Source code for syconn.exec.exec_inference

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SyConn - Synaptic connectivity inference toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2016 - now
# Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology, Munich, Germany
# Authors: Philipp Schubert

import os
import shutil
from typing import Optional

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from syconn import global_params
from syconn.handler.basics import chunkify
from syconn.handler.config import initialize_logging
from syconn.handler.prediction_pts import predict_glia_ssv, predict_celltype_ssd, infere_cell_morphology_ssd, \
from import batchjob_utils as qu
from syconn.proc.glia_splitting import run_glia_splitting, collect_glia_sv, write_astrocyte_svgraph, transform_rag_edgelist2pkl
from syconn.proc.graphs import create_ccsize_dict
from syconn.proc.graphs import split_subcc_join
from syconn.reps.segmentation import SegmentationDataset
from syconn.reps.segmentation_helper import find_missing_sv_views
from syconn.reps.super_segmentation import SuperSegmentationDataset

[docs]def run_morphology_embedding(max_n_jobs: Optional[int] = None): """ Infer local morphology embeddings for all neuron reconstructions base on triplet-loss trained cellular morphology learning network (tCMN). The point based model is trained with the pts_loader_scalar (used for celltypes) Args: max_n_jobs: Number of parallel jobs. Notes: Requires :func:`~syconn.exec.exec_init.run_create_neuron_ssd`, :func:`~run_neuron_rendering` and :func:`~syconn.exec.skeleton.run_skeleton_generation`. """ if max_n_jobs is None: max_n_jobs = global_params.config.ngpu_total * 4 log = initialize_logging('morphology_embedding', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) pred_key_appendix = ""'Starting local morphology generation with {"points" if global_params.config.use_point_models else "views"}.') # sort ssv ids according to their number of SVs (descending) multi_params = ssd.ssv_ids[np.argsort(ssd.load_numpy_data('size'))[::-1]] if not qu.batchjob_enabled() and global_params.config.use_point_models: ssd_kwargs = dict(working_dir=ssd.working_dir, config=ssd.config) ssv_params = [dict(ssv_id=ssv_id, **ssd_kwargs) for ssv_id in multi_params] infere_cell_morphology_ssd(ssv_params) else: # split all cells into upper half and lower half (sorted by size) half_ix = len(multi_params) // 2 njobs_per_half = max(max_n_jobs // 2, 1) multi_params = chunkify(multi_params[:half_ix], njobs_per_half) + \ chunkify(multi_params[half_ix:], njobs_per_half) # add ssd parameters multi_params = [(ssv_ids, pred_key_appendix, global_params.config.use_point_models) for ssv_ids in multi_params] qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, "generate_morphology_embedding", n_cores=global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'], log=log, suffix="", additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1", remove_jobfolder=True)'Finished extraction of cell morphology embeddings.')
[docs]def run_cell_embedding(max_n_jobs: Optional[int] = None): """ Infer cell embeddings for all neuron reconstructions base on triplet-loss trained cellular morphology learning network (tCMN). The point based model is trained with the pts_loader_scalar (used for celltypes). Multi-views functionality is not implemented. Args: max_n_jobs: Number of parallel jobs. Notes: Requires :func:`~syconn.exec.exec_init.run_create_neuron_ssd`, :func:`~run_neuron_rendering` and :func:`~syconn.exec.skeleton.run_skeleton_generation`. """ if max_n_jobs is None: max_n_jobs = global_params.config.ngpu_total * 4 log = initialize_logging('morphology_embedding', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) pred_key_appendix = '_wholecell''Starting cell morphology generation with' f' {"points" if global_params.config.use_point_models else "views"}.') # sort ssv ids according to their number of SVs (descending) multi_params = ssd.ssv_ids[np.argsort(ssd.load_numpy_data('size'))[::-1]] if not qu.batchjob_enabled() and global_params.config.use_point_models: ssd_kwargs = dict(working_dir=ssd.working_dir, config=ssd.config) ssv_params = [dict(ssv_id=ssv_id, **ssd_kwargs) for ssv_id in multi_params] infere_cell_morphology_ssd(ssv_params, mpath=global_params.config.mpath_tnet_pts_wholecell) else: # split all cells into upper half and lower half (sorted by size) half_ix = len(multi_params) // 2 njobs_per_half = max(max_n_jobs // 2, 1) multi_params = chunkify(multi_params[:half_ix], njobs_per_half) + \ chunkify(multi_params[half_ix:], njobs_per_half) # add ssd parameters multi_params = [(ssv_ids, pred_key_appendix) for ssv_ids in multi_params] qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, "generate_cell_embedding", n_cores=global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'], log=log, suffix="", additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1", remove_jobfolder=True)'Finished extraction of whole-cell morphology embeddings.')
[docs]def run_celltype_prediction(max_n_jobs_gpu: Optional[int] = None): """ Run the celltype inference based on the ``img2scalar`` CMN. Args: max_n_jobs_gpu: Number of parallel GPU jobs. Notes: Requires :func:`~syconn.exec.exec_init.run_create_neuron_ssd` and :func:`~run_neuron_rendering`. """ if max_n_jobs_gpu is None: max_n_jobs_gpu = global_params.config.ngpu_total * 4 if qu.batchjob_enabled() else 2 log = initialize_logging('celltype_prediction', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) multi_params = ssd.ssv_ids[np.argsort(ssd.load_numpy_data('size'))[::-1]]'Starting cell type prediction with {"points" if global_params.config.use_point_models else "views"}.') if not qu.batchjob_enabled() and global_params.config.use_point_models: predict_celltype_ssd(ssd_kwargs=dict(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir), ssv_ids=multi_params) else: # split all cells into upper half and lower half (sorted by size) half_ix = len(multi_params) // 2 njobs_per_half = max(max_n_jobs_gpu // 2, 1) multi_params = chunkify(multi_params[:half_ix], njobs_per_half) + \ chunkify(multi_params[half_ix:], njobs_per_half) # job parameter will be read sequentially, i.e. in order to provide only # one list as parameter one needs an additonal axis multi_params = [(ixs, global_params.config.use_point_models) for ixs in multi_params] qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, "predict_cell_type", log=log, suffix="", additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1", n_cores=global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'], remove_jobfolder=True)'Finished prediction of {len(ssd.ssv_ids)} SSVs.')
[docs]def run_semsegaxoness_prediction(max_n_jobs_gpu: Optional[int] = None): """ Infer and map semantic segmentation of the 2D projections onto the cell reconstruction mesh (``ssv.label_dict('vertex')``) via ``semseg_of_sso_nocache``. The following skeleton attributes are generated by ``semsegaxoness2skel`` and available in :py:attr:`~syconn.reps.super_segmentation_object.SuperSegmentationObject.skeleton`: * "axoness": Vertex predictions mapped to skeleton (see ``global_params.config['compartments']['map_properties_semsegax']``. * "axoness_avg10000": Sliding window average along skeleton (10um traversal length). * "axoness_avg10000_comp_maj": Majority vote on connected components after removing the soma. Args: max_n_jobs_gpu: Number of parallel GPU jobs. """ if max_n_jobs_gpu is None: max_n_jobs_gpu = global_params.config.ngpu_total * 4 if qu.batchjob_enabled() else 1 if qu.batchjob_enabled(): n_cores = global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'] else: n_cores = global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] log = initialize_logging('compartment_prediction', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) multi_params = ssd.ssv_ids[np.argsort(ssd.load_numpy_data('size'))[::-1]] if not qu.batchjob_enabled() and global_params.config.use_point_models: ssd_kwargs = dict(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) predict_cmpt_ssd(ssd_kwargs=ssd_kwargs, ssv_ids=multi_params, bs=1) else: multi_params = chunkify(multi_params, max_n_jobs_gpu) # job parameter will be read sequentially, i.e. in order to provide only # one list as parameter one needs an additonal axis multi_params = [(ixs, global_params.config.use_point_models) for ixs in multi_params] path_to_out = qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, 'predict_axoness_semseg', log=log, suffix="", additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1", n_cores=n_cores, remove_jobfolder=False) shutil.rmtree(os.path.abspath(path_to_out + "/../"), ignore_errors=True)'Finished compartment prediction of {len(ssd.ssv_ids)} SSVs.')
[docs]def run_semsegspiness_prediction(max_n_jobs_gpu: Optional[int] = None): """ Will store semantic spine labels inside``ssv.label_dict('vertex')['spiness]``. Args: max_n_jobs_gpu: Number of parallel GPU jobs. Used for the inference. """ if max_n_jobs_gpu is None: max_n_jobs_gpu = global_params.config.ngpu_total * 4 if qu.batchjob_enabled() else 1 log = initialize_logging('compartment_prediction', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) ssd = SuperSegmentationDataset(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) multi_params = ssd.ssv_ids[np.argsort(ssd.load_numpy_data('size'))[::-1]] # split all cells into upper half and lower half (sorted by size) half_ix = len(multi_params) // 2 njobs_per_half = max(max_n_jobs_gpu // 2, 1) multi_params = chunkify(multi_params[:half_ix], njobs_per_half) + \ chunkify(multi_params[half_ix:], njobs_per_half) # job parameter will be read sequentially, i.e. in order to provide only # one list as parameter one needs an additional axis multi_params = [(ixs,) for ixs in multi_params] qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, 'predict_spiness_semseg', log=log, n_cores=global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'], suffix="", additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1", remove_jobfolder=True)'Finished spine prediction.')
[docs]def run_astrocyte_prediction_pts(max_n_jobs_gpu: Optional[int] = None): """ Predict astrocyte and neuron supervoxels with point cloud based convolutional networks. Notes: * post-processing currently requires locking. In order to prevent locking, an additional map-reduce step is required to write the final probas of all SVs in a "per-storage" (per chunk attribute dict) fashion. Args: max_n_jobs_gpu: Notes: Requires :func:`~syconn.exec_init.init_cell_subcell_sds`. """ if max_n_jobs_gpu is None: max_n_jobs_gpu = global_params.config.ngpu_total * 4 log = initialize_logging('glia_separation', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) pred_key = "glia_probas""Preparing RAG.") G = nx.read_edgelist(global_params.config.pruned_svgraph_path, nodetype=np.uint64) cc_gs = sorted(list((G.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(G))), key=len, reverse=True) # generate parameter for view rendering of individual SSV sds = SegmentationDataset("sv", working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) sv_size_dict = {} bbs = sds.load_numpy_data('bounding_box') * sds.scaling for ii in range(len(sds.ids)): sv_size_dict[sds.ids[ii]] = bbs[ii] # TODO: can be removed ccsize_dict = create_ccsize_dict(cc_gs, sv_size_dict, is_connected_components=True)"Preparing cells for glia prediction.") lo_first_n = global_params.config['glia']['subcc_chunk_size_big_ssv'] max_nb_sv = global_params.config['glia']['subcc_size_big_ssv'] + 2 * (lo_first_n - 1) multi_params = [] # Store supervoxels belonging to one cell and whether they have been partitioned or not for g in cc_gs: if g.number_of_nodes() > global_params.config['glia']['rendering_max_nb_sv']: # partition large SSVs into small chunks with overlap parts = split_subcc_join(g, max_nb_sv, lo_first_n=lo_first_n) multi_params.extend([(p, g.subgraph(p), True) for p in parts]) # TODO: can be removed elif ccsize_dict[list(g.nodes())[0]] < global_params.config['min_cc_size_ssv']: raise ValueError(f'Pruned rag did contain SSVs below minimum bounding box size!') else: multi_params.append((list(g.nodes()), g, False)) # only append to this key if needed (e.g. different versions) # TODO: sort by size! np.random.seed(0) np.random.shuffle(multi_params) # job parameter will be read sequentially, i.e. in order to provide only # one list as parameter one needs an additional axis if not qu.batchjob_enabled(): # Default SLURM fallback with Popen keeps freezing. working_dir = global_params.config.working_dir ssv_params = [] partitioned = dict() for sv_ids, g, was_partitioned in multi_params: ssv_params.append(dict(ssv_id=sv_ids[0], sv_ids=sv_ids, working_dir=working_dir, sv_graph=g, version='tmp')) partitioned[sv_ids[0]] = was_partitioned postproc_kwargs = dict(pred_key=pred_key, lo_first_n=lo_first_n, partitioned=partitioned) predict_glia_ssv(ssv_params, postproc_kwargs=postproc_kwargs) else: multi_params = [(el, pred_key) for el in chunkify(multi_params, max_n_jobs_gpu)] qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, 'predict_glia_pts', log=log, n_cores=global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'], suffix="", additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1", remove_jobfolder=True)'Finished glia prediction.')
[docs]def run_astrocyte_prediction(): """ Predict astrocyte supervoxels based on the ``img2scalar`` CMN. Notes: Requires :func:`~syconn.exec_init.init_cell_subcell_sds` and :func:`~run_astrocyte_rendering`. """ log = initialize_logging('glia_separation', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) # only append to this key if needed (e.g. different versions) pred_key = "glia_probas" # Load initial RAG from Knossos mergelist text file. g = nx.read_edgelist(global_params.config.pruned_svgraph_path, nodetype=np.uint64) all_sv_ids_in_rag = np.array(list(g.nodes()), dtype=np.uint64) log.debug('Found {} CCs with a total of {} SVs in inital RAG.'.format( nx.number_connected_components(g), g.number_of_nodes())) # chunk them sd = SegmentationDataset("sv", working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) multi_params = chunkify(sd.so_dir_paths, global_params.config.ngpu_total * 2) # get model properties model_kwargs = 'get_glia_model_e3' # all other kwargs like obj_type='sv' and version are the current SV # SegmentationDataset by default so_kwargs = dict(working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir) # for glia views set woglia to False (because glia are included), # raw_only to True pred_kwargs = dict(woglia=False, pred_key=pred_key, verbose=False, raw_only=True) multi_params = [[par, model_kwargs, so_kwargs, pred_kwargs] for par in multi_params] n_cores = global_params.config['ncores_per_node'] // global_params.config['ngpus_per_node'] qu.batchjob_script(multi_params, "predict_sv_views_chunked_e3", log=log, script_folder=None, n_cores=n_cores, suffix="_glia", additional_flags="--gres=gpu:1", remove_jobfolder=True)'Finished glia prediction. Checking completeness.') res = find_missing_sv_views(sd, woglia=False, n_cores=global_params.config['ncores_per_node']) missing_contained_in_rag = np.intersect1d(res, all_sv_ids_in_rag) if len(missing_contained_in_rag) != 0: msg = "Not all SVs were predicted! {}/{} missing:\n" \ "{}".format(len(missing_contained_in_rag), len(all_sv_ids_in_rag), missing_contained_in_rag[:100]) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else:'Success.')
[docs]def run_astrocyte_splitting(): """ Uses the pruned RAG at ``global_params.config.pruned_svgraph_path`` (stored as edge list .bz2 file) which is computed in :func:`~syconn.exec.exec_init.init_cell_subcell_sds` to split astrocyte fragments from neuron reconstructions and separate those and entire glial cells from the neuron supervoxel graph. Stores neuron SV graph at :attr:`~syconn.handler.config.DynConfig.neuron_svgraph_path` which is then used by :func:`~syconn.exec.exec_init.run_create_neuron_ssd`. Todo: * refactor how splits are stored, currently those are stored at ssv_tmp Notes: Requires :func:`~syconn.exec_init.init_cell_subcell_sds`, :func:`~run_astrocyte_rendering` and :func:`~run_astrocyte_prediction`. """ log = initialize_logging('astrocyte_separation', global_params.config.working_dir + '/logs/', overwrite=False) G = nx.read_edgelist(global_params.config.pruned_svgraph_path, nodetype=np.uint64) log.debug('Found {} CCs with a total of {} SVs in inital RAG.'.format( nx.number_connected_components(G), G.number_of_nodes())) if not os.path.isdir(global_params.config.working_dir + "/glia/"): os.makedirs(global_params.config.working_dir + "/glia/") transform_rag_edgelist2pkl(G) # first perform glia splitting based on multi-view predictions, results are # stored at SuperSegmentationDataset ssv_gliaremoval run_glia_splitting() # collect all neuron and glia SVs and store them in numpy array collect_glia_sv() # use reconnected RAG or initial rag here recon_nx = G # create glia / neuron RAGs write_astrocyte_svgraph(recon_nx, global_params.config['min_cc_size_ssv'], log=log)"Finished astrocyte splitting. Resulting neuron and astrocyte SV graphs are stored at {}." "".format(global_params.config.working_dir + "/glia/"))