Source code for syconn.handler.basics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert, Joergen Kornfeld

import collections
import contextlib
import gc
import glob
import os
import pickle as pkl
import re
import shutil
import signal
import tempfile
import zipfile
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Union

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import tqdm
from knossos_utils import KnossosDataset
from knossos_utils.skeleton import SkeletonAnnotation, SkeletonNode
from plyfile import PlyData

from . import log_handler
from .. import global_params

[docs]def kd_factory(kd_path: str, channel: str = 'jpg'): """ Initializes a KnossosDataset at the given `kd_path`. Notes: * Prioritizes pyk.conf files. Todo: * Requires additional adjustment of the data type, i.e. setting the channel explicitly currently leads to uint32 <-> uint64 issues in the CS segmentation. Args: kd_path: Path to the KnossosDataset. channel: Channel which to use. Currently not used. Returns: """ kd = KnossosDataset() # TODO: set appropriate channel # # kd.set_channel(channel) if os.path.isfile(kd_path): kd.initialize_from_conf(kd_path) elif len(glob.glob(f'{kd_path}/*.pyk.conf')) == 1: pyk_confs = glob.glob(f'{kd_path}/*.pyk.conf') kd.initialize_from_pyknossos_path(pyk_confs[0]) elif os.path.isfile(kd_path + "/mag1/knossos.conf"): # Initializes the dataset by parsing the knossos.conf in path + "mag1" kd_path += "/mag1/knossos.conf" kd.initialize_from_knossos_path(kd_path) else: raise ValueError(f'Could not find KnossosDataset config at {kd_path}.') return kd
[docs]def switch_array_entries(this_array, entries): entry_0 = this_array[entries[0]] this_array[entries[0]] = this_array[entries[1]] this_array[entries[1]] = entry_0 return this_array
[docs]def crop_bool_array(arr): """ Crops a bool array to its True region Args: arr: 3d bool array array to crop Returns: d bool array, list cropped array, offset """ in_mask_indices = [np.flatnonzero(arr.sum(axis=(1, 2))), np.flatnonzero(arr.sum(axis=(0, 2))), np.flatnonzero(arr.sum(axis=(0, 1)))] return arr[in_mask_indices[0].min(): in_mask_indices[0].max() + 1, in_mask_indices[1].min(): in_mask_indices[1].max() + 1, in_mask_indices[2].min(): in_mask_indices[2].max() + 1],\ [in_mask_indices[0].min(), in_mask_indices[1].min(), in_mask_indices[2].min()]
[docs]def group_ids_to_so_storage(ids, params, significant_digits=5): id_dict = defaultdict(list) param_dicts = [defaultdict(list) for _ in range(len(params))] for i_id in range(len(ids)): this_id = ids[i_id] this_id_str = "%.5d" % this_id id_dict[this_id_str[-significant_digits:]].append(this_id) for i_param in range(len(params)): param_dicts[i_param][this_id_str[-significant_digits:]].\ append(params[i_param][i_id]) return [id_dict] + param_dicts
[docs]def majority_element_1d(arr): """ Returns most frequent element in 'arr'. Args: arr: np.array Returns: scalar """ uni_el, cnts = np.unique(arr, return_counts=True) return uni_el[np.argmax(cnts)]
[docs]def get_paths_of_skelID(id_list, traced_skel_dir): """ Gather paths to kzip of skeletons with ID in id_list Args: id_list: list of str skeleton ID's traced_skel_dir: str directory of mapped skeletons Returns: list of str paths of skeletons in id_list """ mapped_skel_paths = get_filepaths_from_dir(traced_skel_dir) mapped_skel_ids = re.findall(r'iter_\d+_(\d+)', ''.join(mapped_skel_paths)) wanted_paths = [] for skelID in id_list: try: path = mapped_skel_paths[mapped_skel_ids.index(str(skelID))] wanted_paths.append(path) except: wanted_paths.append(None) return wanted_paths
[docs]def coordpath2anno(coords, scaling=None, add_edges=True): """ Creates skeleton from scaled coordinates, assume coords are in order for edge creation. Args: coords: np.array scaled cooridnates scaling: tuple add_edges: bool Returns: SkeletonAnnotation """ if scaling is None: scaling = global_params.config['scaling'] anno = SkeletonAnnotation() anno.scaling = scaling scaling = np.array(scaling, dtype=np.int32) rep_nodes = [] coords = np.array(coords, dtype=np.int32) for c in coords: unscaled_c = c / scaling n = SkeletonNode().from_scratch(anno, unscaled_c[0], unscaled_c[1], unscaled_c[2]) anno.addNode(n) rep_nodes.append(n) if add_edges: for i in range(1, len(rep_nodes)): anno.addEdge(rep_nodes[i-1], rep_nodes[i]) return anno
[docs]def get_filepaths_from_dir(directory, ending=('',), recursively=False, exclude_endings=False, fname_includes=()): """ Collect all files with certain ending from directory. Args: directory: str path to lookup directory ending: tuple/list/str ending(s) of files recursively: boolean add files from subdirectories exclude_endings: bool filenames with endings defined in endings will not be added fname_includes: str or list file names with this substring(s) will be added Returns: list of str paths to files """ # make it backwards compatible if type(ending) is str: ending = [ending] if type(fname_includes) is str: fname_includes = [fname_includes] files = [] corr_incl = True corr_end = True if recursively: for r, s, fs in os.walk(directory): for f in fs: if len(ending) > 0: corr_end = np.any( [f[-len(end):] == end for end in ending]) if exclude_endings: corr_end = not corr_end if len(fname_includes) > 0: corr_incl = np.any([substr in f for substr in fname_includes]) if corr_end and corr_incl: files.append(os.path.join(r, f)) else: for f in next(os.walk(directory))[2]: if len(ending) > 0: corr_end = np.any( [f[-len(end):] == end for end in ending]) if exclude_endings: corr_end = not corr_end if len(fname_includes) > 0: corr_incl = np.any([substr in f for substr in fname_includes]) if corr_end and corr_incl: files.append(os.path.join(directory, f)) return files
[docs]def read_txt_from_zip(zip_fname, fname_in_zip): """ Read text file from zip. Args: zip_fname: str fname_in_zip: str Returns: bytes """ with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fname, allowZip64=True) as z: txt = return txt
[docs]def read_mesh_from_zip(zip_fname, fname_in_zip): """ Read ply file from zip. Currently does not support normals! Args: zip_fname: str fname_in_zip: str Returns: np.array, np.array, np.array """ with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fname, allowZip64=True) as z: txt = plydata = vert = plydata['vertex'].data vert = vert.view((np.float32, len(vert.dtype.names))).flatten() ind = np.array(plydata['face'].data['vertex_indices'].tolist()).flatten() # TODO: support normals # norm = plydata['normals'].data # norm = vert.view((np.float32, len(vert.dtype.names))).flatten() return [ind, vert, None]
[docs]def read_meshes_from_zip(zip_fname, fnames_in_zip): """ Read ply files from zip. Currently does not support normals! Args: zip_fname: str fnames_in_zip: str Returns: np.array, np.array, np.array """ meshes = [] with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fname, allowZip64=True) as z: for fname_in_zip in fnames_in_zip: txt = plydata = vert = plydata['vertex'].data vert = vert.view((np.float32, len(vert.dtype.names))).flatten() ind = np.array(plydata['face'].data['vertex_indices'].tolist()).flatten() # TODO: support normals # norm = plydata['normals'].data # norm = vert.view((np.float32, len(vert.dtype.names))).flatten() meshes.append((ind, vert, None)) return meshes
[docs]def write_txt2kzip(kzip_path, text, fname_in_zip, force_overwrite=False): """ Write string to file in Args: kzip_path: str text: str or bytes fname_in_zip: str name of file when added to zip force_overwrite: bool Returns: """ texts2kzip(kzip_path, [text], [fname_in_zip], force_overwrite=force_overwrite)
[docs]def texts2kzip(kzip_path, texts, fnames_in_zip, force_overwrite=False): """ Write strings to files in Args: kzip_path: str texts: List[str] fnames_in_zip: List[str] name of file when added to zip force_overwrite: bool Returns: """ if not kzip_path.endswith(''): kzip_path += '' if os.path.isfile(kzip_path): try: if force_overwrite: with zipfile.ZipFile(kzip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: for i in range(len(texts)): zf.writestr(fnames_in_zip[i], texts[i]) else: for i in range(len(texts)): remove_from_zip(kzip_path, fnames_in_zip[i]) with zipfile.ZipFile(kzip_path, "a", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: for i in range(len(texts)): zf.writestr(fnames_in_zip[i], texts[i]) except Exception as e: log_handler.error("Couldn't open file {} for reading and overwri" "ting. {}".format(kzip_path, e)) else: try: with zipfile.ZipFile(kzip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: for i in range(len(texts)): zf.writestr(fnames_in_zip[i], texts[i]) except Exception as e: log_handler.error("Couldn't open file {} for writing. {}" "".format(kzip_path, e))
[docs]def write_data2kzip(kzip_path, fpath, fname_in_zip=None, force_overwrite=False): """ Write file to Args: kzip_path: str fpath: str fname_in_zip: str name of file when added to zip force_overwrite: bool Returns: """ data2kzip(kzip_path, [fpath], [fname_in_zip], force_overwrite)
[docs]def data2kzip(kzip_path: str, fpaths, fnames_in_zip=None, force_overwrite=True, verbose=False): """ Write files to Finally removes files at `fpaths`. Args: kzip_path: str fpaths: List[str] fnames_in_zip: List[str] name of file when added to zip force_overwrite: bool verbose: bool Returns: """ if not kzip_path.endswith(''): kzip_path += '' nb_files = len(fpaths) if verbose:'Writing {} files to .zip.'.format(nb_files)) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=nb_files, leave=False) if os.path.isfile(kzip_path): try: if force_overwrite: with zipfile.ZipFile(kzip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zf: for ii in range(nb_files): file_name = os.path.split(fpaths[ii])[1] if fnames_in_zip[ii] is not None: file_name = fnames_in_zip[ii] zf.write(fpaths[ii], file_name) if verbose: pbar.update() else: for ii in range(nb_files): file_name = os.path.split(fpaths[ii])[1] if fnames_in_zip[ii] is not None: file_name = fnames_in_zip[ii] remove_from_zip(kzip_path, file_name) with zipfile.ZipFile(kzip_path, "a", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zf: for ii in range(nb_files): file_name = os.path.split(fpaths[ii])[1] if fnames_in_zip[ii] is not None: file_name = fnames_in_zip[ii] zf.write(fpaths[ii], file_name) if verbose: pbar.update() except Exception as e: log_handler.error("Couldn't open file {} for reading and" " overwriting. Error: {}".format(kzip_path, e)) else: try: with zipfile.ZipFile(kzip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zf: for ii in range(nb_files): file_name = os.path.split(fpaths[ii])[1] if fnames_in_zip[ii] is not None: file_name = fnames_in_zip[ii] zf.write(fpaths[ii], file_name) if verbose: pbar.update() except Exception as e: log_handler.error("Couldn't open file {} for writing. Error: " "{}".format(kzip_path, e)) for ii in range(nb_files): os.remove(fpaths[ii]) if verbose: pbar.close()'Done writing files to .zip.')
[docs]def remove_from_zip(zipfname, *filenames): """ Removes filenames from zipfile Args: zipfname: str Path to zipfile *filenames: list of str files to delete Returns: """ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: tempname = os.path.join(tempdir, '') with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfname, 'r', allowZip64=True) as zipread: with zipfile.ZipFile(tempname, 'w', allowZip64=True) as zipwrite: for item in zipread.infolist(): if item.filename not in filenames: data = zipwrite.writestr(item, data) shutil.move(tempname, zipfname) finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
[docs]def write_obj2pkl(path, objects): """ Writes object to pickle file Args: path: str Destination. objects: object Returns: """ gc.disable() if isinstance(path, str): with open(path + ".tmp", 'wb') as output: pkl.dump(objects, output, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) shutil.move(path + ".tmp", path) else: log_handler.warn("Write_obj2pkl takes arguments 'path' (str) and " "'objects' (python object).") with open(objects + ".tmp", 'wb') as output: pkl.dump(path, output, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) shutil.move(objects + ".tmp", objects) gc.enable()
[docs]def load_pkl2obj(path): """ Loads pickle file of object Args: path: str path of source file Returns: """ gc.disable() try: with open(path, 'rb') as inp: objects = pkl.load(inp) except UnicodeDecodeError: # python3 compatibility with open(path, 'rb') as inp: objects = pkl.loads(, encoding='bytes') objects = convert_keys_byte2str(objects) gc.enable() return objects
[docs]def convert_keys_byte2str(dc): if type(dc) is not dict: return dc for k in list(dc.keys()): v = convert_keys_byte2str(dc[k]) if type(k) is bytes: dc[k.decode('utf-8')] = v del dc[k] return dc
[docs]def chunkify(lst: Union[list, np.ndarray], n: int) -> List[list]: """ Splits list into ``np.min([n, len(lst)])`` sub-lists. Args: lst: n: Examples: >>> chunkify(np.arange(10), 2) >>> chunkify(np.arange(10), 100) Returns: List of chunks. Length is ``np.min([n, len(lst)])``. """ if len(lst) < n: n = len(lst) return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)]
[docs]def chunkify_weighted(lst, n, weights): """ splits list into n sub-lists according to weights. Args: lst: list n: int weights: array Returns: """ if len(lst) < n: n = len(lst) return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)] # no weighting needed ordered = np.argsort(weights) lst = lst[ordered[::-1]] return [lst[i::n] for i in range(n)]
[docs]def chunkify_successive(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n]
[docs]def flatten_list(lst): """ Flattens list of lists. Same ordering as np.concatenate Args: lst: list of lists Returns: list """ res = np.array([el for sub in lst for el in sub]) return res
[docs]def flatten(x): """ Replacement for compiler.ast.flatten - this performs recursive flattening in comparison to the function above. Public domain code: python-3-replacement-for-deprecated-compiler-ast-flatten-function Args: x: Returns: flattend x """ def iselement(e): return not(isinstance(e, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(e, str)) for el in x: if iselement(el): yield el else: # py2 compat # yield from flatten(el) for subel in flatten(el): yield subel
[docs]def get_skelID_from_path(skel_path): """ Parse skeleton ID from filename. Args: skel_path: str path to skeleton Returns: int skeleton ID """ return int(re.findall(r'iter_0_(\d+)', skel_path)[0])
[docs]def safe_copy(src, dest, safe=True): """ Copies file and throws exception if destination exists. Taken from Misandrist on Stackoverflow (03/31/17). Args: src: str path to source file dest: str path to destination file safe: bool If False, copies file with replacement Returns: """ if safe: fd =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY) # Copy the file and automatically close files at the end with os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') as f: with open(src, 'rb') as sf: shutil.copyfileobj(sf, f) else: shutil.copy(src, dest)
# # class based on:
[docs]class DelayedInterrupt(object): def __init__(self, signals): if not isinstance(signals, list) and not isinstance(signals, tuple): signals = [signals] self.sigs = signals def __enter__(self): self.signal_received = {} self.old_handlers = {} for sig in self.sigs: self.signal_received[sig] = False self.old_handlers[sig] = signal.getsignal(sig) def handler(s, frame): self.signal_received[sig] = (s, frame) # Note: in Python 3.5, you can use signal.Signals(sig).name'Signal %s received. Delaying KeyboardInterrupt.' % sig) self.old_handlers[sig] = signal.getsignal(sig) signal.signal(sig, handler) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): for sig in self.sigs: signal.signal(sig, self.old_handlers[sig]) if self.signal_received[sig] and self.old_handlers[sig]: self.old_handlers[sig](*self.signal_received[sig])
[docs]def prase_cc_dict_from_txt(txt): """ Parse connected components from knossos mergelist text file Args: txt: str or bytes Returns: dict """ cc_dict = {} for line in txt.splitlines()[::4]: if type(line) is bytes: curr_line = line.decode() else: curr_line = line line_nb = np.array(re.findall(r"(\d+)", curr_line), dtype=np.uint64) curr_ixs = line_nb[3:] cc_ix = line_nb[0] curr_ixs = curr_ixs[curr_ixs != 0] cc_dict[cc_ix] = curr_ixs return cc_dict
[docs]def parse_cc_dict_from_kml(kml_path): """ Parse connected components from knossos mergelist text file Args: kml_path: str Returns: dict """ txt = open(kml_path, "rb").read().decode() return prase_cc_dict_from_txt(txt)
[docs]def parse_cc_dict_from_g(g): cc_dict = {} # use minimum ID in CC as SSV ID for cc in sorted(nx.connected_components(g), key=len, reverse=True): cc_dict[cc[0]] = cc return cc_dict
[docs]def parse_cc_dict_from_kzip(k_path): """ Args: k_path: str Returns: dict """ txt = read_txt_from_zip(k_path, "mergelist.txt").decode() return prase_cc_dict_from_txt(txt)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def temp_seed(seed): """ From Args: seed: Returns: """ state = np.random.get_state() np.random.seed(seed) try: yield finally: np.random.set_state(state)
[docs]def str_delta_sec(seconds: int) -> str: """ String time formatting - omits time units which are zero. Examples: >>> sec = 2 * 24 * 3600 + 12 * 3600 + 5 * 60 + 1 >>> str_rep = str_delta_sec(sec) >>> assert str_rep == '2d:12h:05min:01s' >>> assert str_delta_sec(4 * 3600 + 20 * 60 + 10) == '4h:20min:10s' Args: seconds: Number of seconds, e.g. result of a time delta. Returns: String representation, e.g. ``'2d:12h:05min:01s'`` for ``sec = 1 + 5 * 60 + 12 * 3600 + 2 * 24 * 3600``. """ m, s = divmod(int(seconds), 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) str_rep = '' if d > 0: str_rep += f'{d:d}d:' if h > 0: str_rep += f'{h:d}h:' if m > 0: str_rep += f'{m:02d}min:' str_rep += f'{s:02d}s' return str_rep