2D projections into glia vs. neuron. """ mpath = glob.glob(self.model_dir + '/pts/*glia*/state_dict.pth') assert len(mpath) == 1 return mpath[0] @property def mpath_myelin(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on identifying myelinated cell parts within 3D EM raw data. """ return self.model_dir + '/myelin/model.pts' @property def mpath_syntype(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on identifying synapse types (symmetric vs. asymmetric) within 3D EM raw data. """ return self.model_dir + '/syntype/model.pts' @property def mpath_er(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on identifying cell parts occupied by ER within 3D EM raw data. """ return self.model_dir + '/er/model.pts' @property def mpath_golgi(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on identifying cell parts occupied by Golgi Apparatus within 3D EM raw data. """ return self.model_dir + '/golgi/model.pts' @property def mpath_mivcsj(self) -> str: """ Returns: Path to model trained on identifying synapse types (symmetric vs. asymmetric) within 3D EM raw data. """ return self.model_dir + '/mivcsj/' @property def mpath_syn_rfc(self) -> str: return self.model_dir + '/conn_syn_rfc//rfc' @property def mpath_syn_rfc_fallback(self) -> str: """ Path to rfc model created with sklearn==0.21.0 """ return self.model_dir + '/conn_syn_rfc//rfc_fallback' @property def allow_mesh_gen_cells(self) -> bool: """ If ``True``, meshes are not provided for cell supervoxels and will be computed from scratch, see :attr:`~syconn.handler.config.DynConf.use_new_meshing`. """ return bool(self['meshes']['allow_mesh_gen_cells']) @property def allow_ssv_skel_gen(self) -> bool: """ Controls whether cell supervoxel skeletons are provided a priori or can be computed from scratch. Currently this is done via a naive sampling procedure. Returns: Value stored at the config.yml file. """ return bool(self['skeleton']['allow_ssv_skel_gen']) @property def use_kimimaro(self) -> bool: """ Controls if skeletons should be generated with kimimaro Returns: value stores in config.yml file """ return bool(self['skeleton']['use_kimimaro']) # New config attributes, enable backwards compat. in case these entries do not exist @property def syntype_available(self) -> bool: """ Synaptic types are available as KnossosDataset. Will be used during the matrix generation. Returns: Value stored at the config.yml file. """ return bool(self['syntype_avail']) @property def use_point_models(self) -> bool: """ Use point cloud based models instead of multi-views. Returns: Value stored at the config.yml file. """ return bool(self['use_point_models']) @property def use_onthefly_views(self) -> bool: """ Generate views for cell type prediction on the fly. Returns: Value stored at the config.yml file. """ return bool(self['views']['use_onthefly_views']) @property def use_new_renderings_locs(self) -> bool: """ Use new rendering locations which are faster to computed and are located closer to the neuron surface. Returns: Value stored at the config.yml file. """ return bool(self['views']['use_new_renderings_locs']) @property def use_new_meshing(self) -> bool: """ Use new, dense meshing (``zmesh``) computed distributed on 3D sub-cubes. If ``False`` meshes are computed sparsely, i.e. per object/supervoxel. Returns: Value stored at the config.yml file. """ return bool(self['meshes']['use_new_meshing']) @property def qsub_work_folder(self) -> str: """ Directory where intermediate batchjob results are stored. Returns: Path to directory. """ return f"{self.working_dir}/{self['batch_proc_system']}/" @property def prior_astrocyte_removal(self) -> bool: """ If ``True`` astrocyte separation procedure will be initiated to create a astrocyte-separated RAG (see ``glia/neuron_svgraph.bz2`` and ``glia/astrocyte_svgraph.bz2``). Returns: Value stored in ``config.yml``. """ return self.entries['glia']['prior_astrocyte_removal'] @property def use_new_subfold(self) -> bool: """ Use new subfolder hierarchy where objects with similar IDs are stored in the same file. Returns: Value stored in ``config.yml``. """ use_new_subfold = self['paths']['use_new_subfold'] if use_new_subfold is not None: return bool(use_new_subfold) else: return False @property def batchjob_script_folder(self) -> str: return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../batchjob_scripts/") @property def ncore_total(self) -> int: return self['nnodes_total'] * self['ncores_per_node'] @property def ngpu_total(self) -> int: return self['nnodes_total'] * self['ngpus_per_node'] @property def asym_label(self) -> Optional[int]: return self['cell_objects']['asym_label'] @property def sym_label(self) -> Optional[int]: return self['cell_objects']['sym_label']
[docs]def generate_default_conf(working_dir: str, scaling: Union[Tuple, np.ndarray], syntype_avail: bool = True, use_new_renderings_locs: bool = True, kd_seg: Optional[str] = None, kd_sym: Optional[str] = None, kd_asym: Optional[str] = None, kd_sj: Optional[str] = None, kd_mi: Optional[str] = None, kd_vc: Optional[str] = None, kd_er: Optional[str] = None, kd_golgi: Optional[str] = None, init_svgraph_path: str = "", prior_astrocyte_removal: bool = True, use_new_meshing: bool = True, allow_mesh_gen_cells: bool = True, use_new_subfold: bool = True, force_overwrite=False, key_value_pairs: Optional[List[tuple]] = None): """ Generates the default SyConn configuration file, including paths to ``KnossosDatasets`` of e.g. cellular organelle predictions/prob. maps and the cell supervoxel segmentation, general settings for OpenGL (egl vs osmesa), the scheduling system (SLURM vs QSUB vs None) and various parameters for processing the data. See ``SyConn/scripts/example_run/`` for an example. ``init_svgraph_path`` can be set specifically in the config-file which is optional. By default it is set to ``init_svgraph_path = working_dir + "rag.bz2"``. SyConn then will require an edge list of the supervoxel graph, see also ``SyConn/scripts/example_run/``. Writes the file ``config.yml`` to `working_dir` after adapting the attributes as given by the method input. This file can also only contain the values of attributes which should differ from the default config at ``SyConn/syconn/handlers/config.yml``. SyConn refers to the latter if a parameter cannot be found in the config file inside the currently active working directory. Examples: The default config content is located at SyConn/syconn/handler/config.yml Args: working_dir: Folder of the working directory. scaling: Voxel size in NM. syntype_avail: If True, synapse objects will contain additional type property (symmetric vs asymmetric). use_new_renderings_locs: If True, uses new heuristic for generating rendering locations. kd_seg: Path to the KnossosDataset which contains the cell segmentation. kd_sym: Path to the symmetric type prediction. kd_asym: Path to the asymmetric type prediction. kd_sj: Path to the synaptic junction predictions. kd_mi: Path to the mitochondria predictions. kd_vc: Path to the vesicle cloud predictions. kd_er: Path to the ER predictions. kd_golgi: Path to the Golgi-Apparatus predictions. init_svgraph_path: Path to the initial supervoxel graph. prior_astrocyte_removal: If True, applies astrocyte separation before analysing cell reconstructions. use_new_meshing: If True, uses new meshing procedure based on `zmesh`. allow_mesh_gen_cells: If True, meshing of cell supervoxels will be permitted. use_new_subfold: If True, similar object IDs will be stored in the same storage file. force_overwrite: Will overwrite existing ``config.yml`` file. key_value_pairs: List of key-value pairs used to modify attributes in the config file. """ if kd_seg is None: kd_seg = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/seg/' if kd_sym is None: kd_sym = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/sym/' if kd_asym is None: kd_asym = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/asym/' if kd_sj is None: kd_sj = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/sj/' if kd_mi is None: kd_mi = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/mi/' if kd_vc is None: kd_vc = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/vc/' if kd_er is None: kd_er = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/er/' if kd_golgi is None: kd_golgi = working_dir + 'knossosdatasets/golgi/' default_conf = Config(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]) entries = default_conf.entries entries['paths']['kd_seg'] = kd_seg entries['paths']['kd_sym'] = kd_sym entries['paths']['kd_asym'] = kd_asym entries['paths']['kd_sj'] = kd_sj entries['paths']['kd_vc'] = kd_vc entries['paths']['kd_mi'] = kd_mi entries['paths']['kd_er'] = kd_er entries['paths']['kd_golgi'] = kd_golgi entries['paths']['init_svgraph'] = init_svgraph_path entries['paths']['use_new_subfold'] = use_new_subfold if type(scaling) is np.ndarray: scaling = scaling.tolist() entries['scaling'] = scaling entries['version'] = default_conf.version() entries['syntype_avail'] = syntype_avail entries['meshes']['allow_mesh_gen_cells'] = allow_mesh_gen_cells entries['meshes']['use_new_meshing'] = use_new_meshing entries['views']['use_new_renderings_locs'] = use_new_renderings_locs entries['glia']['prior_astrocyte_removal'] = prior_astrocyte_removal if key_value_pairs is not None: _update_key_value_pair_rec(key_value_pairs, entries) default_conf._working_dir = working_dir if os.path.isfile(default_conf.path_config) and not force_overwrite: raise ValueError(f'Overwrite attempt of existing config file at ' f'"{default_conf.path_config}".') default_conf.write_config(working_dir)
def _update_key_value_pair_rec(key_value_pairs, entries): for k, v in key_value_pairs: if k not in entries: raise KeyError(f'Key in provided key-value {k}:{v} pair ' f'does not exist in default config.') if type(v) is dict: _update_key_value_pair_rec(list(v.items()), entries[k]) else: entries[k] = v
[docs]def initialize_logging(log_name: str, log_dir: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = True): """ Logger for each package module. For import processing steps individual logger can be defined (e.g. ``proc``, ``reps``). Args: log_name: Name of the logger. log_dir: Set log_dir specifically. Will then create a filehandler and ignore the state of ``global_params.config['disable_file_logging']`` state. overwrite: Overwrite previous log file. Returns: The logger. """ if log_dir is None: log_dir = global_params.config['default_log_dir'] level = global_params.config['log_level'] logger = logging.getLogger(log_name) logger.setLevel(level) coloredlogs.install(level=global_params.config['log_level'], logger=logger, reconfigure=False) # True possibly leads to stderr output if not global_params.config['disable_file_logging'] or log_dir is not None: # create file handler which logs even debug messages if log_dir is None: log_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.SyConn/logs/" try: os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) except TypeError: if not os.path.isdir(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_fname = log_dir + '/' + log_name + '.log' if overwrite and os.path.isfile(log_fname): os.remove(log_fname) # add the handlers to logger fh = logging.FileHandler(log_fname) fh.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s (%(relative)smin) - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.addFilter(TimeFilter()) fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) return logger
class TimeFilter(logging.Filter): """""" def filter(self, record): try: last = self.last except AttributeError: last = record.relativeCreated delta = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(record.relativeCreated / 1000.0) - \ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(last / 1000.0) record.relative = '{0:.1f}'.format(delta.seconds / 60.) self.last = record.relativeCreated return True